oxo tot perch booster seat review

Our dining room chairs have a slight curve to them but the non slip bottom of the Perch fits snug and safely on them with no movement or wobble. .site-main .row > .col-xs-push-8 { } c),c=a.H,e=0);d=null==d?g:d}}f="";a.T&&null!=d&&(f=c+a.T+"="+(a.Sa||d));return b+f+""},Ka=function(a){if(!a.T)return a.la;var b=1,c;for(c in a.V)b=c.length>b?c.length:b;return a.la-a.T.length-b-a.H.length-1},La=function(a,b,c,d,e){var f=[];Ia(a,function(a,k){(a=Na(a,b,c,d,e))&&f.push(k+"="+a)});return f.join(b)},Na=function(a,b,c,d,e){if(null==a)return"";b=b||"&";c=c||",$";"string"==typeof c&&(c=c.split(""));if(a instanceof Array){if(d=d||0,d .col-lg-offset-8 { null;return c};var bb=function(a,b){ab(a,a.Ea,a.X,b)},ab=function(a,b,c,d){var e=d.u;d=d.getData(a.K);a.Ha? } vb.prototype.toString=function(){return JSON.stringify({nativeQuery:this.ma,occurrenceIndex:this.$,paragraphIndex:this.aa,ignoreMode:this.P})}; The perch has a 3 point harness which is great for younger children. } Add to Wish List Add to Compare. $59.99 . .site-main .row > .col-sm-4:not(.p3_featured_panel):not(.p3_featured_cat):not(.p_archive_item) { h4 { font-family: 'Cantarell'; font-style: normal; font-weight: 400; text-decoration: none; text-transform: none; } width: 23%; Mom of 2 toddlers, used this seat daily for over a year: PROS: Skid-proof bottom helps it stay put in chair; perfect table height; easy (and removable) seat to clean; fold up for easy storage. } The Perch is suitable for little people over the age of 15 months and despite it’s compact size, it features a whole host of great features and although the little man is almost three, it’s definitely suited to his age and size. Rating RRP: £40.00. We still use this seat everyday and I highly recommend it for it’s versatility as a travel booster seat and for at-home use. width: 23%; Backrest supports tots, and 3-point harness keeps them safe. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. 0==b}};bc.prototype.B=function(){return this.Z&&T.prototype.B.call(this)};var cc=function(a){P.call(this,a);a=Cb(a).clientHeight;this.Aa=.1*a;this.Ia=.75*a};r(cc,P); margin-left: 77%; .site-main .row > .col-md-offset-8 { 5 out of 5 stars with 4 reviews. 5.0 out of 5 stars Good seat, best for one chair, not ideal to move from chair to chair. !a&&null!=a.location.href)a:{try{ga(a.foo);b=!0;break a}catch(c){}b=!1}return b}catch(c){return!1}},Ia=function(a,b){for(var c in a)Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(a,c)&&b.call(void 0,a[c],c,a)};var Ja=function(a,b,c,d,e){this.la=c||4E3;this.H=a||"&";this.wa=b||",$";this.T=void 0!==d?d:"trn";this.Sa=e||null;this.va=!1;this.V={};this.Ja=0;this.L=[]},Ma=function(a,b,c,d){b=b+"//"+c+d;var e=Ka(a)-d.length-0;if(0>e)return"";a.L.sort(function(a,b){return a-b});d=null;c="";for(var f=0;f=l.length){e-=l.length;b+=l;c=a.H;break}else a.va&&(c=e,l[c-1]==a.H&&--c,b+=l.substr(0, The OXO Tot Perch Booster Seat with Straps boosts tots from 15 months up to the perfect table height on any grown-up chair. A 3-point harness with easy-to-adjust straps keeps tots secure in their seat and can be removed when your tot becomes a big kid (3+ years). The Perch is easy to set up – you literally take it out of the box, lift up the back of the seat and you’re ready to attach it to the chair. h1 { font-family: 'Cantarell'; font-style: normal; font-weight: 400; text-transform: none; } margin-left: 23%; The black straps seen here can be adjusted to fit snuggly around the back and bottom of your dining room chair. width: 77%; Ingenuity Toddler Booster. a.J=A(e,4);return a},mc=function(a){var b=new Sb;b.J=a;return b},pc=function(a){a=a.google_ad_modifications=a.google_ad_modifications||{};a.remove_ads_by_default=!0;a.ad_whitelist=[{ad_tag_origin:"pso"}];a.ad_blacklist=[];a.space_collapsing="slot"},nc=function(a){var b;switch(A(a,6)){case 1:b=A(a,4);break;case 2:b=A(a,7)}return null!=b?b:null};var qc=function(a){this.document=a};var W=function(a){H.call(this,a)};r(W,H);W.prototype.getData=function(a){var b=W.Ra.getData.call(this,a),c;a:{c=(new qc(a.document)).document.getElementsByTagName("script");for(var d=0;d .col-sm-push-8 { } } The Perch Booster collapses quickly and easily for … $39.99 - $44.99. 21. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. $39.99. 53. parseInt(Ic.localStorage.getItem("PSO_EXP0"),10);Z=isNaN(Kc)?null:Kc}catch(a){Z=null}if(null==Z){Z=Math.floor(1024*Math.random());var Lc=Z;try{Ic.localStorage.setItem("PSO_EXP0",Lc.toString())}catch(a){}}lc=new ic(Z,0,Jc);Y=oc()}if(1==Y.ba){var Mc=V;jc(Y.J)&&pc(Mc)}}if(!Y)throw Error("No strategyState created! Originally I was going to say that the only critique I have of this booster seat is that the chair straps aren’t adjustable, so they may fit loosely around skinnier chairs. Conveniently store Booster Straps underneath the Seat's cushion when not in use. width: 77%; .site-main .row > .col-sm-offset-4:not(.p3_featured_panel):not(.p3_featured_cat):not(.p_archive_item) { The back folds down for storage or travel, making it great for dining out. Cushion Ingenuity Baby Base 2-in-1 Booster Feeding Seat. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Affordable, easy to install, easy to keep clean just by … Verified Purchase. New. OXO TOT PERCH BOOSTER SEAT (WITHOUT STRAPS), Cottage Style Inspiration for Our Farmhouse, THE MOST EFFECTIVE PERIORAL DERMATITIS TREATMENT. A few weeks ago I was sent the OXO tot Perch Booster Seat to review with Lamb. 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Input your search keywords and press Enter. Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users. The links in this post contain affiliate links and I will receive a small commission if you make a purchase after clicking on my link. e,!0)}}}0==this.j.length&&this.C(1)}}};ac.prototype.B=function(){return Rb(this)?0 .col-lg-4:not(.p3_featured_panel):not(.p3_featured_cat):not(.p_archive_item) { A(c.N(),2)&&(Date.now?Date.now():+new Date)=c.offsetWidth)))a:if(A(b,7))a.C(8);else{b:if(A(b,5))c=A(b,5);else{if(c=Q(a).f())if(c=A(c,3),a.da .col-sm-push-4:not(.p3_featured_panel):not(.p3_featured_cat):not(.p_archive_item) { h3 { font-family: 'Cantarell'; font-style: normal; font-weight: 400; text-transform: none; } .site-main .row > .col-sm-pull-4:not(.p3_featured_panel):not(.p3_featured_cat):not(.p_archive_item) { } H.prototype.getData=function(a){var b=this.na,c={},d;for(d in b)c[d]=b[d];0 .col-xs-offset-8 { 23. 4.4 out of 5 stars with 53 reviews. (a&&b&&A(b,1)==A(a,1)&&b.getId()==a.getId()&&p(A(b,2))&&p(A(b,5))))return!1;a=A(a,4);b=A(b,4);if(a.length!=b.length)return!1;for(var c=0;c .col-xs-offset-4:not(.p3_featured_panel):not(.p3_featured_cat):not(.p_archive_item) { .site-main .row > .col-xs-pull-4:not(.p3_featured_panel):not(.p3_featured_cat):not(.p_archive_item) { Mother&Baby Awards 2017 Shortlisted Best Travel Product Over £25; What they say: “Whether your child is ready for a grown-up chair or you're dining out, the perch booster seat gives them that extra boost. OXO. OXO TOT Perch Booster Seat With Straps - Gray. OXO Tot Perch Booster Seat reviews. As low as $39.99. .site-main .row > .col-md-pull-4:not(.p3_featured_panel):not(.p3_featured_cat):not(.p_archive_item) { !window.google_async_iframe_id,Ga=Wa&&window.parent||window;var Pa,G;if(Wa&&!Ha()){var Xa="."+Ua.domain;try{for(;2 .col-sm-8 { Choose options. } Get involved with The Think Toddler-Sized Challenge. width: 25%; The little man has been out of a high chair for around a year now but still struggles a little with the height of the dining room table. margin-left: 77%; (a=b.getBoundingClientRect(),Ub(a)?new F(a.top+d,a.right+c,a.bottom+d,a.left+c):new F(0,0,0,0)):new F(0,0,0, $54.99. a.j[d].getBoundingClientRect().top,f=a.j[d].getBoundingClientRect().bottom,c=Math.min(c,ba||99a? The slim, modern profile collapses at the push of a button, folding into a small, discreet square that easily fits in my favorite diaper bag. The OXO Tot Booster Seat fits perfectly in my go-to diaper bag. OXO TOT Perch Booster Seat With Straps - Gray. *)/.exec(k)||["","","",""];if(0==g[0].length&&0==k[0].length)break;b=da(0==g[1].length?0:parseInt(g[1],10),0==k[1].length?0:parseInt(k[1],10))||da(0==g[2].length,0==k[2].length)||da(g[2],k[2]);g=g[3];k=k[3]}while(0==b)}return 0<=b})},wa;var xa=h.document; Your email address will not be published. Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users. OXO Tot Perch Booster Seat with Straps for ages 15 months and up! Roll-Up Bib . } right: 77%; } "+zb(e[f]);d=(e=k)?new vb(e,d,a,c):null}else e&&(d=new vb(e,A(a,2),A(a,5),c));return d?d.query(b):[]},Bb=function(a,b){if(a==b)return!0;if(!a||!b||A(a,1)!=A(b,1)||A(a,2)!=A(b,2)||a.getId()!=b.getId()||A(a,7)!=A(b, .site-top,.menu-bar ul ul,.slicknav_menu{border:0;background:#ffffff}.pipdig-icon svg path{fill:#e2a600}.socialz a,.addthis_toolbox .pipdigicons{color:#000000}.socialz a:hover, #p3_social_sidebar a:hover,.addthis_toolbox .pipdigicons:hover{color:#ffffff}body{font-size:12px}@media only screen and (min-width:730px){.site-title{font-size:34px}}.entry-title {font-size:26px}.grid-title{height:26px;line-height:26px}@media only screen and (max-width:719px){.grid-title{height:auto}}.entry-content h1, .entry-content h2, .entry-content h3, .entry-content h4, .entry-content h5, .entry-content h6 {text-transform: none}.site-title {text-transform: none}.site-description {text-transform: none}body, .more-link {font-family: "Arial"; line-height: 1.3;}.widget-title {text-transform: none}.entry-title,.page-title,.pipdig_p3_related_title a, .entry-content .pipdig_p3_related_posts h3, .pipdig_p3_related_posts h3, .p3_popular_posts_widget h4, .comment-reply-title, #scotch-panel-blossom h5, #scotch-panel-blossom h5, .slide-h2, .pipdig-mosaic-post h2, .p_post_titles_font {text-transform: none}.menu-bar ul li a, .slicknav_menu {text-transform: none}.pipdig-bloglovin-widget{border:1px solid #ed7db9}.site-header .container{padding-top:0;padding-bottom:0;}.site-description{margin-bottom:20px}@media screen and (min-width: 770px) { .site-title img{padding-top:90px} } .broken_link, a.broken_link { For … best Rated toddler Booster Seat with Straps boosts tots from months... 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