legal drinking age in italy

The legal drinking age is 16; so it isn't sanctioned by majority that is 18. Anyway, drinking is not really necessary for people to have fun! In Italy, on the other hand, this is very different. The legal drinking age in the United States has been 21 since the National Minimum Drinking Age Act in 1984. I'm aware that the age to purchase alcohol is 18, but is it also the consumption age? Lv 7. Save. However, as a traveler to Italy, you must follow the law even if the regulations related to the drinking age in Italy are not as strict as in other countries like America. Most Russians believe that the minimum drinking age in the country is 18 years. The legal drinking age is 18. However, you have to know that drinking in Italy isn't the same as in most other countries in the world. Bellini is one of the most popular cocktails you can try in Italy. Legal Drinking Age Italy. As the legal drinking age in Italy is 16, locals under that age are also not allowed to purchase alcohol in Italy. I had the pleasure of sitting next to two talkative Italian women on my flight to Paris a few weeks ago. Drinking Age on Military Bases in Other Countries . The legal drinking age in any country defines the age at which an individual is permitted to consume alcohol. As such, drinking them is a great way to end a rich meal. Here, the drinking culture considers the enjoyment of alcohol a part of the culture rather than an offense - as long, of course, as it is done in moderation. In most regions, you need to be 16 to be allowed to buy drinks of 10% alcohol content or below. But anyone who has experienced this beautiful country knows that just like their food, Italians take their drinks very seriously. Minimum age is 19. You’ll Be Surprised to Know! After all, who could resist spicy, crispy crostini, a wickedly rich plate of pasta, and of course, a large slice of freshly baked pizza? Copyright © 2020 ForTravelista. Italy's official legal drinking age is a bit of a mystery. 5 years ago. In these countries, parents can invite his 16-year-old child to alcohol, but the child may not purchase its own until the age of 18. A popular aperitivo drink is Aperol Spritz, a bright orange mix of aperol, prosecco, soda, and orange. Montenegro means Black Mountain. Even though it’s prohibited for minors to purchase alcohol in the country, it may happen, as in some cases sellers may not care enough to check customers' age. Alcohol may also cause complications such as liver failure and hormonal imbalance in minors due to the constant changes in their bodies as they mature, especially during puberty. Of course, this is fairly different from other countries like the United States, where minors are not given such leeway to drink alcohol. Initially, this wine originating from Tuscany was made from white grapes. By John Misachi on January 7 2019 in World Facts. These countries include Barbados, the British Virginia Islands, Cuba, Luxembourg, Panama, Serbia, Serbia, and Zimbabwe. Ninety-six (96) countries/possessions in the world have a minimum drinking age of zero. New year's celebrations often include toasting with flutes of Champagne. For some people, introducing minors to alcohol interferes with their normal expected activities such as studies. The minimum legal drinking age in this country is 16 years. Alcohol may also influence their behaviors. In 2012, the then Health Minister Renato Balduzzi proposed raising the minimum alcohol drinking age to 18. Aperitives can be cocktails, wine, liqueurs, and any Italian mixed alcoholic drinks for adults, or Italian non-alcoholic drinks for minors. This custom is related to earning trust, and manifests in different forms in a lot of countries. In Italy, law nr. There’s not a big cultural tradition, at least in the past years, of minors drinking alcohol for the sake of pleasure, as a generally accepted thing. The legal age should be 18 anyway don't drink too much ;) Italy has a significantly lower legal drinking age compared to the U.S. as well as looser laws regarding alcohol consumption. Source(s): The laws regarding the legal drinking age vary from country to country. This colorful, refreshing cocktail is such a success that it is now on the menu of many bars worldwide. It is a part of the country's cultural practice, and this relaxed approach is totally normal in Italy. 16, for ANY kind of alcohlic drinks; in some other European Countries there is a difference between soft (wine, beer) and strong drinks, like in France (16 and 18); Italian law state it's forbidden to serve alcoholic drinks to minor of 16 in any public places (art. The people of the country are happy to enjoy a drink in the company of tourists. | In some countries, especially Muslim countries, alcohol is completely banned, with an exception sometimes made for non-Muslims. There are rules to protect minors, but otherwise, drinking is seen as more of a social activity than an offense. However, prior to the enactment of the National Minimum Drinking Age Act of 1984, the legal age when alcohol could be … 5 Cities with The Best Street Foods In The World. It is a mixture of champagne and peach puree.Another one you must add to your list of Italian drinks is Campari. Another drink Italy is well known for is coffee. Common digestives include Nocino, Limoncello, and Galliano. Additionally, participates in various other affiliate programs, and we sometimes get a commission through purchases made through our links. To clink glasses or to cheer, you can say “Salute," "Buona fortuna," or "Cin cin" (pronounced "chin chin"). They can drink from their own glass. As a general rule of etiquette, look in the eyes of the person you are drinking with when you have to clink glasses during a toast. However, as a traveler to Italy, you must follow the law even if the regulations related to the drinking age in Italy are not as strict as in other countries like America. Anyway, drinking is not really necessary for people to have fun. Italy. Hi all, I'll be travelling with my 16 year old son (who looks and sounds like an adult) to Italy, and I am after clarification about the laws regarding the consumption of alcohol by minors.It seems to be a bit of a grey area. And of those that have higher legal drinking ages, the average age is 18.6.The enforcement of minimum legal drinking ages also varies widely between countries. But how do these differences in regulation affect consumption and safety of alcohol? lt depends on the bar which you will go. Just to the north of the U.S. is Canada, which has a legal drinking age of 18 to 19. They drink water or soft drinks. As you can see, the legal drinking age in Italy is different from the lawful age in most. No, the Brown University anthropology professor is not advocating getting kids drunk. When it comes to minors' drinking, Italy is a liberal country. Hi, I'm italian. For some countries in Europe, like Italy for example, children are eased into the drinking … So, what do you think about the drinking culture in Italy? However, if you want to try something more adventurous, then you may want to spike it with a drop of alcohol. Minimum age is 21. Everyone, all over the world, enjoys Italian food. However, there are no laws or regulations prohibiting minors from taking alcoholic drinks. This is a country that is located in the south eastern part of o Europe. Italians, if they want to give their children wine, usually cut it with water. On the contrary, selling alcohol to persons under the age of 18 years is prohibited by federal and regional laws and may attract fines and even jail terms. Believe it or not, there are even some nations where the drinking age is far lower. Generally, however, it is considered to be a superstition. The minimum drinking age on a U.S. military installation located outside the United States is 18 years of age. It is normally consumed with red meat or creamy pasta. Although the majority of the countries around the world have set the MLDA at 18 years, 16 years is considered the youngest drinking age. The law is rarely enforced. Italy. Drinking Age in Italy. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Giving alcohol to those under 16 years is considered a crime and is punishable by up to one-year imprisonment. In many nations, officers generally don’t enforce the law in the absence of ab… The United States (except Puerto Rico and Virginia’s Island) and 19 other countries, especially Asian countries, have the highest set MLDA. Usually, minors' parents buy alcohol and let them drink at home, so it’s not very necessary. The laws on MLDA cover a wide range of issues including when and where alcohol can be consumed and vary from country to country. FOOD & DRINK. 5 years ago. Many people allow minors to have a sip of wine at meals. Major Muslim Empires During The Middle Ages. Some sources say the legal age is 16 others, 18. Everyone, all over the world, enjoys Italian food. However, you still have to keep in mind that although minors don't incur any direct penalties or illegal charges for drinking alcoholic in public, if they get caught drinking alcohol, they still need to be identified by the authorities and, preferably, bought to their parents. 0 0. conley39. It’s socially acceptable to drink alcohol as long as you are with your parents. 3. At least eight countries and regions have set their MLDA at 16 years. If you opt for a lighter meal, for instance fish or seafood, then a dry white wine like Pinot Grigio will work perfectly. If anyone under the age of 18 sells liquor in Italian shops, they face a … And often within countries. Hi all, I'll be travelling with my 16 year old son (who looks and sounds like an adult) to Italy, and I am after clarification about the laws regarding the consumption of alcohol by minors.It seems to be a bit of a grey area. Minimum age is 20. Claudia… Depending on where you are, the legal drinking age varies from 16 to 25. Unlike in America, fake IDs are not common in Italy. There are at least 8 countries where the minimum drinking age is 16 years old. While most countries have a legal age for both purchasing and drinking alcohol, there are some others which impose a … In Italy as well in, , failing to do it may attract bad luck. However, throughout the years, it turned into a delicious red wine. These are normally made of herb-infused liqueurs recognized for their digestive elements. Italy’s official legal drinking age is a bit of a mystery. ​When dinner is served, the wine starts to pour. It is not usual to see kids sitting in restaurants drinking wine. Citizens under the age of 18 may not vote (to vote for senators, 25), be elected, obtain a driving license for automobiles or issue or sign legal instruments. In Italy, every meal is considered a social event that can last for hours. Italians love gathering in bars for a quick drink and a snack before having proper dinner. 1 0. There are many minors in the country who commonly enjoy alcohol, especially on special occasions. This is quite different from Anglo-Saxon cultures, where this kind of behavior can sometimes even earn you admiration and respect from the people around you. Moreover, there is no heavy penalty for teens drinking under 16 years old. In Italy there isn't a legal drinking age; national law only states is illegal to serve alcoholic drinks to minor of 16 in public places (pubs, restaurants, etc); more recently, some local administrations enforced some further rules: in Milan, is also forbidden to sell alcoholic drinks to minor of 16, and minor of 16 can't drink in public places. Here, the drinking culture considers the enjoyment of alcohol a part of the culture rather than an offense - as long, of course, as it is done in moderation. But at what ages can the world's young people start legally sipping bubbly? That’s slightly younger than the lawful age set by many countries. By legal drinking age we mean the minimum age when an individual can either purchase or consume alcoholic beverages. I. Minimum age … All rights reserved. Drinking is less dangerous than other activities that you can do at 18. then lt depends also on the alcholic drink you want to drink. Therefore, there are many great concoctions to try. In fact, there are several countries where there are no absolute laws against drinking. Despite the regulations, many minors enjoy alcoholic drinks, especially in the company of their parents and during social events. Beyond the legal drinking age in Italy, there are a few other things that are useful to know to help you blend in and enjoy the local culture: Italian drinks play an important role in Italian culture. With 25% alcohol content, it is normally enjoyed with wine, soda water, or cocktails. However, in Zimbabwe, a person is allowed to sell or supply alcoholic drinks to children under 16 years upon the proof of a written document signed by parents or guardians of the minor known to the person selling the alcohol. Some restaurants and establishments may indeed refuse to serve minors even if they are with their parents, although not all. Some sources say the legal age is 16 others, 18. Hi, I’m Alice Ross, a long-term traveler who left the corporate world to travel the world. The legal age was raised to 18 a couple of years ago. Higher minimum drinking ages may be based on international treaties and agreements and on the local situation as determined by the local installation commander. Even though it’s prohibited for minors to purchase alcohol in the country, it may happen, as in some cases sellers may not care enough to check customers' age. Public intoxication brings shame not only to yourself but also to your family. A person must be at least 18 to purchase and possess alcohol while in the country. Unlike in America, fake IDs are not common in Italy. Minimum Legal Drinking Age (MLDA) laws specify the legal age when an individual can purchase alcoholic beverages. The majority of the countries have set MLDA at 18 or 19 years. 39 of March 8, 1975, states that a minor is a person under the age of 18. When asked what the minimum legal drinking age should be in the U.S., Heath says 8, or maybe even 6. Eight Exceptions to the Minimum Legal Drinking Age (MLDA) of 21: Underage alcohol consumption allowed… States: 1. on private, non alcohol-selling premises, with parental consent in 29 states Example: private home, private office, or private property with parental presence and consent During the . There's no legal minimum age for drinking in Italy - or in most civilised countries. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to However, some areas in India have drinking ages as high as 25-30 years. Re: Legal Drinking Age. Some have an even lower age of purchase at 16 for beer and wine. By Alice Ross 689 Italian penal code); actually there isn't a law stating there's a "legal drinking age". After all, who could resist spicy, crispy. However, the commonly known reason for banning minors from taking alcohol until they attain a certain age is the effect of alcohol as on the brain in adolescents. Italy has set a minimum legal drinking age at 16 years, … The Minimum Legal Drinking Age (MLDA) is the minimum age at which a person is legally allowed to handle or consume alcoholic drinks. But for many travelers visiting Italy, the first question they need to answer is, “What is the drinking age in Italy?”. Italy is one of the lowest MLDAs in the world. At 18, you can join the military, get married and raise a family, purchase a firearm, and serve on a jury—all of which require a significant amount of risk or responsibility. Some nations have laws in place prohibiting minors from purchasing alcohol but no laws preventing alcohol consumption. In Saskatchewan, the legal gambling age and the legal drinking age are both 19. Some countries differentiate between the legal age for drinking and of legal age to purchase alcohol. Meanwhile, in countries like Spain and, If you are staying in Italy for a while, you need to get used to. The MLDA in the United States is 21 years. In every bar they can ask you to show your identity papers. The average (mean) minimum legal drinking age around the globe is 10.3. Get more travel inspiration, tips and exclusive offers sent straight to your inbox. I was also surprised to find out that some countries don’t even have a minimum drinking age. Italy has set a minimum legal drinking age at 16 years, one of the lowest MLDA in the world. Several reasons have been given for the laws and regulations behind the minimum legal drinking age. Drinking Age in Montenegro - Europe. Throughout much of Europe, the legal drinking and purchasing age ranges between 16 and 18, and often there isn't a drinking age at all; it's not uncommon to see children drinking a … When President Ronald "Just Say No" Reagan signed the act, he issued a blanket requirement for all states to raise their drinking age, … I'm aware that the age to purchase alcohol is 18, but is it also the consumption age? When travelling to Italy, it's not easy to miss the party since most major cities like to enjoy la dolce vita and live it up. If you want to try the most popular Italian wine, then go for Chianti. All maps, graphics, flags, photos and original descriptions © 2020 How does it compare to your country's? It is normal to start the meal with an aperitif that helps to whet the appetite. But another interesting question is, what are the signature traditional ltalian drinks?Since you already have the answer to the question what is the drinking age in Italy, the next thing you may want to know is what drinks you should choose. As you can see, the legal drinking age in Italy is different from the lawful age in most parts of the world. 12 years ago. What Is the Drinking Age in Italy? You may be surprised to know that the legal drinking age in the country is 16 years old, which is probably the youngest drinking age in the world. In 2002, Renato Balduzzi, the then Health Minister proposed to raise the minimum drinking age to 18 years. Strangely, though, alcohol is held to a different standard. If you love citrusy flavors, then make sure to try out Limoncello, a famous lemon-based drink from Southern Italy. Lastly, a must-try sparkling wine option is Asti Spumante. Most of the time, this is done with nut liqueur or cognac, but Bailey's and Vov are also common. Alcohol is a part of every culture as a social activity. According to the Italian penal code, a restaurant owner or bartender can be jailed for serving alcohol to customers aged below 16, as well as to people suffering from mental disabilities. Kyubii. Therefore, there are many great concoctions to try. While the legal drinking age in the United States is 21, drinking ages in other countries vary and are typically a reflection of the culture and societal values. However, selling alcoholic drinks to children under the age of 18 years in premises is considered illegal and attracts a fine of €250 to €1000. And more importantly, it's essential to know the answer to the question, "What is the legal drinking age in Italy?". The thing about Italy is that drinking is often an accompaniment to certain activities, and getting drunk is usually frowned upon. I chose to live life on my own phase and live day by day while immersing myself in new experiences, new knowledge, and new people in a different walk of life I met along the way. or digestive drink is normally served after a nice meal. If you have not been to Italy before, it might be hard to tempt you away from the many delicious wines. In these countries, it is an offense for anyone to sell, give, or offer alcoholic drinks to people under the age of 16 years. How Many Ice Ages Have Been Recorded In Earth's History? As the legal drinking age in Italy is 16, locals under that age are also not allowed to purchase alcohol in Italy. Let us know in a comment below! Even though the majority of the world's countries have set their legal drinking age at 18 years old, 16 is known to be the youngest legal drinking age anywhere. In Sweden, it’s legal to drink at 18 years, but 20 years is the limit to buy alcohol in stores. 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