content distribution ideas

After all that work, you want to make sure it gets seen by as much of your target audience as possible. Enjoy some of our favorite marketing resources from fun infographics to educational eBooks. Sites like reddit,, and GrowthHackers can bring massive traffic and act as great brand builders. EPIC content marketing. It’s how you’re providing your audience with the content … Sep 10, 2020 - Content is a driving force for many businesses, because when you give people something that’s valuable, you help build a relationship that means people will be much more likely to pay attention to your organization in the future. Was this generic outreach? Your team should establish a schedule for how often you promote each blog post – both long and short term. Follow a social media sharing calendar. I kicked things up a notch to 75. Read how we’ve helped software and technology companies like you grow and succeed. Share in the comments. Last year we wrote a post asking you to steal our content distribution ideas for 2015. The basic idea behind creating interesting and high-quality content … Yes, I know, why am I telling you such a basic, overused, old school promotion tactic? An effective content distribution strategy will not only put your content in front of your target audience. Tip: to make our own shares on social bookmarking sites go further, we usually share the discussion question and link on Twitter and ask for comments. Three main components in the process enable your brand to build (and grow) communities of loyal, engaged consumers around your content: Evaluate your distribution options. That means doing just more than the bare minimum when it comes to distributing your content. See how InsightSquared’s Cara Hogan still fully answered the original question while including a link where people can find more detail: Like social bookmarking, Quora is about conversation, so just dropping a link in an answer won’t bring you any big wins. Here are some ideas that work for me and my clients. At Mention, pretty much the whole marketing team uses Twitter and LinkedIn professionally in some capacity. You probably won’t be able to incorporate all of these into your content promotion plan but use this list to help spark some new ideas and gradually add channels as you can. These content distribution ideas can help your new posts stand out. This is how FollowUp.CC let us know they included us in a post (and how we’ll obviously return the favor). Syndication Using Content Distribution To Boost Social Media Traffic. Social Media. You figured out how to get all the info out while sounding smart and – dare I say it – engaging and entertaining. + social media tips every week! This site uses cookies to deliver our content and to track user activity anonymously. The Influence & … Other networks have “similar but different” options to feature specific posts. And, depending on the goal of the piece of content… Promote your content and amplify its impact. I know I’ve felt the struggle to grow traffic when promoting every post the same way, the same “big and impactful” things everyone else is doing. 10 Tools to Help Salespeople Close More Deals: feat. To put your … You never slack? Absolutely not. And if you need more ideas for content distribution, or help creating content and/or the distribution plan itself, please let us know how we can help. Contact us to learn more about using research as content. hbspt.cta.load(1896803, '6d51400e-beca-4971-833d-135558adc748', {}); By now, most content marketers know you can’t just share a blog post once. For example, a popular blog post can become a piece of gated (downloadable) content, an infographic, … If your brand publishes a large volume of daily content that covers broader, news-worthy topics, content... 2. For every post? Join our experts for the hottest trends, topics, and news in technology marketing. But for some reason, they don’t always get the love that other promotion tactics do. You could even automate it a bit and use email marketing segmentation to send a campaign with the post to those who’ve opened similar campaigns in the past! So adding a link to your latest post in your email signature is a secret that will put your content somewhere with a lot of focus. 6. Updated! A thoughtful content distribution strategy simplifies the process of reaching the right audi… . It’s no longer a 100% guarantee that the companies you feature will promote the heck out of it, but you still want to get it in from of them. According to Evolve Creative Group, content distribution involves all sorts of channels used by marketers to spread their content out to extensive and targeted audiences. We’ll usually send a quick group message in Slack: There are also tools like GaggleAMP, that help you automate the process while still letting your colleagues customize the messages so that they’re authentic. Evaluate your distribution … Get the latest and greatest digital marketing For an extra boost to new posts, pin them to your profile as soon as they’re published. They’re simple, they’re staples, and they’re effective. If you have a blog post that does that, it’s alright to share. You can either use dedicated software, a spreadsheet, or a DIY calendar. The basic concept of content distribution is to put your article in front of other people who would be willing to share it with others. Between influencers, partners, and your company’s customers, it’s a lot of people your blog posts might interest. I hope you find these useful for your content distribution. Increased avenues for content distribution You can build a blog series around your videos, or you can use videos to help enhance your blogs. With proper segmentation in place, your content will hit targeted users as related pieces on sites they already frequent, like Business Insider or Time. Content distribution is a critical piece of the content marketing puzzle. Practical view of content distribution. Dual distribution. That’s where a social media calendar comes in. Get quick marketing tips, tools, Q&As, videos, and more for busy technology marketers. By uploading video focused on one or two key research findings, it creates content … 12 min read. Obviously, exclusive distribution is reserved only for luxury brands where product scarcity isn’t just acceptable – it’s expected. Tip: If you’re asking coworkers to share posts manually, check out tools like ClickToTweet or HrefShare to give them easy, one-click options. 1. Almost all of us will have connections in our industry on LinkedIn, and lots of professionals use Twitter for work as well – even just a little bit. | by Barbara Pfeiffer | Jun 28, 2016 | Content Marketing, By Barbara Pfeiffer, The Partner Marketing Group. There are various methods to perform content distribution; as of now 71% of the marketers use the paid methods, and 87% of the business-to-business marketers use social media to distribute their content. Content ideas can come from a variety of places, both from within your content team, from your customers, from other stakeholders in your company, from new data, or from something that inspires you. The most obvious content distribution strategy for most businesses is to share their content on social media. We’re talking about ones you actually sat there and typed. I know, so archaic, right? Sharing posts on your company’s social accounts only really takes advantage of a fraction of its real audience online. For example, a few weeks ago The Shelf emailed me their new infographic. In fact, that’s exactly what I did to get this to the top of Google for the term “content marketing ideas”. Then suggest your new blog post to people who have already shared your OWN content – content on the same topic, no less – in the past. That won’t work if you want your work to have lasting results. By now, most content marketers know you can’t just share a blog post once. Here’s an example from Buffer’s Twitter account: It can be used to announce company news, as Buffer does above, to showcase conversations and campaigns, or to promote certain pieces of content. But it’s still important enough to name first. Content distribution is the key to boosting your brand awareness, collecting loyal followers, and encouraging your readers to click, act, and become customers. Their software is specifically built to make this easy, and they’re huge advocates for resharing blog posts, building in features to “fight for the good cause.”. You can create new content, generate more ideas … And now you’re reading the revised post, with 95 content marketing ideas. But think about how many people you email each day, and think about how many of them are in your target audience. And tools like WiseStamp do it automatically by creating a fancy email signature connected to your blog’s RSS feed. Throw another post your company has written on the topic into BuzzSumo, instead of content from a different publication. A document like this kills the randomness and provides structure to the promotion process. Download focused marketing benchmarks and insight just for the technology channel. Tools like Outbrain and Taboola are solid options. Great content marketing is all about answering questions and helping your audience, right? Our own content team loves CoSchedule. So we rounded up a few blog post distribution ideas you (hopefully) haven’t already read about 15 times this month. Those “people” would be your target audience, in this case. But there’s something else – personal, one-on-one emails. I’ve shared their infographics before, so they knew I’d be more interested than someone who’d never read one of their posts. In general, Quora isn’t a super promotional platform, but the purpose is answering questions. You can do it with Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Summarizing the parts of your post that are most relevant to the question still keeps the point of Quora in mind – giving answers. For example, Process Street uses social bookmarking to drive tens of thousands of views per month to their blog posts. The link above teaches you why advocates are as valuable as influencers for some marketing activities – because the existing relationship means they’re more likely to say “yes.”. The chambers of commerce help and promote its … 2. If people are asking questions online, it’s probably happening on Quora. It was a freaking hard job, and you’re proud of the results. Native Video — social media algorithms (especially LinkedIn’s) love native video. The following are some of the ideas you can use to implement content distribution strategies to increase your social media traffic. What difference can they make on your traffic, leads, and conversions? Stephen Fairley ; January 10, 2020 ; Finding new ways to distribute your online content so it reaches the broadest possible target audience … It may not be a guarantee, but they can’t share it if they don’t know about it. When most people think of types of content marketing, they think of blogging as a starting point.Blogging helps you get visitors’ attention with helpful information, and provides content to flesh out your social media presence and fuel your SEO efforts, too. But what about the smaller ideas – the ones we read about and don’t try, or have stopped using? Content distribution allows your brand to reach its target audience in the shortest amount of time. Lastly, content distribution is one more way your can combine advocates and influencer marketing. Here are 27 different content distribution ideas to promote your primary research. If you want to get your posts in front of a large portion of your social audience, it’s gonna take a few tries. Let’s go back to social media reach. Mention companies featured on … Content distribution networks and content discovery platforms provide content creators with both paid and free opportunities to spread the word about your latest posts and more. You toiled over the perfect way to organize and present the information. Short snippets of video can break up a long blog post, provide examples and reinforce ideas. Cara Hogan still fully answered the original question, combine advocates and influencer marketing, 10 Strategies to Scale Your Digital Marketing Agency in the New Normal, SEO Content Writing: How to Optimize Your Content For Search Engines, 7 Must-Have Tools to Create Better Client Reports While Saving Time, 7 Reasons Your Business Needs Experiential Marketing, Researching an Audience to Make Engaging Video Content, 6 Untapped Ways To Create An Engaging User Experience. BufferBuffer’s one of our favorite content marketing examples, due to their three-pronged content marketing strategy.The compan… Here are 27 different content distribution ideas to promote your primary research. These channels … When I started, the top post for that phrase had 50 ideas and was pretty basic. So it’s built into our formal blog post promotion processes to let the rest of the team know when a new post is up. Repurpose content into new formats and share again across your distribution channels. I don’t even mean those marketing emails made to look like personal messages. 6. Distributing Content through Local Channels – We aren’t talking about radio or newspaper here, but your local chambers of commerce. We’ve been saying this for years. You just poured everything you had into an epic piece of content. We all know that social media reach isn’t what it used to be. Content marketing is the way to proliferate your content and your brand’s reach. @AppCharlie @Mention @postwire @goconspire @Mattermark and more. Instead, you need a long-term content distribution plan that includes driving traffic to your post right away, as well as laying the groundwork for future traffic. But it’s absolutely not. Take advantage of that by enlisting coworkers to help you promote new posts. You can take that and remix it. I thought it might be helpful to explore some often overlooked channels and give you 7 creative ideas for content distribution! This lets you keep one post from your page or profile front and center, probably above the fold. Finding the popular social bookmarking sites for your blog’s niche will also be a really productive thing to do one day. Since the sites revolve around conversation more than promotion, sharing your post as a conversation-starter can get a lot of readers very engaged. sponsored distribution is working with third parties (typically online publishers) to send out your content to their list A content distribution strategy is a strategic document that an organization creates to guide its marketing efforts for promoting posts, ebooks, resources, and other content assets. Because they MIGHT follow you and promote the heck out of it. By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our, Barbara Pfeiffer, The Partner Marketing Group. Many businesses choose to use a variety of distribution … Tactics like these? Here are a few examples of companies getting it right.1. 8 content distribution ideas (with examples and tips) 1. A popular blog post promotion tactic is to use something like BuzzSumo to find influencers that have shared similar posts from popular publications, right? Take a look at their example sharing calendar and the results it got: At Mention, we have one schedule that all blog posts follow for one month after a post is published, and then those that perform well get added to an extra workflow and shared some more. In my last blog, 3 tasks to keep your marketing content from collecting dust, I talked about the importance of content distribution and promotion and how it’s missing from many marketing plans. Most content marketing discussions about email revolve around email marketing – I mean, why wouldn’t they? Sales Enablement. 5 Clever Content Distribution Ideas That Really Work. Home Blog Digital Marketing 8 Extra To-Dos for Better Content Distribution (With Examples), Brittany Berger Putting some money behind your content will certainly help distribute it to a targeted audience. And beyond traffic, posting in forums and bookmarking sites helps you build authority and community. Content distribution is a marketing term for the process of sharing, publishing and promoting the business articles, images, blogs, videos, and other content formats across the internet. Even so, many businesses forget to do this and instead only turn to their social media channels … So no matter how long has passed or how many new social posts have been published, it’s still one of the first things your profile visitors see. The reasons for creating a content distribution strategy are plenty. Imagine, all that you can do in the saved time? #1: Developing Educational Resources. Do you promote your new posts in ways other marketers might not? A great and underutilized one is pinning posts to your profiles. You spent hours Googling information and examples. It is a process of sharing, promoting, and publishing your content.. Develop and document your channel plan. 1. Instead of finding influential strangers who’ve shared blog posts from other influential strangers, look to your own community. A NewsCred study reveals that a mammoth 62% of millennials say their online loyalty towards a brand is driven by online content. Think about the networks they have. (Meaning, they’re mostly serious and professional, and there’s me tweeting about TV 5,000 times per week :X). It’ll also help you build a relationship with them, and eventually lead them to take a desired action – … You can expect unique and engaging content … Social Media Native Video — social media algorithms (especially LinkedIn’s) love native video. Some of them, like Quuu Promote, offer brands a way to pay for social media distribution through its content … Social media. Organic social media is such an important, easy and free channel for distributing your content! I’ve seen some discussion lately about how this tactic has been so overdone for so long that it’s useless now. I mentioned the lack of ideas as one barrier to efficient distribution. Put these content distribution tips to work and use the right tools to get your content … And yes, you probably know you should use one – but do you? While the figure is great news for content marketers, what you must realize is you can’t push any content … 734.425.7414 8 Content Distribution Ideas to Meet Your Brand’s Goals 1. Content distribution networks. 10 Ways to Distribute Content Beyond Social Shares Marketing. There are lots of things you can do to improve a post’s visibility. 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