german flakpanzer iv wirbelwind

Hello, It mounted a quad 20mm Flakvierling 38 which was housed in a nine sided turret which could fully revolve at 360°. In early 1944, Generaloberst Guderian, Generalinspekteur der Panzertruppen (Inspector-General for Armored Troops), gave the In 6 (Inspektion der Panzertruppen 6/ Armored Troops inspection office 6) direct orders to begin work on a new Flakpanzer. In February 1945, the Panzer Flak Zuge were divided into three groups (Ausfuhrung A, B, and C). Photo: SOURCE Photo: SOURCE, Today, only two Wirbelwinds are known to have survived the war, one in Canada and one in Germany. The 2 cm Flak 38 Flakvierling anti-aircraft quad gun was placed in a nine-sided, open-topped turret. The Wirbelwind proved to be an effective anti-aircraft vehicle. This gun was transported on the Sonderanhanger 52 platform and carriage which was the same as for the one gun Flak 38 original version but enlarged and strengthened., Duits gevechtsvoertuig in de Tweede Wereldoorlog, Wikipedia:Lokale afbeelding anders dan op Wikidata, Creative Commons Naamsvermelding/Gelijk delen, Mediabestanden die bij dit onderwerp horen, zijn te vinden op de pagina. On the 8th June 1944, the Ostbau-Sagan (from Segan in Schlesien) was charged with the production of the Wirbelwind Flakpanzer. The only real connection that the Flak gun had with the turret were three metal lugs under the crew seats. This one has no shield armor. This Wirbelwind was hit by an ISU-122 (according to D. Terlisten) during the battle at Lake Balaton in 1945. Toen de Wirbelwind in gebruik werd genomen was 20 mm-geschut niet meer erg effectief tegen vliegtuigen; de Wirbelwind werd snel aangevuld door de Ostwind die een enkele 3,7cm-Flak 43 had. “These tests were held in July of 1944, and around 9,993 rounds of ammunition were fired against air and ground targets without any problem to the gun or the vehicle itself.” Tachtig voertuigen werden besteld van een type dat in mei 1944 voorgesteld was door Verskraft te Kummersdorf: de Wirbelwind. Isn’t that too perfectly round for a hit? Bryan Perrett (New Vanguard) states that a total of 140 Wirbelwinds were built. The armor of these plates was 16 mm thick. The men in charge of the whole project were Lt. Graf von Seherr-Thoss. Basically it was created by replacing the regular turret of a Panzer IV with a 20mm Flakvierling … Its effective range was 2 km (6562 ft) or 2.2 km (7229 ft), depending on the source, with the maximum horizontal range of 5780 m (5230 yds). Het pantser en het snelvuur van de vier kanonnen van de Wirbelwind waren wel erg effectief tegen infanterie. I’m building this tank model now and the kit doesn’t have a hatch there. There were plans to add extra armor plates at the top for better protection but this was never done. Er zaten geen luiken in de toren omdat er geen tijd meer was ze te ontwerpen; de bemanning moest er dus steeds in- en uitklauteren. The maximum rate of fire was 1680 to 1920 rpm, (700-800 rpm was a more appropriate operational rate of fire). The gun shield was also removed. The Wirbelwind anti-aircraft armament came from its four FlaK 38 anti-aircraft guns mounted in an octogonal open … These vehicles managed to shoot down 27 Allied aircraft’s. Guderian stelde op eigen autoriteit vijftig nieuwe PzKpfw IV-onderstellen beschikbaar; de tankschaarste bij de Duitsers was toen al zo nijpend dat alleen met speciale toestemming van het Westelijk Opperbevel op 27 juli nog eens dertig onderstellen mochten worden gebruikt die van dat strijdtoneel als te herbouwen wrak naar de fabriek waren teruggestuurd. This gun had an effective range of around 2 km, enough to engage low flying attack planes. This can be seen in the report of the s.Pz.Abt.503: ‘… the Vierling (Wirbelwind) have proven especially useful. The 2 cm Flak 38 Flakvierling had to be adapted in order to fit in this turret. They would either try to bring it down or to force them to abandon the attack and find another easier target. Tamiya German Flakpanzer IV Wirbelwind. I would have said the Panzer IV had sixteen wheels each side, in eight pairs. Waffentechnik im Zweiten Weltkrieg, Parragon books. The Wirbelwind (whirlwind) was introduced in 1944 to fulfill the need of the German army for a anti-air defense system that could acompany armored columns and counter the increasing threat posed by Allied fighter bombers. The German industry was hard pressed mostly due to the high demands for more combat vehicles and constant Allied bombing raids so the possibility of designing and a building a new vehicle would take too much time and resources (both were lacking by 1944). With the addition of the Flakpanzer IV Wirbelwind, Tamiya gives modelers yet another interesting subject for such projects. As these vehicles had very limited or no armor, they were vulnerable to enemy fire either from ground or air. Prijs per stuk. The five-man crew consisted of the commander/gunner, two loaders, a driver and a radio operator. The 2 cm Flak 38 proved to be a successful weapon during the war, especially the four-barrel Flakvierling versions. It was sent (together with Ostwind prototype) to Bad Kuhlungsborn on the Baltic Coast for live firing tests of the guns. A was the standard unit which included four Wirbelwinds and four Möbelwagens. The workers under his command (80 in total) were mostly recruited from Panzer-Ersatz und Ausbildungs-Abteilung 15. Maximum speed was 38 km/h with an operational range of 200 km. The Möbelwagen had sufficient firepower to destroy enemy planes and the crew was protected by armored plates on four sides, which needed to be dropped down to use the gun effectively. The Wirbelwind (Whirlwind) was also built on the chassis of the Panzer Mk IV and these like the ones used to build the Möbelwagen, were initially sent back to be overhauled. Total production 240 De bepantsering van de toren was 16 millimeter. To help with the rotation, ball bearings were added into this base which made turret movement much easier. There were original plans to add two side hatch doors on the fighting compartment (on both sides) but as it would cause future delays in production this idea was never implemented. History. In early 1944, Untersturmführer Karl Wilhelm Krause (commander of the Flakabteilung of the 12th SS Panzer Regiment part of the ‘Hitlerjugend’ Division) made plans for an experimental Flakpanzer. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. The Germans already had copious amounts of half-tracked Self-Propelled Anti-Aircraft Guns of different calibres and weights (Sd.Kfz.10/4, Sd.Kfz.6/2, Sd.Kfz.7/1, etc). G by the single 50 mm front armor plate. Even given that the firing would be sporadic, that doesn’t seem much to test a new vehicle. The Ostmark-werke (Wienna) was tasked with the 2 cm Flakvierling modification and the turrets were provided and built by the Deutsche Rohrenwerke. As the Wirbelwind was constructed by using rebuilt Panzer IV chassis of different versions, there were some minor detail differences. It has a simple three sided gun shield. Bestel. Er was een munitievoorraad van 3200 patronen en er werden vier reservelopen meegevoerd. Get all 4 Tank Encyclopedia Magazine issues for 25% off! Each of these nine-sided plates were built by welding two angled armored plates. This article will use Wirbelwind name mostly due simplicity but also because large numbers of different authors use it. As with most German late war built vehicles, the total number of produced Wirbelwinds is hard to establish. The production could never meet these numbers. Design and development of the Wirbelwind began in 1944 when a German officer - Karl Krause - brought his Panzer IV-based idea to authorities to which the design was ultimately approved by Hitler himself. Detlev Terlisten (1999). Due to the war end and a low number of build Ostwinds, this reorganization was never truly implemented. The turret was instead traversed by using the main gun traverse. De Flakpanzer IV Wirbelwind (Wervelwind in het Nederlands) was een luchtdoelvoertuig gebaseerd op de Panzerkampfwagen IV.Hij werd in 1944 ontwikkeld als vervanger van de eerdere luchtdoeltank Möbelwagen.. Vergelijk hier online de prijzen van Tamiya German Flakpanzer IV Wirbelwind - 4950344997022 EAN 4950344997022 Panzer divisions were especially affected by the lack of cover from fighter aircraft because they were always at the center of the most intense fighting. The Flak 38 Flakvierling was also used as a mobile mounted weapon on several German vehicles, like half-tracks (Sk.Kfz 7/1), tanks, trucks, and even on armored trains. The only negative side is that it was produced in low numbers by the end of the war. The first attempt was the Flakpanzer I, which was built only in limited numbers and was more an improvisation of an existing design rather than a purpose-built vehicle. It was designed to shoot down low-flying aircraft but it was also found to be very effective when used against unarmored ground targets. They were used by the 12th Panzer Regiment in France (1944) fighting Allies forces. The crew needed better protection from small arms fire and artillery/mortar high explosive fragmentation shell shrapnel. This report had a major impact in making a final decision to produce the first prototype. De rotatiesnelheid van de toren was 28° per seconde met handbediening, 60° met hydraulische bekrachtiging. 16-jun-2016 - Deze pin is ontdekt door My Info. At first, it was mostly used by the German Kriegsmarine (navy) to provide anti-air defence for battleships, destroyers and cruisers. Thanks to some combat reports like the one from the s.Pz.Abt.503 (source Panzer Tracts No.12), we have information that there are individual crews who simply called these vehicles ‘Vierling’ (due to its four guns). C with eight Möbelwagens. Duško Nešić (2008). Observers from In 6 reported positive results for this vehicle and that the whole construction was feasible and without problems. When the Wirbelwind demonstration was completed, Generaloberst Guderian was informed that some 20 Wirbelwinds could be produced by July 1944. Beside the Wirbelwind Flakpanzer, another project was also presented: the Alkett Flakpanzer IV armed with 3.7 cm Flak 43. The suspension and running gear were the same as those of the original Panzer IV, with no changes to its construction. Kfz. Panzer IV and its Variants, Schiffer Publishing Ltd. Media in category "Flakpanzer IV Wirbelwind" The following 5 files are in this category, out of 5 total. At first, the focus of production was around the Mobelwagen anti-aircraft vehicle. Armed with quad 20 mm FlaK38 cannons, this machine will absolutely obliterate any enemy plane that's unfortunate enough to cross paths with it. As the Luftwaffe lost air superiority, Allied fighter-bombers proved to be an … Panzer IV and its Variants, Schiffer Publishing Ltd. Walter J. Spielberger (1982). It was shipped to America after the war for further testing at the Aberdeen Proving Ground. A newly rebuilt Wirbelwind at Ostbau Sagan. We can easily identify it as the Ausf. This project was carried out without knowledge of the design team working on the plans for the new Flakpanzer (ordered by Guderian) but it would have a great influence on it. This collector ring was important as it enabled it to supply the turret with electricity (from the tank hull). German Artillery of World War Two, Purnell Book Services Ltd. The Flak 38 Flakvierling was first equipped with the Flakvisier 40, that was a modified version of the Flakvisier 38. Upon return, Leutnant Hans Christoph (on the 27 April 1944) made a report to In 6 in which he praised this vehicle and suggested that it be used as a base for further work on a new Flakpanzer design. For this gun there were several different types of ammunition available that were used in combat, some of them were: The Flak 38 Flakvierling had 8 crew members. The Wirbelwind’s four 2 cm guns could provide a high rate of fire with a good chance of success. Panzer Tracts No.12 book Flak selbstfahrlafetten and Flakpanzer A box with spare barrels was placed on each side of the engine compartment. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Question: the picture of the wirbelwind with the large turret hole. The Flakpanzer IV Wirbelwind is a rank III German Self-Propelled Anti-Aircraft (SPAA) vehicle with a battle rating of 3.7 (AB/RB/SB). Your email address will not be published. Er wordt gedacht dat er 87 Wirbelwinden tussen juli en november 1944 of 105 tussen juli 1944 en mei 1945 zijn geproduceerd, maar vanwege verschillen tussen afwijkende documenten is dit niet meer vast te stellen. German tanks 1914-1968, Arco Publishing company The Wirbelwind dimensions were: length 5.92 m, width 2.9 m and a height of 2.76 m. Total combat weight was around 22 metric tonnes. The turret armor was light and could be easily penetrated by any anti-tank fire. Authors Alexander Ludeke and Duško Nešić also noted 105 produced vehicles. The main purpose of any Flakpanzers was to defend these Panzer units from any enemy low-level ground attack planes. German tanks 1914-1968, Arco Publishing company. The front armor of the upper hull ranged from 50 to 80 mm single plate armor or of two (50+30 mm), the sides were 30 mm, and the rear armor that protected engine compartment was only 20 mm. Tamiya. The German word ‘Vierling’ is best described as quadruplet, and the Flakvierling is an anti-aircraft weapon with four guns. But, during the later part of the war, this was replaced by more simple types. 2cm Pzgr Patr 40 L/Spur – AP (armor piercing) shell with a tungsten core, armor penetration at 100 m was 40 mm (1.57 in at 110 yds), probably rarely used because of a shortage of tungsten. This is the first Karl Wilhelm battlefield modification Flakpanzer based on a Panzer IV chassis and armed with 2 cm Flak 38 Flakvierling anti-aircraft gun. Voorraad : 1 Dit product is niet uit voorraad leverbaar. je eigen pins op Pinterest. Flakpanzer IV Wirbelwind is a German anti-aircraft tank. Flakpanzer IV "Wirbelwind" (Whirlwind in English) was a German self-propelled anti-aircraft gun based on the Panzer IV tank. One in the turret (possibly a HE) made a large hole and one that penetrated the 80 mm front armor. I am very interested where you found the picture of the second variant of the Karl Wilhelm Krause model. Thomas L. Jentz (1998). Heavy camouflage and a well-selected (if possible) combat position were necessary for the crew’s survival. He gave orders to his men to mount a 2 cm Flak 38 Flakvierling on a Panzer IV tank chassis (its turret may have been damaged). Work then began on existing stocks of Panzer IV vehicles for the conversion process ahead. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The Flakpanzer IV Wirbelwind (whirlwind) was a German anti-aircraft vehicle based on the chassis of the Panzer IV tank, being designed in 1944 as a successor to the Möbelwagen. The maximum rate of fire was 1680 to 1920 rpm, but 700 to 800 rpm was the more practical rate. An open-topped Flakpanzer’s best defense against air threats was its anti-aircraft gun. In de eerste jaren van de oorlog had de Wehrmacht geen interesse in het ontwikkelen van een goed luchtafweervoertuig aangezien de Luftwaffe … Saved from 7/1 half-tracks. Unknown numbers were built, but possibly up to three vehicles. Illustration of the Flakpanzer IV (2cm Flak 38 Vierling) ‘Wirbelwind’, produced by Tank Enyclopedia’s own David Bocquelet. During the war, a number of Panzer Flak Zuge with Wirbelwinds would be formed and used to equipped many German Panzer units which served on the Eastern or Western fronts until the end of the war. In total, some 3,200 rounds of ammunition were carried by the vehicle. Flakpanzer IV Ostwind. Due to the chaotic situation in the German war industry, only this single prototype was ever built. German Armored Forces & Vehicles - Flakpanzer IV "Wirbelwind" The Flakpanzer IV The second Wirbelwind still in existence possibly belonged to the 1st SS Panzer Division. The turret itself was open topped and thinly armored. German Flakpanzer IV Wirbelwind / 1:35 / Duitsland / Tweede Wereldoorlog / Gepantserde voertuigen / Militaire voertuigen en uitrusting / Modellen om te lijmen / In order to make the construction of this vehicle easier, no extra traverse mechanism was provided. The 2 cm Flak 38 Flakvierling usually had a deflector box but due to the limited space, its installation was not possible. Heinz J. Nowarra (1968). Gratis verzending vanaf 20,- ; Bezorging dezelfde dag, 's avonds of in het weekend* Op 27 juli vonden de eerste schietproeven plaats die met succes werden afgesloten; in augustus werden de eerste 22 voertuigen afgeleverd. Photo: SOURCE. A tactically important weapon that entered service in December 1943 to provide German armoured forces with a high level of air defence against low-flying attack aircraft, the five-man Flakpanzer IV (2cm) mit PzFgst Panzer IV/3 Wirbelwind (whirlwind) was based on the chassis of the PzKpfw IV Ausf J medium tank. in the early years of the war, the Wehrmacht had less interest in developing auto-propulsadas anti-aircraft guns, but as the Allies began to gain air superiority, the need for more mobile self … The Wirbelwind was powered by a water-cooled Maybach HL 120 TR engine and could attain a top speed of about 38.6 km/h (24 mph). By April 1945, this organization was changed to eight Ostwinds (similar to Wirbelwind but armed with 37 mm gun) and three Sd. Download Instruction Plans | 4166Kb (.pdf) Markings Panzerkampfwagen IV Flakpanzer IV Wirbelwind Wehrmacht Heer (German Army 1935-1945) 031 February 1945 Dark Yellow, Dark Green, Red Brown About the German Flakpanzer IV Wirbelwind In the latter half of the Second World War, Germany’s loss of air supremacy created a pressing need for the development of powerful anti-aircraft vehicles to combat the fighter-bombers of the Allies. Artikelnummer: TAM-35233 Verwachte levertijd: 1 dag(en) Levertijd : Direct beschikbaar! The best way to bring a plane down was to shoot in front of its flying path. The production of the 2 cm Flak 38 Vierling ) ‘ Wirbelwind ’, produced by the Panzer! With electricity ( from the gun informed that some 20 Wirbelwinds could be destroyed by air ground-attack.... Graefe Duško Nešić ( 2008 ) of these plates was 16 mm thick – AP/HE/incendiary shell german flakpanzer iv wirbelwind fuse. 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