can i use live sand in a freshwater tank

Choose your location for the aquarium if you haven't set it up yet. Great for fish that like to dig (including goldfish!) Is it safe to use that sand? Alternatively, you can trim it to encourage it to become more full and bushy. or can someone send me a link to the sand they use in there fish tank. For example, certain small cichlids and loaches love to burrow. also it can clog the filter if you have one. In brief, live sand offers a streamlined way to maintain tank health. Despite the many benefits of gravel, sand work very well in certain setups. So can i use this sand in the fresh tank becuase oviously it will have some salt quilities in the sand sence it is on the beach on the ocean line. Freshwater clams are excellent for clearing up cloudy water and love to burrow (helping diffuse nutrients). Imagitarium Black Aquarium Sand. The sand has a beautiful velvety look and happily supports plant life as well as aquatic. The sand keeps it buffered up and stable for them. If you're interested in "natural" methods of filtration, I recently read some posts on another site about a woman that uses a DSB (deep sand bed) in a Freshwater planted tank. I don't put too much all at once. can i put live sand in a freshwater tank? Your freshwater aquarium can provide some nutrients such as Nitrogen, Carbon, etc to your plants. The sand I have used most often in my aquarium is play sand from the home improvement store, which is quite literally cleaned and sifted beach sand. Decorating my tank was probably the most fun part of setting up my aquarium. Over time any sand bed becomes live as microorganisms begin to thrive. this can assist! You can use sand meant for pool filters or sandboxes, but it’s worth the extra dollars to buy some for the specific task in hand. Be sure to let it … My question is can I use the live sand in a African cichlid tank? A few cups at a time broadly distributed through the tank is usually the best course of action. How do you think about the answers? but it looks really cool and the fish won't swallow it. If the pH and hardness goes up, some freshwater species will not be able to handle it. So here are some tips and the Top 5 Best Live Plants for Cichlid Tanks. Here are some of the pros of using aquarium sand as a tank substrate: Tighter sand particles make it a relatively clean substrate when compared to other types. Play sand is cheap. The time has come to add your fish! Can support a heavier load of fish 6. Yes. Get your answers by asking now. Yes you can just put it in the tank with no rinse. Releasing slowly, as to not cause a dust cloud/sand storm. i think it might be harder to clean because it could swirl up in your tank when you try to clean off the top layer. These products are not suitable for freshwater tanks. Any other kind of cheap sand I can use? Most of the time sand will not disrupt the filter, unless you have the hose all the way to the susbstrate. In a saltwater tank, your salt mix adds the essential salts and elements to the water. its, undoubtedly true, virtually no bacterea inhabit the water itself. Many plants work great in gravel, and you can find many that do very well in sand also. You can put sand in your fish tanks; just make sure you buy it from a reputable place. She uses California blackworms , MTS , and other invertebrates to keep the top part of the sand aerated, but there is an anoxic layer under that part. Amount you can add will depend on the system size. You can now bring the world’s most exotic reefs into your home with CaribSea’s Arag-Alive!™ substrates. Pool filter sand is cheap but needs to be rinsed a bit before adding it your tank. Live Sand is real I have been keeping a reef tank for 5 years now. You can actually use aragonite sands for african cichlids that like the higher pH. What live plants can I get with Cichlids? Live sand is more expensive but gives the tank a head start on biological filtration. We can't cancel love — but should we cancel weddings? When you are initially setting up your tank you can choose to use live or inert sand. These are used by most aquarists. Play Sand: This is the most inexpensive way to give a great natural look to your fish tank. What should I do before I buy a fish as a pet? Superior plant growth 4. If you currently have gravel, it is probably a good idea to get some aquarium sand. If you’re determined to use beach sand in your tank, it can be done but you need plenty of patience and time. Never use dirt or loam soil of any kind in a freshwater community aquarium environment. Use a 50/50 combination of live sand (new store-bought sand or used sand from an established aquarium) and non-living sand. Barbie but I do however need to finish the 75 G amazon tank and the 30 G Rock Hideaway Tank before I can start on something bigger! Many plants work great in gravel, and you can find many that do very well in sand also. tricky stuff. I’ve had an African Cichlid tank for almost 5 years now, and have had live plants in it the whole time. This is why I don't buy live sand. Sand grains can damage the glass of the tank while cleaning if some grains stuck on your scrubber. Bagged live sands most likely have dead/decaying matter in it. Silica Sand This is what we know as pool filter sand. If you use playground sand, include fertilizer -- either mix it with a fertilized aquarium substrate or add fertilizer tablets or sticks directly into the sand. You can choose between play, blasting, and silica pool sand for your aquarium. You can pour directly from the bucket, although that may disturb your tank and fish. it will help! Amazingly, this is ‘live’ sand, so it is designed to work well with your plants and animals. The lightly colored sand really sparkles in an aquarium and sand in general gives a very smooth look to your aquarium. Live rock and sand in a freshwater tank with GREATLY increase the pH, and put out a ton of ammonia from the dead organisms in it. Also, if you plan on having a lot of sand, you might want something such as snails to move around the sand and allow live bacteria living in the sand to get oxygen. The sand bed is a living organism that becomes home to microorganisms and will become a driving force in the tank’s ability to perform adequate biological filtration. I would check if they have an affect on the pH though by doing pH tests a couple days after you setup your tank and make sure they are what you expect. Some will say to rinse live sand to remove the dust in it/fine particles, which will kill off the bacteria in it. Depending on what sand you use, you might want to wash it. The water will have a pH of about 7.5 - 8.0 for the first 2 months and will then drop to about 7.0 - 7.8 after 2-3 months. You could just stir the sand yourself once in a while, but getting fish/inverts to do it for you is easier. Many aquarium owners think it looks more natural, better mimicking the … In a freshwater tank, use a remineralizer like Seachem Equilibrium to restore the mineral balance. Less reliance on commercial filtration 5. Sand is a very beautiful substrate. larger than 10 gallons, you probably can't move it elsewhere. but it looks really cool and the fish won't swallow it. There are many little-known benefits to having a deep sand bed in your freshwater tank: 1. Brandon on October 28, 2016: Never use dirt or loam soil of any kind in a freshwater community aquarium environment. A better option might be to use a jug to add the new water in slowly. i think it might be harder to clean because it could swirl up in your tank when you try to clean off the top layer. make sure it is clean new sand too. yes silica sand is also great. From what I understand live rocks contain lots of living creatures and good bacteria. SevenSeaSupply Ohko Dragon Stone Rock is the right choice for those searching for stunning rockwork. Still have questions? I've heard that it's not a good idea espicially from fish stores, but I'm also reading that it's ok as long as you wash it. query into a search engine. Jungle Val is by far my favorite freshwater aquatic plant. Just make sure your filters can handle it. Can you use LIVE SAND in a freshwater tank? This bacteria growth happens in both Saltwater and Freshwater. Remember to keep turning it … Think of it as a kind of hoover for the aquarium. The most common sizes, though, are 10–20 gallons and higher. Comes in a wide variety of natural shades to match your tank’s decor; Most products are safe for use in freshwater aquariums and will not alter water chemistry Sand will assist with keeping alkalinity levels high, which is what your water will need. It's $4 for a 50 pound bag at home depot I think. These are not in any order. It will really depend what you want to do with the tank long term . Play sand needs to be rinsed a lot, but is also very cheap. coral sand isn't actually sand its fine crushed coral or an equvilent, its not suitable for a community tank as it affects water chemistry, this is why it is used for marine and Malawi cichlid tanks, i have it in my Malawi tank if yout want a sand substrate Argos play sand will do fine and is really cheap it used for sand blasting and comes in many sizes. Why have a FDSB filter, anyway? | Care recipes. 8. No, i wouldn't use it in the freshwater tank. Also any waste might show more because it will lay on the top of the sand, instead of falling down between the gravel. Okay so I've been doing a lot of reading lately on forums about the use of Aragonite sand in a freshwater aquarium keeping African cichlids. If there are no additives mentioned on the bag, and it is just white sand, go for it. The varying colors and grain sizes make for an attractive substrate. For example stem plants should do great in the sand as the root is mainly located on the stem itself. So they are just rocks. You can sign in to vote the answer. How often do you read reef blogs? how to bring my fish on the plane with only 3 ounces of water? Also make sure it can't clog your no undergravel filter or have you tube next to the bottom..things like that. Goniopora (flowerpot corals) impossible? For example stem plants should do great in the sand as the root is mainly located on the stem itself. Pour fresh water into the tank. “Dirt” or “pond mud” can breed harmful bacteria unless sterilized, and if sterilized, the loam is of little or no use to plants. What does it take to have one? If your aquarium is 10 gallons or less, you can consider moving it to a new location. I gently spread across the floor of the tank and got a very small amount of cloudiness, which cleared quickly. Add your fish. Luckily, with the aid of fish tank river rocks, you can create a wonderful dwelling spot for your freshwater pets and at the same time keep them risk-free at all times. She uses California blackworms , MTS , and other invertebrates to keep the top part of the sand aerated, but there is an anoxic layer under that part. I have a Petco Gift Card, so I want to buy my substrate there and I really wanted black sand for my freshwater aquarium and the only black sand they carry is reptile sand. It should be okay to use in a fresh water tank. Alternatively, you can trim it to encourage it to become more full and bushy. I rinsed through with fresh saltwater although I don't think it would be necessary, I just wanted it cleaner. Apparently it will raise the PH to a more desirable level for those types of cichlid 's. Contact us today to start your advertisement! Fish enthusiasts...fry suddenly appeared in tank, who’s are they. It gets dirtier faster and takes more work to make the tank look perfect all the time. It's been sitting in salt for quite a while, and chances are your salt water sand is comprised of bits of shells. I like your little bit about choosing substrate and how sand can be difficult to work with. Rather than populate your tank with bacteria and organisms, live sand … Ludwigia repens is a hardy red plant that can be placed in your tank even when you’re using sand as a substrate. The tank that i am setting up is going to be used for a jardini which i am going to be putting a teaspoon or salt if for every 1o gallons of water which i precioulsy did in my last jar tank. It can grow fully or partially submerged, so you can still grow it even if it is taller than your tank. Sand has a couple of other benefits when compared to gravel. how much, depends on how you have kept your tank. It involves lots of soaking the sand, and changing the water, rinsing and letting the sand settle in the tank water. Freshwater 33 Pet Care 12 Saltwater 31 aquarium gravel 1 aquarium sand 1 aquarium setup 4 gravel 2 sand 1 tank setup 3 tank substrate 2 AUTHOR: Big Al's Pets We’ve been providing the best aquarium and pet supplies for more than 35 years, both online and in-store. The substrate is the biological filter 9. Live sand is the same type of sand as dry sand except it comes packaged wet. Note though that it’s quite light and fine, so it will take a while to settle once you’ve added it to your aquarium. The deeper the tank, the stronger the lighting system needed. Lower nitrates naturally 2. A question many aquarists have is how much sand to use in setting up their aquarium. A good choice is somewhere without direct sunlight as this enhances algae growth. You can use this in saltwater tanks as well as freshwater. A reverse osmosis system ranges anywhere from $50 to $300. Definitely, you can use sand in your freshwater tank. Can you use sand in a tropical freshwater fish tank? What kind of fish can live in a heated bowl with a filter? If you have species that like to burrow or sift through the substrate, aquarium gravel can make life difficult for them. Don't use tap water as your primary source with live sand in a freshwater tank until the tank … Just make sure that's all there is in it. Sand is "Live Sand" when it gets all the beneficial bacteria growth on it. This is because the sand doesn’t change the water chemistry. Many tanks go for a more natural substrate. you can put sand in the freshwater tank, but it sometimes clouds the water when you put it in. For example. And actually, there are some benefits of using sand in your freshwater aquarium than other substrates. Fine gravel, specially designed terracotta gravel, or sand works best for a live plant environment. No stirring up of the sand required 8. also it can clog the filter if you have one. Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. Have a planted 10 Gallon tank with tetra, Guppies,cherry and ghost shrimp. for planted tanks and it works great. The last disadvantage is the fact that it shows shrimp and fish waste far quicker than gravel. You may notice that the water is clearer and you clean less. Small amounts at a time, poured into a length of PVC pipe to the existing bed. Pristine water quality 7. Use a 50/50 combination of live sand (new store-bought sand or used sand from an established aquarium) and non-living sand. I have my snails in my 5 gallon tank, and i keep losing my little snails that most think of as a pest but i actually like them. Done right, a deep sand bed freshwater filter can support a … But what can happen if you add too much is it can reduce oxygen to the layers Below he new stuff resulting in a mass mortality of your existing bacteria. wash very well though. Live sand is more expensive but gives the tank a head start on biological filtration. whilst the ocean rock will not become "live" again. Dry sand is preferred to add sand to a existing system because you can rinse it clear before adding, thus less dust/sand storms. Advertise today. ... if you bought the 'live sand ... that the 30 G when that's finished. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Reduce or eliminate tedious gravel vacuuming 3. Play sand can be purchased at most hardware stores for as little as $3 a bag. In the absence of burrowing fish, sand can lead to … If it's taken from a existing system, then no problem, but rinsing to remove the trapped organic mater and to reduce dust/sand storm is sometimes needed. Are AI Primes and Noopysche Lights making Blackbox lights go the way of VHS Tapes? For example, certain small cichlids and loaches love to burrow. Happy Reefing. Plus the 2 mystery snails, but it seems like when they are babies they get lost down in the rocks and DIE I have lots and lots of plants that tank as well I just thought maybe they would die so easy if there is sand in there. Yep. However, if your tank includes fish that like to burrow and scavenge in the sand, they will do the job of filtering the substrate. You sure can. I know I don't want to spen $500.00 on live sand. I do this all the time. If you’re determined to use beach sand in your tank, it can be done but you need plenty of patience and time. Getting some advice as to adding some more live sand to an existing reef tank. For instance, if your tank is 24 inches long by 12 inches wide and you want to add three inches of sand, you would multiply 24 x 12 x 3 for a result of 864. In the absence of burrowing fish, sand can lead to … Here are just a few of the benefits freshwater aquarium plants can provide your tank with. It can grow fully or partially submerged, so you can still grow it even if it is taller than your tank. Answer: Nature’s Ocean® Bio-Activ Live™ Aragonite Live Sand is preferred by saltwater aquarists as a natural biological filtration source, but can be used for many other purposes such as adding it to a tank as a shallow or deep sand bed to using it in combination with live rocks and aquarium plants. If you use playground sand, include fertilizer -- either mix it with a fertilized aquarium substrate or add fertilizer tablets or sticks directly into the sand. Better Oxygenation – Plants convert carbon dioxide into oxygen that your fish will be able to use. Despite the many benefits of gravel, sand work very well in certain setups. Try not to get the sand deeper than an inch or you'll end up with anaerobic pockets that tend to be bad juju for FW fish. bacteria can, and does inhabit the substrate. When looking for something for your freshwater tank, sand doesn’t always come to mind. Also, no need to scrap the plants - they are most unlikely to bring a contagion with them. Advertisement . I … Even the cheap sand used to mix up concrete can work very well, if you use root tabs for those plants that root feed and most often you have to do that anyway, no matter what substrate you use, unless it's a dirt tank. I would go with even something like play sand in there, instead.. It is the same with "Live Rock". Without aeration in the sand, you will have anaerobic pockets and dead bacteria. Marine Fish Tank Filter / Filtration Tank with other websites correctly without direct sunlight as this enhances algae growth the bag and... Comprised of bits of shells choosing substrate and how sand can be purchased at most hardware stores for as as! That 's finished, the stronger the lighting system needed most unlikely to bring my fish on stem. And dead bacteria is because the sand, you might want to do with the tank is usually best. 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