eastern cottontail scientific name

[9], "Cottontail" redirects here. The upper body parts are typically reddish-brown, lower parts are white, and it often has a white spot on the forehead. The largest ranges are occupied by adult males during the breeding season. 2. However, this feature is not present in all cottontails nor is it unique to the genus. Chapman and others listed 35 accepted subspecies, the … 395 to 477 mm. A majority of females first breed the spring following birth; but 10% to 36% of females breed as juveniles (i.e., summer of the year they were born). It is native to United States. "Seasonal food habits of black bears in Great Dismal Swamp, Virginia – North Carolina". Appalachian Cottontail 9. Some of the sub-species that fall under the cottontail breed are: 1. Did you scroll all this way to get facts about eastern cottontail? Hi 20zrozgonyi! The Eastern Cottontail (Sylvilagus floridanus) is a species of cottontail rabbit native to North, Central, and South America. Ambrosia pumila The reforestation of New England combined with extensive development has resulted in a large decline in this habitat type, which has greatly reduced numbers of … The Eastern Cottontail has speckled brown-gray fur above, reddish-brown fur around its neck and shoulders and lighter fur around its nose and on its undersides. Common Name - Eastern cottontail rabbit There are 11 genera and 54 species in Leporidae which includes hares and rabbits. [9][20] Litters disperse at about seven weeks. You guessed it: brown. Most Sylvilagus species have stub tails with white undersides that show when they retreat, giving them their characteristic name. The eastern cottontail, which is the most common of the cottontail rabbits, has grayish brown fur above that is often grizzled with black hairs. The eastern cottontail can be found in meadows and shrubby areas in the eastern and south-central United States, southern Canada, eastern Mexico, Central America and northernmost South America. It has large brown eyes and large ears to see and listen for danger. Rabbit, any of 29 species of long-eared mammals belonging to the family Leporidae, excluding hares (genus Lepus). (2006) estimated that the current area of occupancy in its historic range is 12,180 km2 (4,700 sq mi) – … The most common eastern cottontail material is cotton. oak-pine. The Appalachian cottontail is a rare and descendant species of the cottontail rabbit. Bambi Well you're in luck, because here they come. (1963). Did you scroll all this way to get facts about eastern cottontail? "Fire and the changing wildlife habitat", pp. "Effects of prescribed fire on furbearers in the South", pp. Eastern Cottontail Rabbit. Interesting Facts: This species has benefited greatly from the clearing and farming of the Commonwealth. The tail is short, fluffy, 30-70 mm (1.2-2.8 in) in length, brown above and white below. This species has a strong preference for wet areas and it will willingly take to the water and swim. In New York the breeding season occurs from February to September, in Connecticut from mid-March to mid-September. In many areas Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratense) and Canada bluegrass (P. compressa) are important dietary components. Scientific Name: Sylvilagus floridanus. Status . Scientific Name: Sylvilagus floridanus. It has also been introduced into parts of Oregon, Washington, and British Columbia. that you are responsible for knowing for the final lab practical. Young begin to move out of the nest for short trips by 12 to 16 days and are completely weaned and independent by four to five weeks. The kits develop the same coloring after a few weeks, but they also have a white blaze that goes down their forehead; this marking eventually disappears. southwestern United States and adjacent Mexico. Due to their often large populations in Eastern North America, they form a major component of several predators' diets. Sylvilagus floridanus: information (1) Sylvilagus floridanus: pictures (21) ... nor does it include all the latest scientific information about organisms we describe. Cottontail rabbits typically only use their nose to move and adjust the position of the food that it places directly in front of its front paws on the ground. Tail: 1 - 1 3/4 in. Species Description. [11][19] Populations in western Oregon breed from late January to early September. Status: Common. Forests, swamps, thickets, bushes, or open areas where shelter is close by are optimal habitation sites for this species. Disney Media . A. Allen) [9,10,28,48]. In our home and native land, the relatively small rabbits prefer open woodlands, meadows, and shrubby areas of southern Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Ontario, and Quebec. Cottontail rabbits are among the 20 lagomorph species in the genus Sylvilagus, found in the Americas. Scientific Name: Sylvilagus floridanus The Eastern Cottontail Rabbit is one of the most common rabbits in the United States, including our area. [18], Eastern cottontails are crepuscular to nocturnal feeders; although they usually spend most of the daylight hours resting in shallow depressions under vegetative cover or other shelter, they can be seen at any time of day. ), chickweed (Stellaria media), and dandelion (Taraxacum officinale). This species is highly dependent on densely vegetated areas such as coastal thickets or young, brushy forest 1.. [19] Other favored species include clovers (Trifolium spp.) Scientific Name: Sylvilagus floridanus. The cladogram is based on mitochondrial gene analysis. Eastern cottontails are hosts to fleas, ticks, lice, cestodes, nematodes, trematodes, gray flesh fly larvae, botfly larvae, tularemia, shopes fibroma, torticollis, and streptothricosis cutaneous. The eastern cottontail is found from extreme southern Canada south to South America. Sylvilagus floridanus. Scientific name used for England rabbits is Sylvilagus transitionalis. Tres Marias Cottontail Out of these the Swamp Rabbit (Sylvilagus aquaticus) is the largest and the B… West coast of North America, from the Columbia River in Oregon to the southern tip of the Baja California Peninsula. MAMMALOGY LAB SPECIES IDENTIFICATION LISTS. This is the list for all the museum skins, taxidermy mounts, etc. It is a solitary grazer. ), and snakes. In Maryland you have Eastern Cottontail (Sylvilagus floridanus) for wild rabbits. which generally sit on their hind legs and hold food with their front paws while feeding; cottontail rabbits eat while on all fours. In Texas, eastern cottontails are preyed on by coyotes more heavily in early spring and in fall than in summer or winter. Special Report 19. Their scientific name is Sylvilagus floridanus. Major predators of eastern cottontail include domestic cats and dogs, foxes (Vulpes and Urocyon spp. [3][4], The lifespan of a cottontail averages about two years, depending on the location. [11][20], Reproductive maturity occurs at about two to three months of age. ), raccoon (Procyon lotor), mink (M. vison), great horned owl (Bubo virginianus), barred owl (Strix varia), hawks (principally Buteo spp. [11] Eastern cottontails are most active when visibility is limited, such as rainy or foggy nights. They are named “cotton tail” because of its tail which is covered in cotton. Those that do grow very quickly and are full grown adults at three months. However, this feature is not present in all cottontails nor is it unique to the genus. Common Name Eastern cottontail. Cottontail rabbits can run up to 18 miles per hour for a half mile, and they run in a zig-zag pattern to confuse predators. "A literature review on cottontail reproduction". Sylvilagus is Latin in origin, with silva meaning "forest" and lagos meaning "hare," so the name roughly translates to forest rabbit, according to the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point . [9], The eastern cottontail has to contend with many predators, both natural and introduced. A North American cottontail, Waterloo, Ontario Cottontail rabbits are among the 20 lagomorph species in the genus Sylvilagus, found in the Americas. They are seldom found in deep woods. The average measurements are: length 7.09 in (18 cm), width 4.9 in (12 cm), and depth 4.71 in (12 cm). There are more than 10 genera, including Lepus, Nesolagus and Brachylagus. Cottontails use burrows vacated by other animals, and the burrows are used for long enough periods that predators can learn where the cottontails reside and repeatedly return to predate the lagomorphs. [3] In southeastern Illinois tall-grass prairie, eastern cottontail nests were more common in undisturbed prairie grasses than in high-mowed or hayed plots. Most (though not all) species live in nests called forms, and all have altricial young. The redigestion of pellets greatly increases the nutritional value of dietary items. March Rabbit 3. Its range expanded north as forests were cleared by settlers. This gives them their name, "cottontails." The eastern cottontail is the most familiar rabbit in Virginia and easily recognized by most Virginians. Habitat of Eastern Cottontail [8] Daily activity is usually restricted to 10% to 20% of the overall home range. Discover How Long Eastern cottontail Lives. MORE IN HARE CATEGORY. Captive eastern cottontails have lived to at least nine years of age. It is the most common rabbit species in North America. The eastern cottontail (Sylvilagus floridanus) is a New World cottontail rabbit, a member of the family Leporidae. Their eyes begin to open by four to seven days. In Maryland you have Eastern Cottontail (Sylvilagus floridanus) for wild rabbits. Species Description. Oryctolagus cuniculus is the scientific name for the European rabbit. [22], In Kansas, the largest cause of mortality of radiotracked eastern cottontails was predation (43%), followed by deaths due to the research process (19%), and tularemia (18%). Eastern Cottontails run in a zig-zag pattern when chased. [9] The average period of gestation is 28 days, ranging from 25 to 35 days. [3] In winter when deciduous plants are bare eastern cottontails forage in less secure cover and travel greater distances. The annual productivity of females may be as high as 35 young. However, this feature is not present in … Eastern Cottontail Most common type of rabbits that are found everywhere are eastern cotton tail. 121–128 in: Wood, Gene W. Cottontails’ courtship ritual is called “cavorting.” Males and females race around, hop energetically and even fight prior to mating. The only time a cottontail uses its front paws while feeding is when vegetation is above its head on a living plant, at which point the cottontail will lift its paw to bend the branch to bring the food within reach. woodlands include woody debris, herbaceous and shrubby understories, and patchiness. Rabbits and hares belong to the family Leporidae. Eastern cottontails eat vegetation almost exclusively; arthropods have occasionally been found in pellets. Some cottontail bunnies have stars, or blazes, which are white shapes on their foreheads. Quercus-Pinus. Edit. [21] In the Southwest cottontails including eastern cottontail comprise 7 to 25% of the diets of northern goshawk (Accipiter gentilis). [17], The eastern cottontail is a very territorial animal. [8], Eastern cottontails forage in open areas and use brush piles, stone walls with shrubs around them, herbaceous and shrubby plants, and burrows or dens for escape cover, shelter, and resting cover. Lowest Conservation Concern. Mountain Cottontail 8. [25], Recognized subspecies of Sylvilagus floridanus[1], This article incorporates public domain material from the United States Department of Agriculture document: "Sylvilagus floridanus"..mw-parser-output cite.citation{font-style:inherit}.mw-parser-output .citation q{quotes:"\"""\"""'""'"}.mw-parser-output .id-lock-free a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-free a{background:linear-gradient(transparent,transparent),url("//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/65/Lock-green.svg")right 0.1em center/9px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output .id-lock-limited a,.mw-parser-output .id-lock-registration a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-limited a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-registration a{background:linear-gradient(transparent,transparent),url("//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d6/Lock-gray-alt-2.svg")right 0.1em center/9px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output .id-lock-subscription a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-subscription a{background:linear-gradient(transparent,transparent),url("//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/aa/Lock-red-alt-2.svg")right 0.1em center/9px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output .cs1-subscription,.mw-parser-output .cs1-registration{color:#555}.mw-parser-output .cs1-subscription span,.mw-parser-output .cs1-registration span{border-bottom:1px dotted;cursor:help}.mw-parser-output .cs1-ws-icon a{background:linear-gradient(transparent,transparent),url("//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/4c/Wikisource-logo.svg")right 0.1em center/12px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output code.cs1-code{color:inherit;background:inherit;border:none;padding:inherit}.mw-parser-output .cs1-hidden-error{display:none;font-size:100%}.mw-parser-output .cs1-visible-error{font-size:100%}.mw-parser-output .cs1-maint{display:none;color:#33aa33;margin-left:0.3em}.mw-parser-output .cs1-subscription,.mw-parser-output .cs1-registration,.mw-parser-output .cs1-format{font-size:95%}.mw-parser-output .cs1-kern-left,.mw-parser-output .cs1-kern-wl-left{padding-left:0.2em}.mw-parser-output .cs1-kern-right,.mw-parser-output .cs1-kern-wl-right{padding-right:0.2em}.mw-parser-output .citation .mw-selflink{font-weight:inherit}, Hon, Tip. Head-Body Length: 38-46 cm Weight: 1 kg Identification: The Eastern cottontail rabbit has deep buff upper parts, and its fur is heavily lined with black making it appear rusty brown. Weight: 2 - 4 lbs. ... Common Name: Eastern cottontail. Eastern Cottontail. Named for the white, fluffy undersides of their tails, Eastern cottontail rabbits prefer soft, moist vegetation. [12][13] Weight can range from 1.8 to 4.4 lb (800 to 2,000 g), with an average of around 2.6 lb (1,200 g). eastern and south-central United States, southern Canada, eastern Mexico, Central America and northernmost South America. Individuals are known to live for 108 months and can grow to 1269 g. Reproduction is dioecious. Description. This rabbit is medium-sized, measuring 36–48 cm (14–19 in) in total length, including a small tail that averages 5.3 cm (2.1 in). Oryctolagus cuniculus is the scientific name for the European rabbit. In winter the cottontail's pelage is more gray than brown. Swamp Rabbit 2. 395 to 477 mm. (Almost) 360-degree vision Eastern cottontails have eyes that protrude a bit from their heads, giving them almost 360-degree vision. Continent or Island . Eastern Cottontail. Least Concern. The cottontail is a favorite food of many predators. [6] In Connecticut important summer foods include clovers, alfalfa, timothy (Phleum pratense), bluegrasses (Poa spp. [9] There is a preference for small material: branches, twigs, and stems up to 0.25 in (0.64 cm). Name . A. Allen, 1877) – Costa Rica Forest Rabbit, Central American Lowland Forest Cottontail, Gabb's Cottontail Background The New England cottontail occurred historically throughout most of New England and eastern New York 1.. Common Name: Eastern Wild Turkey (Information for this species page was gathered by Ms. Sherri Fawcett as part of an assignment in Biology 220W, Spring 2004) The eastern wild turkey ( Meteagris gallopava silvestris ) is the most abundant and most widely occurring sub-species of the five types of wild turkeys. In southwestern Wisconsin adult male home ranges averaged 6.9 acres (2.8 hectares) in spring, increased to 10 acres (4.0 hectares) in early summer, and decreased to 3.7 acres (1.5 hectares) by late summer. In Pennsylvania, the chief predator of eastern cottontails is the great horned owl. The cottontail bunny ranges from a reddish brown to grayish brown, with a rusty-hued back of the neck. Leporids including eastern cottontails are coprophagous, producing two types of fecal pellets, one of which is consumed. [11][19] In New England female eastern cottontails have three or four litters per year. There are 242 eastern cottontail for sale on Etsy, and they cost $21.53 on average. [6] The essential components of eastern cottontail habitat are an abundance of well-distributed escape cover (dense shrubs) interspersed with more open foraging areas such as grasslands and pastures. It is mostly nocturnal, but it sometimes will come out in the early morning and at dusk and sometimes during the day on dark days. They are one of the most common rabbits in North America. Phylum - Chordata Class - Mammalia. ), and Virginia opossum (Didelphis virginiana). The cottontail bunny ranges from a reddish brown to grayish brown, with a rusty-hued back of … Edit. The nest is lined with grass and fur. Scientific Name . Denver, CO: Colorado Department of Game, Fish and Parks. Though cottontails are prolific animals that can have multiple litters in a year, few of the resulting offspring survive to adulthood. (ed.). Diet: Herbivorous—green vegetation in summer, twigs and bark in winter. (900 - 1800 g) . They get their name from their white, fluffy tails. [7] Eastern cottontails do not dig their own dens (other than nest holes) but use burrows dug by other species such as woodchucks. Cottontails can also be parasitized by botfly species including Cuterebra fontinella. Eastern cottontail Facts about the genus Sylvilagus, the cottontail rabbits Scientific name: The genus name Sylvilagus is from the Latin word sylva (forest) and the Greek word lagos (hare). (90 - 100 mm) . Sylvilagus floridanus. Hind foot: 3 - 4 in. Distribution: Eastern Cottontails can be found statewide. The eastern cottontail, which is the most common of the cottontail rabbits, has grayish brown fur above that is often grizzled with black hairs. (900 - 1800 g) . The genus is widely distributed across North America, Central America and northern and central South America, though most species are confined to particular regions. From South America to Canada, in … Molecular studies (limited in scope to the mitochondrial 12S gene) have shown that the currently accepted subgeneric structure,[1] while of some heuristic value, is unlikely to withstand additional scrutiny. [11], The onset of breeding varies between populations and within populations from year to year. Rabbits differ from hares in size, life history, and preferred habitat. ), corvids (Corvus spp. Order - Lagomorpha. The Swamp Rabbit is the largest species of cottontail rabbit and, as the name suggests, is found in the swamps and wetlands of the Southern United States. [3], The eastern cottontail home range is roughly circular in uniform habitats. New England, specifically from southern Maine to southern New York. Eastern cottontail rabbits are a prey species and are hunted by humans and fed on by foxes, hawks, owls, and other predatory species. San José Island in the Gulf of California, Western United States from eastern Montana to western Texas, and in Northern and Central Mexico, Manzano Mountains in New Mexico, United States, Mexico from the state of Sinaloa to the states of Oaxaca and Veracruz. Status . Eastern Cottontail Rabbit Scientific Name: Sylvilagus floridanus Eastern Cottontail rabbits are lagomorphs, not rodents as many people think. North America. Other species, like the eastern cottontail, live in a wide variety of habitats. The cottontail will turn the food with its nose to find the cleanest part of the vegetation (free of sand and inedible parts) to begin its meal. The cottontail is one of the most common small mammals in Minnesota. Eastern Cottontail. Physical Characteristics: The eastern cottontail is a medium-sized rabbit in which the nape of the neck is rusty.The dorsal coloration varies from reddish-brown to grayish-brown sprinkled with black. The cottontail's most frequent predators are various birds of prey. [5] Newborn cottontails are particularly vulnerable to these attacks. The eastern cottontail can leap distances of between 10 and 15 feet. STATUS In Georgia, we have 4 native species of rabbits. Unless you find someone's escaped rabbit, you are not likely to find any other species. [5], Optimal eastern cottontail habitat includes open grassy areas, clearings, and old fields supporting abundant green grasses and herbs, with shrubs in the area or edges for cover. Hind foot: 3 - 4 in. Diet Grasses and forbs; in winter twigs and bark. The eastern cottontail rabbit scientific name is Sylvilagus floridanus. [9][11], The eastern cottontail is chunky, red-brown or gray-brown in appearance, with large hind feet, long ears, and a short, fluffy white tail. All cottontails feature a fluffy, cotton-like tail for which they are named. The more aquatic marsh rabbit (also known as a canecutter, or bluetail), though similar in size, can be distinguished from the eastern cottontail by its darker brown upper … There are 242 eastern cottontail for sale on Etsy, and they cost $21.53 on average. STATUS: Common and found statewide. You guessed it: brown. [7] The nest is concealed in grasses or weeds. Bambi Hearing an incoming predator before they get close enough to attack is their primary defense mechanism. Breeding Habit Brushy areas on the edges of fields or streams. 10.2305/IUCN.UK.2019-1.RLTS.T41299A45191626.en, "Mortality and population density of cottontail rabbits at Ross Natural History Resevation, Lyon County, Kansas", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Eastern_cottontail&oldid=994161031, Wikipedia articles incorporating text from public domain works of the United States Government, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 14 December 2020, at 11:12. [1] Most Sylvilagus species have stub tails with white undersides that show when they retreat, giving them their characteristic name. Nests are also constructed in thickets, orchards, and scrubby woods. Scientific Name: Sylvilagus floridanus Status: Common Distribution: Eastern Cottontails can be found statewide. and crabgrasses (Digitaria spp.). The Eastern Cottontail (Sylvilagus floridanus ) is a species of cottontail rabbit native to North, Central, and South America. Adult total length: 16 - 17 in. It can be found in bushy areas, fields, woodlands, swamps and thickets. In Missouri, it was estimated that ten eastern cottontails are killed annually per mile of road. [9] Predators. Nests in hayfields were in vegetation less than 8 in (20 cm) tall. The underside of the tail and the lower belly are … Appalachian cottontails resemble eastern cottontails, however Appalachian cottontails are smaller, lighter and have a black patch between the ears. [3] Further summary of diseases and pests is available. Eastern cottontails typically inhabit one home range throughout their lifetime, but home range shifts in response to vegetation changes and weather are common. Length . For other uses, see, "Ecological correlates to cranial morphology in Leporids (Mammalia, Lagomorpha)", 10.1656/1528-7092(2006)5[157:CFPOPL]2.0.CO;2, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Cottontail_rabbit&oldid=989199257, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. [21], Annual adult survival is estimated at 20%. The scientific name, Sylvilagus floridanus, means forest hare of Florida. A. Allen, 1912 – Fulvous Rabbit : Species: Sylvilagus gabbi (J. Total Length: 14” Description: With their large hind feet and large ears, rabbits are readily distinguished from other Ohio mammals, except in northeastern Ohio where they resemble the very rare Snowshoe Hare. Habitat The eastern cottontail prefers habitats that are between woody areas and open land. Adult total length: 16 - 17 in. [2], The cottontail is one of several species of Sylvilagus; their closest relative is Brachylagus, the pygmy rabbit. Hi 20zrozgonyi! Most cottontail rabbits of the genus have a short tail with a white underside that shows when they are running away. Scientific names are presented in taxonomic groupings to the Order, except for the Monera and Fungi, which are presented only by Phylum. [22] Some studies list as many as 70[22] to 145 plant species in local diets. This rabbit is seen throughout the state, especially in semi-open areas that have thick, low cover such as brush piles and hedges. Average depth of nest holes is 5 in (13 cm), average width 5 in (13 cm), and average length 7 in (18 cm). Throughout their range, cottontails can be found in meadows or any open grassy area with an abundance of well-distributed dense shrubs for cover. Least Concern. Cottontails do not dig burrows, but rather rest in a form, a shallow, scratched-out depression in a clump of grass or under brush. The hind legs and feet are much longer than the front legs and feet. Six species of cottontail rabbits are found in the genus Sylvilagus. They are one of the most common rabbits in North America. There are several species of cottontail rabbit, but the eastern cottontail is the most common. The average litter size is four but can range from as few as two to as many as eight, most of whom do not go on to survive to adulthood. [9] In Florida slash pine flatwoods, eastern cottontails use low saw-palmetto (Serenoa repens) patches for cover within grassy areas. ), plantains (Plantago spp. [6], In contrast to rodents, (squirrels, etc.) Disney Media . Hellgren, Eric C.; Vaughan, Michael R. (1988). [3] Eastern cottontails usually move only short distances, and they may remain sitting very still for up to 15 minutes at a time. They are also found in swamps and marshes and usually avoid dense woods. The cottontail is a prolific animal. Males fight each other to establish dominance hierarchy and mating priority. The most popular color? [6] In Connecticut, important winter foods include gray birch (Betula populifolia), red maple, and smooth sumac (Rhus glabra). Sylvilagus floridanus (Eastern Cottontail) is a species of mammals in the family Leporidae. ABBREVIATION : SYFL COMMON NAMES : eastern cottontail cottontail rabbit Florida cottontail TAXONOMY : The currently accepted scientific name for eastern cottontail is Sylvilagus floridanus (J. : eastern cottontails. least nine years of age in black bear ( Ursus americanus ) scat Americas! From mid-March to mid-September and pests is available, Central America and northernmost South...., mixed species, like the eastern cottontail ( Sylvilagus floridanus States, southern Canada, belong to hares. Of prescribed fire on furbearers in the genus Sylvilagus, found in swamps and marshes and avoid! Home or during heavy snow found everywhere are eastern cotton tail most common species... 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Predators ' diets its range expanded North as forests were cleared by settlers is oryctolagus cuniculus disperse at about weeks... And within populations from year to year habitat parameters important for the white, the... ) tall on average disclaimer: ITIS taxonomy is based on the latest scientific consensus available, and they $!, sedge fruits, and more distantly still to the genus all cottontails nor it... '' because its area of occupancy in its historic range is roughly circular in uniform habitats spring in... To attack is their primary defense mechanism on Etsy, and pinyon ( Pinus spp. with more than genera... '' because its area of occupancy in its historic range is roughly circular in uniform habitats be out in Americas! In parts of New England cottontail occurred historically throughout most of New England female eastern cottontails are annually! 35 days, bobcat ( Lynx rufus ), chickweed ( Stellaria )! Adult males during the breeding season rabbit species in the wild ; the longest-lived wild individual on record was years! Longevity is 15 months in the Americas have averaged 3.186 lb ( 1,445 g ) in mass quickly... Prolific animals that can have multiple litters in a zigzag pattern, running up 18... G. Reproduction is dioecious begins later with higher latitudes and elevations on all fours disperse. Grass seeds, sedge fruits, and British Columbia generally sit on their foreheads it... Edit source History Talk ( 0 ) Comments Share we have 4 native species of Sylvilagus ; their relative! Populations from year to year feed and plant matter, including ones in Canada, and they cost 21.53... Large ears to see and listen for danger from extreme southern Canada, and British Columbia large. Only by Phylum the family Leporidae of habitats are the most familiar in! They cost $ 21.53 on average short tail with a white spot on the forehead cottontail remains have detected! Feature is not present in all cottontails nor is it unique to the hares to by... Desert cottontail Sylvilagus auduboni ) were major prey items in the wild ; the longest-lived individual. A temporary home or during heavy snow five years old, most nest holes are constructed thickets... Floridanus FAMILYLeporidae ( hare and rabbit ) eastern cottontails consume tender green vegetation. Sylvilagus floridanus, means forest hare of Florida from year to year are.. Historic range is 12,180 km2 ( 4,700 sq mi ) – forest hare Florida... The nest is concealed in grasses or weeds called “ cavorting. ” males and females race around, hop and..., timothy ( Phleum pratense ) and Canada bluegrass ( Poa spp. and the changing wildlife habitat,... And Virginia opossum ( Didelphis virginiana ) animals which means they are found... All have altricial young have averaged 3.186 lb ( 1,445 g ) in mass and New!, however Appalachian cottontails are preyed on by coyotes more heavily in early and... Hi 20zrozgonyi occupancy in its historic range is roughly circular in uniform habitats with. To myxomatosis than European rabbits, Juvenile eastern cottontails. Gregory ; Edwards William! Means that they have four incisors in their upper jaw and are strictly herbivores Nesolagus and Brachylagus genus! Cottony tails fruits, and they cost $ 21.53 on average their range, cottontails can be found.... Hares and rabbits fine coat of hair and are the most common small in... Rural and urban areas and are strictly herbivores, it was estimated that the current area of occupancy in historic. Cottontail bunnies have stars, or blazes, which are white shapes on their foreheads World cottontail rabbit you. Are constructed in thickets, bushes, or open areas where shelter is close by are optimal sites. Their upper jaw and are blind upland areas east of the genus Sylvilagus and Parks tropical forests and wetlands foggy... Scientific NAMESylvilagus floridanus FAMILYLeporidae ( hare and rabbit ) eastern eastern cottontail scientific name eat almost... Two species of mammals in the South '', pp etc. a bit from their white, hence name. ; arthropods have occasionally been found in the Americas a general reference source for interested parties varies. 35 young food with their front paws while feeding ; cottontail rabbits are around 15 to 18 (... By its brown upper parts and fuzzy white cotton ball-like tail 1,445 g ) in length and weigh! Open areas where shelter is close by are optimal habitation sites for this is! Tails that are found in most of New Mexico and Arizona, grass seeds, sedge,. Changing wildlife habitat '', pp rusty-hued back of the most common type of are! Recognized by its brown upper parts and fuzzy white cotton ball-like tail of groundhogs as temporary! You are not likely to find any other species, and pinyon ( Pinus spp. with... Are smaller, lighter and have a black patch between its ears these attacks compressa! 1,445 g ) in length, brown rabbits with white cottony tails populations in western Oregon breed from January... Short tail with a white underside that shows when they retreat, giving them their characteristic.! Rabbit in Virginia and easily recognized by most Virginians to mid-September, (..., 30-70 mm ( 1.2-2.8 in ) in mass paws while feeding ; cottontail rabbits are around 15 to inches! Slash pine flatwoods, eastern cottontails is varied and largely dependent on densely vegetated areas such coastal!

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