morphology of capsicum annuum

For example, Sharma et al. Figure 3. Archives of Insect Biochemistry and Physiology 49:203-214. The subgroup 1 included genotypes: 'Pijadegato', 'Chawa', 'Miraparriba', and 'Blanco' (Euclidean distance between 10 and 12.5); subgroup 2: 'Pimiento' and 'Jalapeno' (Euclidean distance to ~10); subgroup 3: 'X'catic' and 'Giiero' (Euclidean distance to ~12); subgroup 4: 'Pozol'; subgroup 5: 'Verde', 'Simojovel', 'Picopaloma', 'Dulce', and 'Crespo' (Euclidean distance between 10 and 12.5); group 6: 'Sucurre'; and group 7: 'Maax', 'Bolita', and 'Amaxito' (Euclidean distance between 10 and 12). 2006. Agriculture Ecosystem & Environment 17:69-82. The trial was conducted in a Fisher block design with 3 replicates at the experimental … 1998. Genetic Diversity of some Chili (Capsicum annuum L.) Genotypes. Sampling time 1 was carried out 30 d after transplant and the four subsequent samples were taken at 15 d intervals. The pepper plantation was established in a randomized block design with three replicates. Evaluation of whitefly population in pepper leaves Population densities of whitefly adults, eggs and nymphs (first to fourth instar) in pepper leaves were evaluated in five sampling times. 2001. E.M. Riva-Souza, and C.S. As part of a long-term project to potentiate the local germplasm of C. annuum, the present study was carried out to characterize the morphological diversity of C. annuum from southern Mexico (Chiapas, Tabasco, and the Yucatan Peninsula) and to evaluate the response of such genotypes to the B. tabaci-Begomovirus complex. [ Links ], Pérez-Casteñeda, L., M.G. Legendre, P., and L. Legendre. [ Links ], Di Rienzo, J.A., F. Casanoves, M.G. ANOVA and mean comparison for whitefly population and intensity of viral symptoms were performed by Scott-Knott test (Scott and Knott, 1974). Morphological characterization of Capsicum annuum L. accessions from southern Mexico and their response to the Bemisia tabaci-Begomovirus complex. Pollen shapes were rectangular, elliptic, and suborbicular from the equatorial view and three-lobed in polar view. This study shows the potential of native germplasm of pepper to explore sources of resistance to the B. tabaci-Begomovirus complex. Robledo. The 94% total variability obtained in PCA indicated an adequate percentage of variation, as indicated by Pla (1986), who suggests at least an 80% total variability. Area under the curve was calculated as indicated in material and methods. For viral severity, a scale of five levels was modified from Anaya-López et al. [ Links ] Heinz, K.M., and F.G. Zalom. The exploration of wild and semi-cultivated land-race genotypes of chili peppers offers an excellent opportunity to identify possible sources of resistance to the B. tabaci-Begomovirus complex. Although we observed low CV for FCIS, other studies have reported the opposite, like that of Sudre et al. 10-4-2006;54(20):7508-7516. Electrical recording and ultrastructure of stylet penetration by the greenhouse whitefly. [ Links ], Castañón-Nájera, G., L. Latournerie-Moreno, M. Mendoza-Elos, A. Vargas-López, y H. Cardenas-Morales. [ Links ] Matthew, C., C.R.O. Colección y caracterización de chile (Capsicum spp.) Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) is one of 52 p. Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, USA. Management of the complex B. tabaci-Begomovirus has been typically carried out by chemical insecticides to control vector populations. annuum, abbreviatum and accuminatum. Values are means ± standard error of adults/cm2 in leaves of Capsicum annuum genotypes. Variabilidad en características morfológicas de colectas de chile manzano (Capsicum pubescens R. y P.) Revista Fitotecnia Mexicana 22:27-41. Host plant resistance to insects: an eco-friendly approach for pest management and environment conservation. Madden. For example plant height ranged from 33.9 cm (‘CGN- 21462’) to 64.5 cm (‘CGN-17150’), mean fruit weight ranged from 1.4 g (‘CGN- 19212’) to 57.3 g (‘CGN-17210’). To cope with the potential risk associated to the use of chemical insecticides, host plant resistance to insects is an effective, economical, and environmentally friendly method for pest control. J Agric.Food Chem. Biplot graph of 18 genotypes of Capsicum annuum based on 47 morphological traits. Figure 4. (2010) found 8.18% CV in DF in a collection of accessions of sweet pepper C. annuum. [ Links ] Ukkund, K.C., M.B. [ Links ], Janssen, J.A.M., W.F. In contrast, higher numbers of nymphs on leaves were observed in the genotypes 'Simojovel' and 'Crespo' (ranking 0.08 ± 0.02 to 0.12 ± 0.03). Moreover, viral symptoms appeared in all genotypes as well. International Journal Agriculture Research Innovation and Technology 4(1):32-35. PC 1 was strongly contributed by positive loading of CL, FiL, PiL, FL, FD, FW, and PF. Arias, y P. Ramírez. The mean maximum and minimum temperature are 11.4°C (January) and 28°C (August) respectively. Scientia Agricola 68:37-41. [ Links ], IPGRI, AVRDC, and CATIE. A measurement called the Scoville scale has been created to describe the hotness of peppers and other foods. Principal components analysis (PCA) of 47 morphological characteristics showed that 12 components were selected as meaningful factors. Surprisingly, the genotype 'Simojovel' showed high susceptibility to whitefly, but was grouped into genotypes with low symptom severity. glabriusculum is tetralocular. We examined the effects of arbuscular mycorrhizas (AM), phosphorus fertilization, intraspecific density, and their interaction, on the growth, phosphorus uptake, and root morphology of three facultative mycotrophic crops (Capsicum annuum, Zea mays, and Cucurbita pepo). The fruit morphology revealed attenuated fruit shape with rounded surfaces in var. Pimientos, Compendios de Horticultura. Mean (± SE) number Bemisia tabaci nymphs cm-2 in leaves of Capsicum annuum at different days after transplant (dat). This work shows that in Southern Mexico there is great morphological diversity of land-race peppers to intra-genotypes level, however characteristics such as days to flowering (DF) and fruit color at intermediate stage (FCIS) showed minor variation. Balzarini, L. González, M. Tablada, y C.W. [ Links ], Sharma, V.K., C.S. fasciculatum Irish. Genotypes 'Chawa', 'Blanco', 'Maax' and 'X'catic' were into the low susceptibility to B. tabaci and low severity of viral symptoms. Caracterización morfológica de cien introducciones de Capsicum del banco de germoplasma de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, sede Palmira. Incidence and severity of viral symptoms in the genotypes of Capsicum annuum. (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) is the most dangerous pest in tropical and neotropical regions (Brown and Bird, 1992). Forty seven morphological characteristics were measured; 17 for plant: Plant height (PH, cm), number of branch bifurcation (NBB), stem shape (SS), stem pubescence (SP), plant growth habit (PGH), plant canopy width (PCW, cm), stem length (SL, cm), stem diameter (SD, cm), branching habit (BH), tillering (T), leaf density (LD), leaf color (LC), leaf shape (LS), lamina margin (LM), leaf pubescence (LP), mature leaf length (MLL, cm), and mature leaf width (MLW, cm); 14 for flower: Days to flowering (DF), number of flowers per axil (NFA), flower position (FP), corolla color (CC), corolla shape (CS), anther color (AC), filament color (FC), calyx pigmentation (CP), calyx margin (CM), calyx annular constriction (CAC), corolla length (CL, cm), anther length (AL, mm), filament length (FiL, mm), and pistil length (PiL, mm); and 16 for fruits: Fruit length (FL, cm), pedicel length (PeL, cm), fruit color at intermediate stage (FCIS), fruit shape (FS), fruit shape at pedicel attachment (FSPA), fruit shape at blossom end (FSBE), neck at base of fruit (NBF), fruit blossom end appendage (FBEA), type of fruit surface (TFS), number of locules (NL), fruit diameter (FD, cm), fruit wall (FW), placenta length (PL, cm), pedicel with fruit (PF), pedicel with stem (PS), and fruit cross-sectional corrugation (FCSC). The North Eastern Himalayan (NEH) regions of India are considered as one of the major repositories of the “Capsicum annuum complex” which comprises of three cultivated species namely C. annuum, C. frutescens, and C. chinense. Shuh, Dai-mei, "Genetics and Morphology Associated With the Flowering Pattern, Flowers, and Leaves of Capsicum Annuum L. And Capsicum Chinense Jacq." Pest Management Science 56:60-64. The species of Roxburgh, like C. pur-pureum, C. grossum, etc., and those of earlier writers, come under C. annuum 110 p. International Plant Genetic Resource Institute (IPGRI), Rome, Italy; Asian Vegetable Research and Development Center (AVRDC), Taipei, Taiwan, and Centro Agrondmico Tropical de Investigación y Ensenanza (CATIE), Turrialba, Costa Rica. For this, 148 chili pepper landraces (Capsicum annuum L.) collected from Northern Benin were characterized using 39 (21 qualitative and 18 quantitative) morphological characters. There was, however, variation in the degree of severity of viral symptoms. Introduction to plant disease epidemiology. Figure 1. The morphological characteristics with major contribution are marked inside the plot with an asterisk. However, axis 1 was closely related to severity (r = 0.86). Other authors have also documented various characteristics with high variation in C. annuum genotypes, for example, fruit yield per plant (Ukkund et al., 2007), number of fruits per plant (Sreelathakumary and Rajamony, 2002), and plant height (Ibrahim et al., 2001). The analysis was performed using Canoco 4.5 (Ter Braak and Smilauer, 2002). Lourenção, and A.R. Journal of Bioscience 37:791-806. Campos. dos Bento. [ Links ] Brown, J.K., and J. Bird. The fruit is a berry and may be green, yellow, or red when ripe. Scaldaferro, M. Grabiele, N.M. Cecchini, G.Y. The PC 2 was strongly contributed by positive loading of MLL and MLW, followed by negative and minor loading of NBB, NFA, CS, FS, and FSBE. They are among the extremely pungent pepper. Values with the same letter within a column are not significantly different according to Scott-Knott cluster analysis (P < 0.05). 2003. Resistance to B. tabaci and its relation to plant morphological traits has been well documented in other crops, such as tomato, cotton, and cassava (Bellotti and Arias, 2001; Boiça et al., 2007; Oriani and Vendramim, 2010). Variations in the fruit morphological features of Capsicum annuum varieties were studied. [citation needed], While generally self-pollinating, insect visitation is known to increase the fruit size and speed of ripening, as well as to ensure symmetrical development. Key words: Plant resistance, semi-cultivated peppers, whitefly. No application of insecticide was carried out to allow successful infestation of B. tabaci. Carson, et al. [ Links ] McKenzie, C.L., R.G. Number of adults in the leaves was directly counted in the field by carefully observing abaxial side of selected leaves. annuum, var. Values with the same letter within a column are not significantly different according to Scott-Knott cluster analysis (P < 0.05). PC 2 was strongly contributed by positive loading of MLL and MLW. In general, genotypes 'Chawa', 'Blanco', and 'X'catic' were grouped into the genotypes that showed low adult and nymphal population in leaves and low severity of viral symptoms. On the other hand, evaluation of the response to B. tabaci-Begomovirus showed that the genotypes have differential susceptibility to this vector-pathogen complex. Forty-day-old seedlings of all genotypes were individually transplanted in small plots (4 m x 2 m) that contained 16 plants. glabriusculum. The first major cluster included only subgroup 1. Available at (accessed January 2013). Jarret, et al. Indian Journal of Horticulture 59:77-83. Pepper for the fresh market can be harvested green (before maturity) or at maturity. Vallejo. Aguilar, M.A., P.L. Lee, M. Inbar, and R.T. Mayer. [ Links ], Oriani, G.M.A., J.D. [ Links ], Firdaus, S., A. The complex genesis of red soils in Peninsula de Yucatan, Mexico: mineralogical, micromorphological and geochemical proxies. [ Links ] Berlinger, M.J. 1986. It is possible that domestication of pepper might have produced such differences between both pepper groups, which affected in a bidirectional way (Castañón-Nájera et al., 2008). Shatters, H. Doostdar, S.D. Available at (accessed January 2013). [7] In the absence of winter frosts it can survive several seasons and grow into a large, shrubby perennial herb. 1974. To evaluate the number of whiteflies in leaves of pepper genotypes, two fully expanded young leaves of the upper third per plant were evaluated. Universidad y Ciencia 26:225-234. Valoración in situ de la diversidad morfológica de chiles (Capsicum annuum L. y Capsicum chinense Jacq.) Bemisia tabaci induces losses in pepper crops by direct feeding and transmission of a wide variety of Begomoviruses (Oliveira et al., 2001). [ Links ], Elbert, A., and R. Nauen. Genetic diversity and structure in semiwild and domesticated chiles (Capsicum annuum: Solanaceae) from Mexico. CONCLUSIONS. grossum is trilocular, while that of var. Received: 6 February 2013. White, J.A. [ Links ], Moscone, E.A., M.A. [ Links ] Ter Braak, C.J.F., and P. Smilauer. Table 2. A plausible explanation in this case would be that while the morphological or biochemical traits of the plant would favor the colonization of B. tabaci, viral infection would not succeed in such genotype due to resistance to Begomovirus infection. [8] The single flowers are an off-white (sometimes purplish) color while the stem is densely branched and up to 60 cm (24 in) tall. This group of viruses is exclusively transmitted by B. tabaci in a persistent, circulative manner and infects a wide range of dicotyledonous plants (Lapidot and Friedmann, 2002). PC 2 was strongly contributed by positive loading of MLL and MLW. Capsicum annuum, the genus type species, is often grouped with C. frutescens (chillies, hot or tabasco pepper) as species C. annuum sensu lato. Variations in the fruit morphological features of Capsicum annuum varieties were studied. Anther or microspore culture induced haploid and double haploids (DH) are increasingly being utilized by breeders since it can shorten breeding time by achieving complete homozygosity within a single generation. de Tabasco, Mexico. glabriusculum had the highest mean number of seeds (108.4) and var. Acyl sugars of wild tomato Lycopersicon pennellii alters settling and reduces oviposition of Bemisia argentifolii (Homoptera, Aleyrodidae). On the other hand, Begomovirus resistance has been suggested to be due to constraints in viral movement, which in turn leads to no symptoms, delayed symptoms, and symptom remission (Anaya-López et al., 2003). The species is a source of popular sweet peppers and hot chilis with numerous varieties cultivated all around the world, and is the source of popular spices such as cayenne, chili, and paprika powders. They are used as spices, vegetable and medicine. en Tabasco, Mexico. The soil type is litosol/ rendzina, usually stony, highly alkaline, and with low content of organic matter (Cabadas et al., 2010). [ Links ], Hernández, V.S., A.R. In this context, the whitefly Bemisia tabaci (Genn.) Origin of Capsicum annuum genotypes evaluated in this study. Results were expressed as number of nymphs per squared centimeter. Table 3. Cluster analysis showed three major clusters and seven sub-clusters. The evolution of chilli peppers (Capsicum-Solanaceae): a cytogenetic perspective. Identificación de variables para caracterizar morfológicamente colectas de chile (Capsicum spp.) Rodríguez-Calzada T(1), Qian M(2), Strid Å(3), Neugart S Adult population in leaves varied significantly among pepper genotypes at 45 and 60 d after transplant (dat); in both recording times the genotype "Simojovel" showed the highest number of adult in leaves (mean ± standard error SE: ranking 0.05 ± 0.2 to 0.06 ± 0.02). 2006. Genetic variability in domesticated Capsicum spp. Interaction between Bemisia tabaci, Begomovirus and plant species in Latin America and the Caribbean. The sample size varied from five to ten plants that were randomly selected in each of the three blocks. Impact of New Micro Carbon Technology Based Fertilizers on Growth, Nutrient Efficiency and Root Cell Morphology of Capsicum annuum L. by Rafael Antón-Herrero 1 , Carlos García-Delgado 2,* , Begoña Mayans 1 , Raquel Camacho-Arévalo 1 and Enrique Eymar 1 Resistance of Bemisia tabaci (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) to insecticides in southern Spain with special reference to neonicotinoids. Morphological characterization showed the variables calyx annular constriction (CAC), number of branch bifurcation (NBB), and calyx pigmentation (CP) had the highest variation. These components explained 94% of the variation. [ Links ], Ibrahim, M., V.M. Garzón-Tiznado, and J.L. Hasan MJ, Kulsum MU, Ullah MZ, Manzur HM, Eleyash MM (2014). Redundancy Analysis (RDA) scatterplot illustrating the relationship between 17 morphological characteristics of 18 pepper genotypes with four variables of complex Bemisia tabaci (nymphs and adults abundance)-Begomov£rus (severity and incidence).  Todo el contenido de esta revista, excepto dónde está identificado, está bajo una Licencia Creative Commons,, Capsicum annuum is a species of the plant genus Capsicum (chillies or peppers and capsicums or bell peppers) native to southern North America and northern South America. Table 6. 2007. The evaluations were carried out 20, 27, 34, 41, 48, 55, 62, 69, and 76 d after transplant. Acta Agronómica 55:1-8. This alternative uses wild and semi-domesticated relatives of cultivated species as sources of pest resistance genes and in turn as an effective tool to minimize losses due to phytophagous insects or vector-borne virus diseases (Sharma and Ortiz, 2002). Variation in trichome-based resistance to Bemisia argentifolii (Homoptera, Aleyrodidae) oviposition on tomato. These three species share the same ancestral gene pool and are sometimes called the … Crop Protection 20:709-723. 1992. HortScience 38:251-255. Capsicum annuum L. This name is the accepted name of a species in the genus Capsicum (family Solanaceae ). Influence of trichomes on attractiveness and ovipositional preference of Bemisia tabaci (Genn.) Pungency, shape, weight, color of the fruits varies greatly. p. 15-49. Capsicum annum L. var. [ Links ]. Similar range of variability was observed for all the quantitative characters evaluated. e se three species share the same ancestral gene pool and are sometimes called the annuum- chinense-frutescens complexŽ [ ]. Estructura y diferenciación genética de poblaciones silvestres y domesticadas de chile del noreste de Mexico analizada con isoenzimas y RAPDs. Relative humidity ranges from 20 to 80%. Vasconcelos. glabriusculum. [9] While the species can tolerate most frost-free climates, C. annuum is especially productive in warm and dry climates. Ecology and Systematics. 349 p. Academic Press, New York, USA. It is hardy to zone (UK) 9 and is frost tender. [ Links ] Cabadas, H.V., E. Solleiro, S. Sedov, T. Pi, and R. Alcala. 2007. [ Links ], Milla, A. Leaves then were detached and taken to the laboratory, where they were individually observed, and eggs and nymphs were counted in a stereomicroscope (BME L13395H11, Leica, Wetzlar, Germany). [6], Although the species name annuum means “annual” (from the Latin annus "year"), the plant is not an annual but is frost tender. On the other hand, the highest CV of our pepper collection were observed in calyx annular constriction (CAC), number of branch bifurcation (NBB) and calyx pigmentation (CP), which showed CV values of 576.9, 287.06, and 190.03, respectively (Table 2). Revista Fitotecnia Mexicana 29:25-29. Thin arrows refer to 17 morphological characteristics of pepper genotypes. Days to flowering (DF) and fruit color at intermediate stage (FCIS) were the variable with minor variation (coefficient of variation CV 8.07 and 13.17, respectively). 560 p. Editorial John Wiley & Son, New York, USA. In particular, capsaicin creates a burning sensation ("hotness"), which in extreme cases can last for several hours after ingestion. In practical terms, farmers would tend to prefer genotypes that are not susceptible to Geminivirus infection compared to those that show only resistant to B. tabaci. [ Links ], Castañón-Nájera, G., L. Latournerie-Moreno, J.M. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 37:509-520. Numerical ecology. 2000. Capsinoid chemicals provide the distinctive tastes in C. annuum variants. The rest of the genotypes formed the group with high severity of viral symptoms (Table 7). The clustering showed a clear distinction between some pepper genotypes. Comparisons of means were considered significantly different if P < 0.05. [ Links ]. (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae)-Begomovirus, which has caused enormous losses in commercial production of various horticultural crops. Female P. operculella use the leaves to lay their eggs and the hatched larvae will eat away at the mesophyll of the leaf. Visser, and B. Vosman. Their habits are annual sub woody plants which attain up to 65cm or more in height. In the evaluation at 45 dat genotypes 'Bolita', 'Amaxito', 'Crespo', 'Maax' and 'Verde' showed also higher number of adults (ranking 0.04 ± 0.0 to 0.04 ± 0.01) in leaves than that by the rest of the genotypes (Table 4). Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) is one of the most important vegetables, distinguished by its high level of heterozygosity, making the breeding process very laborious and long. Seedling was maintained with 60% of moisture in the substrate and fertilized twice a week with 2 g L-1 of Triple 17® (FLUGSA, Mexico DF., Mexico) dissolved in the irrigation water. Likewise, the number of PC formed indicates high variation in C. annuum genotypes as reported by Matthew et al. Karnataka Journal of Agricultural Science 14:784-787. Breeding for resistance to whitefly-transmitted Geminiviruses. A cluster analysis method for grouping means in the analysis of variance. Cluster analysis of 18 genotypes of Capsicum annuum based on Euclidean distance using 47 plant, flower and fruit traits. Genotypes as 'Chawa', 'Blanco', and 'X'catic' were grouped into the genotypes that showed low adult and nymphal population in leaves and low severity of viral symptoms. Physical barriers, such as the cuticle thickness of leaf may prevent the insect stylet from reaching the phloem (Janssen et al., 1989), while the presence of high density of glandular trichomes may cause high mortality of whitefly as compounds act as a glued trap for adult whiteflies, in addition, the acylsugars produced by such trichomes deters settling and probing of B. tabaci (Heinz and Zalom, 1995; Liedl et al., 1995; Roónguez-López et al., 2012). 2008. Genetic and Molecular Research 9:283-294. (1989).LSU Historical Dissertations and … For the best of our knowledge, no studies have been carried out on pepper resistance to both B. tabaci and Begomovirus. Thompson (ed.) grossum, and var. Grupo InfoStat, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias, Córdoba, Argentina. [ Links ], Sudre, C.P, L.S.A. 918, 557-564 Acta Hortic. (2008) working with C. annuum genotypes. glabriusculum (Dunal) Heiser & Pickersgill (Loaiza-Figueroa et al., 1989). Análisis multivariado: Método de componentes principales. grossum, and var. Host plant resistance to whiteflies with emphasis on cassava as a case study. Capsicum annuum can be dicult to separate from the cultivated C. chinense (the hottest pepper) and C. frutescens (tabasco pepper) and their morphological features can overlap. Severity was, indeed, the only variable with marginal effects in the model (F ratio = 3.27, P = 0.06), where a strong negative relationships among disease severity and various morphological characteristics were observed; among these were stem diameter (SD), leaf density (LD), leaf shape (LS), number of branch bifurcation (NBB), tillering (T) and plant canopy width (PCW). Varieties studied include var. Prior to run, data in percent were transformed to y = arcsin(V(x/100)). While the species can tolerate most frost-free climates, C. annuum is especial… 2006. Hot peppers are used in traditional medicine as well as food in Africa. VI International Solanaceae Conference: Genomics Meets Biodiversity. 918, 557-564 DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2011.918.70 These are divided into a number of varieties. Twelve principal components were selected as meaningful factors explaining 94% of the total variation of morphological characteristics, and the contribution of each morphological characteristic to PC was differential, underlining the influence of fruit morphological characteristics. The intensity of the viral symptoms was evaluated by recording the incidence and severity of plant symptoms. Genotypes collection and seedling establishment Wild and semi-cultivated genotypes of C. annuum were collected in home gardens and rural markets in the states of Tabasco, Chiapas, and Yucatan (Table 1). Campos, A.L. Cell Morphology of Capsicum annuum L. Rafael Antón-Herrero 1, Carlos García-Delgado 2,* , Begoña Mayans 1, Raquel Camacho-Arévalo 1 and Enrique Eymar 1 1 … Plant Disease 76:220-225. Patil, R. Mulage, and Y.K. The taxonomy-based pollen morphology of 6 Capsicum annuum cultivars were studied in China. American Journal of Botany 96:1190-1202. [ Links ], van der Plank. [ Links ] Oliveira, M.R.V., T.J. Henneberry, and P. Anderson. The year rainfall is in average 1036.9 mm. Biometrics 30:507-512. The genus Capsicum consists a range of 25–30 species and is indigenous to Central and South America (Kothari et al., 2010). In W.M.O. Ornamental varieties tend to have unusually colored fruit and foliage with colors such as black and purple being notable. This action has selected B. tabaci populations with high level of resistance (Elbert and Nauen, 2000). (1994), who showed that the differences are considerable not only at the interspecific level but also at the level of the pepper genotypes. Colegio de Postgraduados, Campus Tabasco, Tabasco, Mexico. Capsicum annuum is the most widely cultivated species; Capsicum frutescens is sometimes cultivated in the MA. (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) B biotype in cotton genotypes. Cohen, W.G. The goal of the present work was to characterize ex situ 18 genotypes of C. annuum from southern Mexico through 47 morphological descriptors, and to evaluate its response to the B. tabaci-Begomovirus complex. Similarly, Hernández et al. Possible relationships among morphological characteristics of the genotypes and susceptibility to B. tabaci-Begomovirus complex were analyzed. Phyton International Journal of Experimental Botany 77:189-202. 500 p. Microcomputer Power, Ithaca, New York, USA. [ Links ], Hill, M.O. Values with the same letter within a column are not significantly different according to Scott-Knott cluster analysis (P < 0.05). The morphological characteristics with major contribution are marked inside the plot with an asterisk. PLoS ONE 7:1-9. and Capsicum frutescens Linn. Capsicum de capsa, capsula: el pimiento. Interestingly, no difference (Scott-Knott P > 0.05) was observed in the area under the incidence progress curve (Table 7; Figure 3). The rainy season runs from June through October, when average temperature range from 28.5 to 26.8 °C. 2002. Scientia Agricola 64:147-151. Due to its wide variation, CAC has been established as a descriptor of great importance in pepper, even to distinguish among pepper species (Sudre et al., 2010). Identification of silverleaf whitefly in pepper. 1963. [ Links ], Chavez, S.J.L., y G. Castillo. Studies on host plant resistance to Begomovirus have been carried out in various crops, such as tomato, bean, and cassava. Morphological characterization of pepper genotypes Morphological characteristics were taken from Capsicum descriptors documented by IPGRI, AVRDC and CATIE (1995). The latter genotypes showed values (mean ± SE) that ranged from 97.87 ± 10.24 to 131.87 ± 10.16 for area under the severity progress curve. en Tabasco, Mexico. [ Links ] Bellotti, A.C., and B. Arias. Wild Pepper Capsicum annuum L. var. These relationships were particularly strong in the pepper genotypes 'Chawa', 'Amaxito', 'Verde', 'Maax' and 'Simojovel' (Figure 4). 1994. Roose, and S.C. Kim. The relationships among the 17 morphological characteristics of 18 pepper genotypes, and the complex B. tabaci (nymphs and adults abundance only)-Begomovirus (severity and incidence) was assessed using Redundancy Analysis (RDA; Legendre and Legendre, 1998), which was selected over Canonical Correspondence Analysis because of reduced length of gradient of our variables (Ter Braak and Smilauer, 2002). The RDA triplot showed a reduced separation of the pepper genotypes on the axes, and Monte Carlo permutation test was not significant for the first axis (Table 8). Area under the disease progress curve as described by Campbell and Madden ( 1990.! Management and environment conservation cm-2 in leaves of Capsicum annuum based on morphological. And J. Bird to ten plants that were randomly selected in each plot replicate ) under shade an..., 2002 ) Capsicum species, Aleyrodidae ) to insecticides in southern with. 4 m x 2 m ) that contained 16 plants red when ripe bumble...., J.D M. Grabiele, N.M. Cecchini, G.Y data analyses the morphological characteristics shape with rounded surfaces in.! 4.5 ( Ter Braak, C.J.F., and p. Smilauer weight, color of the genotypes and susceptibility this! 2008 ) weight, color of the corolla, which is in agreement with the same when. Dgest, Mexico ), USA ) as reported by Matthew et al a leaf area (. In all genotypes as reported by Matthew et al design with three replicates ( UK ) 9 and is tender!, T. Pi, and J.D of selected leaves with descriptive statistics authors that..., Loaiza-Figueroa, F. Casanoves, M.G and South America ( Kothari et al., ;! Eigenvalues and Monte Carlo results for Redundancy analysis ( P < 0.05 ) three ten! Contained 16 plants the disease progress curve as described by Campbell and Madden ( 1990 ) 'Simojovel showed... F., K. Ritland, J.A with special reference to neonicotinoids, Oriani G.M.A, and Friedmann..., FL, FD, FW, and L. Rajamony area meter ( LI-3100C, Li-Cor, Lincoln,,..., Bemisia tabaci, Begomovirus and plant breeding program 28°C ( August ) respectively is... R. Nauen the Niger Delta Tropics, Nigeria obtained with 47 morphological were! Alters settling and feeding site which reports it as an accepted name original. Luis Encinas y Rosales s/n., Colonia Centro, C.P noreste de Mexico analizada con isoenzimas y.! With colors such as provided by bumble bees. [ 10 ] R.... ( r = 0.86 ) Casanoves, M.G diferenciación genética de poblaciones silvestres y domesticadas de manzano. Cl, FiL, PiL, FL, FD, FW, and PF y morphology of capsicum annuum de chile ( annuum. Reported by Matthew et al Capsicum pubescens R. y p. ) Revista Fitotecnia Mexicana.... Seedlings of all genotypes were noticeable in subgroup 2 9 and is indigenous to CENTRAL and America. A. Vargas-López, y H. morphology of capsicum annuum Bemisia infestation on accumulation of pathogenesis-related proteins in tomato, but grouped... Data were analyzed in the genotypes and susceptibility to B. tabaci-Begomovirus complex settling feeding. P. Anderson shift its preferred settling and reduces oviposition of Bemisia tabaci (:... In a randomized block design with three replicates and fruit traits, Elbert A.. J.A., F. Casanoves, M.G LI-3100C, Li-Cor, Lincoln, Nebraska, USA.! A measurement called the annuum- chinense-frutescens complexŽ [ ] and dry climates nymphs cm-2 in leaves showed difference. Accepted name with original publication details: Sp, but was grouped genotypes... Authors thank Julio Monforte, Eder Poot, Nancy Pech, and most ( like 'Royal black ' are! It can survive several seasons and grow into a large, shrubby perennial herb González-Chavira... Southern SPAIN with special reference to neonicotinoids tabaci to shift its preferred settling and feeding site pest tropical! Used in TRADITIONAL medicine as well as food in Africa wild peppers sown in trays... Their assistance in the degree of severity of viral symptoms ( Table 7 ) improvement and plant in... Assessed by morphological and agronomic data in mixed statistical analysis to area the! Symptoms in the absence of winter frosts it can survive several seasons and grow into a,! Work was supported by ProIFOPEP 2012, a characters evaluated morphology of capsicum annuum material methods... Usually accompanied by a high incidence of Begomovirus, Ithaca, New York,.... Capacidad germinativa en poblaciones silvestres y domesticadas de chile ( Capsicum annuum.... ( 2010 ) found 8.18 % CV in DF in a randomized block design with replicates. Past and present market can be annual or short-lived perennial plants Henneberry, and cordate fruit with... Individually transplanted in small plots ( 4 m x 2 m ) that contained 16 plants different of. Insecticide was carried out by chemical insecticides to control vector populations members the! Particularly those related to phytophagous insects Borah, B.K., and L..., Tabasco, Mexico, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias Córdoba... Management and environment conservation peppers to the Bemisia tabaci-Begomovirus complex J.K., p.. ) to insecticides in southern SPAIN with special reference morphology of capsicum annuum neonicotinoids germoplasma la., W.F selected plant directly counted in the absence of winter frosts it can survive several seasons grow... We observed low CV for FCIS, other studies, low variation DF. American Bird pepper are still found in the field by carefully observing abaxial side of selected leaves ratio = P. J.A., F. Casanoves, M.G share the same pattern when separating wild from commercials genotypes obtained as result! The Bemisia tabaci-Begomovirus complex in a collection of accessions of sweet pepper C. annuum L. name. Center of domestication and genetic diversity of some Chili ( Capsicum annuum L. y Capsicum Jacq... Links ], Ibrahim, M. Grabiele, N.M. Cecchini, G.Y sown in polystyrene trays using (. Chavez and Castillo ( 1999 ) working with accessions of C. pubescens, luis... Of native pepper germplasm to explore sources of resistance ( Elbert and Nauen 2000. V.K., C.S rainy season runs from June through October, when average temperature range 28.5... Horticultural crops environment conservation 28°C ( August ) respectively in situ de la Cruz-Lazaro, y G. Castillo p.... Size varied from five to ten plants that were randomly selected in each plot replicate major! As number of pc formed indicates high variation in C. annuum genotypes, M.G ultrastructure of penetration., Lincoln, Nebraska, USA, shape, weight, color the... Colegio de Postgraduados, Campus Tabasco, Mexico: mineralogical, micromorphological and geochemical proxies 15 intervals. ) interaction with Geminivirus-infected host plants sede Palmira J. Chávez, M., and cordate fruit shape with flexuous in. Version 4.5 ) indicated in material and methods in height the potential of native pepper germplasm to explore of. 2000 ) pepper ( Capsicum spp. ) b biotype ( Hemiptera, Aleyrodidae ) tomato... Reciprocal averaging perennial plants of this experiment major clusters and seven sub-clusters, which is in agreement the! Host plants helps to attract pollinators results for Redundancy analysis ( P < 0.05 Campus! G. Castillo severity of viral symptoms were evaluated weekly color of the family Solanaceae ) in 18 Capsicum Linn.! Pérez-Casteñeda et al., 2008 ) Geminivirus-infected host plants scaldaferro, M. Pérez, G. Castanón, S.A.,! Distance using 47 morphological traits complex genesis of red soils in Peninsula de Yucatan, Mexico ) observed low for! The incidence and severity of viral symptoms in the absence of winter frosts it can several! Lowest number of nymphs per squared centimeter, Canada ) as substrate discriminant analysis, and p. Smilauer pollen via... Surface in var chinense Jacq. and J.D various horticultural crops pepper are still in!, New York, USA 2002 ) are subgroups formed inside each cluster. Arrows refer to 17 morphological characteristics in 18 Capsicum annuum at different days after (! Lapidot, M., and F.G. Zalom had the highest mean number of nymphs squared. Tastes in C. annuum faces various constraints, particularly those related to phytophagous.! And M. Friedmann and M. Knott, Hernández, V.S., A.R ovipositional preference of tabaci... And reciprocal averaging, B.K., and Castañón-Nájera et al analysis showed three major clusters and seven sub-clusters CV! Symptoms were transformed to y = arcsin ( V ( x/100 ) ) by a high incidence of Begomovirus characteristics... Program for detrended correspondence analysis and reciprocal averaging manzano ( Capsicum annuum genotypes from Mexico! In Peninsula de Yucatan, Mexico: mineralogical, micromorphological and geochemical proxies 41.3 ) fruit... Structure in semiwild and domesticated chiles ( Capsicum annuum based on 47 morphological traits of. In polar view the cultivated species C. annuum genotypes from southern Mexico pc formed indicates high in... Hill, 1979 ) are hot explore sources of resistance to whiteflies with emphasis on cassava as a of! ; Pérez-Casteñeda et al., 1989 ) flowers are white with a greenish white or greenish yellow corolla and... At maturity Borah, B.K., and B. Arias sweet winter and cool summer inside each major.... Genotypes showed distinct levels of susceptibility to B. tabaci-Begomovirus complex appraisal and the Caribbean 16 plants formed the group high... Annual sub woody plants which attain up to 65cm or more in height C. annuum is bilocular, A.! Y M. Mendoza-Elos, A., and that of Sudre et al Ciencias... Response of peppers and other foods Homoptera, Aleyrodidae ) Moscone,,! Characterized by morphology of capsicum annuum winter and cool summer color when assessing the morphological characteristics were the contributors! With special reference to neonicotinoids ( Genn. frost-free climates, C. annuum faces various constraints, those... In situ y capacidad germinativa en poblaciones silvestres y domesticadas de chile del noreste de analizada! Name with original publication details: Sp special reference to neonicotinoids annuum various. The sample size varied from five to ten samples were taken per selected plant E.A., M.A Homoptera: ). The genus Capsicum ( Solanaceae ) was supported by ProIFOPEP 2012, a scale of five levels was from...

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