hardy egg laying chickens

Now you have four colors of eggs to play with (white, blue, brown, and green). Environment: They can easily adapt to almost any environment and are one of the most hardy breeds for both cold and warm climates. As these are winter hardy birds, they are even better winter egg layers and produce large brown eggs. If you are getting chicks, you will need a chick brooder to keep them warm and safe until they are old enough for a chicken coop. If you live further north you might want to choose the Canadian Chantecler as your chicken of choice. They are known for being very curious and love free ranging and foraging. Environment: They are a hardy breed and can do well in any climate. She has lovely dark red feathering that resembles the color of a buckeye nut (which is where their name comes from). Just give your chickens a comfortable place to sleep and food to eat for egg and meat production. Check out my Homestead Mercantile for all of my favorite chicken and homesteading products. Purchasing Adult Hens Con: It can be difficult to find good-quality laying hens for sale. They generally get along with other chickens and livestock as well. Of course, not everyone wants to have free-range chickens, since they can wreak havoc on the garden or yard. Purchasing Adult Hens Pro: If you get a young adult chicken (between 1 and 2 years old), you’re getting them right at their prime egg-laying stage of life. If the hens are healthy and have plenty of space, egg eating should not be an issue. Above, our Andalusian pullet Eva, is extremely suited or warm climates with her small, sleek body. They are currently on the Livestock Conservancy’s watch list and were almost extinct only a few decades ago! And make sure their water feeder stays clean throughout the day. I hate to bust this homesteading myth for you, but for the most part, raising livestock isn’t going to save you money. You can usually purchase chicks at a local feed store (my weakness), but you can also order them online. As a general rule, chickens can eat the same things we can. Today we are going to take a look at some of the best cold hardy chicken breeds. Overall this is a lovely bird that is in need of dedicated keepers. They are one of the most popular backyard chicken breeds because they’re hardy, low maintenance, and lay lots of eggs. A cold-hardy chicken is often nicely feathered along with small combs and wattles that reduce frostbite chances. Although they were raised for the meat industry the Delaware hen can produce 4 large eggs a week. Male Wyandottes can sometimes be prone to be aggressive and should be watched around children. This makes them a very popular breed for egg lovers. This makes them more susceptible to cooler weather, even rai… Interestingly, most of the white egg-laying chickens are heat-hardy breeds. They will lay between 250-300 eggs a year and roosters can grow to 8 lbs. Wyandotte. Welsummers. They are docile and good with people, making them a great first-choice for newbie chicken owners. You’ll love them because of their traditional reddish-brown feathers, but also because they can lay between 300-350 eggs every year! Wyandottes are known for their calm, docile and friendly personality. Anyone who has kept Delawares will tell you they are exuberant and talkative. So, you don’t have to compromise chicken cuteness, productivity, and good disposition, to also get great all-winter birds. Chicken Breed Picture Bird Size lb. Rhode Island Reds. Plymouth Rocks were created in New England in the 1800s. Dominique. You also won’t have to deal with chick-care with brooders, or egg-care with incubators, so you will need less equipment and less hassle right away. Try different types and see which ones the chickens prefer, or what spot in the coop they like the boxes, or, if they are sneaking away to have their eggs somewhere else on the farm (which happens occasionally over here). So always double check your local rules before you bring those adorable chicks home. Unfortunately, a hawk killed one of my hens. Eggs: Leghorns lay between 280-300 white eggs per year. If you see reference to a bantam bird, that is a small version of any particular breed. They typically lay an impressive 4 eggs per week. A clean chicken coop makes a huge difference to the overall health of your chickens (here’s a video of how I recently cleaned up our chicken coop). What van you recommend for mites? 1. Chickens Egg Laying Reducing Over Time. You might want to have some homemade electrolytes for chicks on hand for that, just in case. Just remember to keep their coop draft proof and well protected against the winter and predators. The White Leghorn is one of the most common chicken breeds raised by commercial egg farmers because it is not only a productive egg layer, but it’s also quite hardy in extreme conditions. Some chickens will lay many eggs for two to three years, then drop off production even though their lifespan is … Keep your chicken coop safe from predators. Sure, those chicks are super adorable, but (preferably) before you bring them home, a bit of self-reflection is wise to make sure you aren’t biting off more than you can chew. Getting Chicks Con: You will need a chick brooder to help protect them and for optimal health. So if you’re a newbie homesteader, with a car full of impulsive-bought chicks (which I totally understand! Hatching Eggs Pro: You can get the exact chicken breeds you want to raise. Eggs: They average about 300 light brown eggs per year. Keep their coop impeccably clean, especially the nesting boxes. You can always make a chicken run (here’s a good chicken run plan), which gives them some extra space to run and forage, but prevents them from being able to wander your entire yard or space. Sometimes they make up their own mind about when to lay eggs. 3. Purchasing chicks is the most common way to get new chickens. Generally it’s very easy to handle this breed and they produce light brown colored eggs. They can be seen in flocks from Mexico to Canada and will happily continue laying through the winter, providing their families with hearty, healthy eggs all through the colder months. She is the best egg laying chicken for cold climate. We are going to deep clean the coop and nesting boxes, plus give the girls a bucket of wood ashes to dust bathe in. They were initially bred as a dual purpose bird and can lay around 3 large eggs per week. The Rhode Island was designed as a dual purpose breed back in the 1800s when breeders were trying to make the perfect chicken. I have chickens that love to free range part of the day. This guide to raising laying hens will help you learn everything you need to know for raising healthy and happy chickens and it will help you get the tastiest eggs possible from your laying hens. She is a hardy and robust little hen that tolerates cold weather really well. Some chicken breeds don’t mind a little snow in their pens. Free-range chickens are typically happier and healthier, resulting in them laying more eggs. Leghorns, which come in a wide variety of colors, also tend to keep laying eggs much longer than other chickens as well. Environment: Australorps can handle most types of weather, thought they do prefer more space if possible. Eggs: You will get approximately 200-250 eggs per year from a Sussex and they range in color from white-ish to a shade of brown. New Hampshire Red. If you keep them in a run they get a bit snippy, so lots of room is the key here. This is even more useful when it comes to winter laying. White Leghorn chickens are a hardy breed that lays large white eggs, and you can count on around 280... 2. They are particularly cold hardy because they have... Australorp. 4. Period. Chickens stay healthy by having access to fresh water. Do different colored chicken eggs taste differently? While we find cold weather to be a pain, always having to bundle up when we go outside to refill chicken feeders and waterers,our birds often adjust quite well. She is a great choice for families as kids love to pick them up and the Orpington never seems to mind being carried around. They are excellent layers, laying up to 250 eggs a year. 4. The really wonderful things about all of the cold-hardy breeds above is that they are great egg layers, excellent backyard chickens, and happen to be beautiful to boot! Many of the heat-hardy breeds originated in the Mediterranean - go figure! ), this post is for you. The Wyandotte is one of the most beautiful chickens there is. Making a chicken coop from scratch will take some time, but it’s so worth it to know you’ve got a solid and good-quality coop for your new laying hens. Feather footed breeds were deliberately omitted as their foot feathers can cause problems in the winter. Getting Chicks. (We won’t really be covering raising meat chickens in this post (you can read more about raising meat chickens here), but I will cover plenty of general information that you can use for raising any type of chicken.). Overall this is a very hardy and dependable chicken that can flourish in conditions that are marginal or even poor. Initially created to be a great dual purpose bird, a hen will lay 150-200 eggs/year and the meat is said to be very good quality. Although they can be a bit reserved especially with other breeds of chicken. They do well in confinement or free ranging and if they can free range they will gather tasty morsels to supplement their feed. Welsummer. Discovering the unexpected is often what brings the most pleasure; cascading water from a fountain, a bullfrog’s croak in a Koi pond or a lovely wind chime that dances in the breeze. Read more here about. Of all our brown egg layers, this is the lightest (about 3½ lbs. Therefore, if money is tight, consider getting your first chickens only when you can afford taking care of them. Egg Color and Size Cold Hardy Behavior Brooding/Best Coop Recommendation Egg Laying Belgian D'Anver, or Antwerp Belgian, Barbu d'Anvers white no active, flyer; hens calm, cocks can be aggressive broody Best Coop: Large Wood Backyard Chicken Coop Poultry Hen House with Outdoor Run fair Brahma 9.5-12 brown yes After that, they start slowing down in their egg production. Originally these chickens were left to fend for themselves and did very well. So there you have our selection for cold weather climates. Yes! They have stunning plumage that comes in a variety of colors. It was originally bred for the broiler industry but things did not work out and the Delaware was left on the sidelines. The 10 Best Eggers 1. Hens are good layers and can produce 4 large brown eggs a week – even through the winter months! This chicken can also be raised for meat, although you won’t get … Well, dust off your art pigment knowledge and combine it with some chicken breed information and you can indeed change your egg colors over time. 5. Temperament: Isa Browns are considered very friendly with people and can be quite affectionate as well. Keeping your egg laying chickens in tip-top shape will mean more and higher quality eggs for you. Look over your chickens for parasites. Physical attributes such as dense feathering and small combs all come into play here. They are teenage chickens that are just about ready to lay their first eggs. The hens are good layers of large brown egg and will lay 3 eggs a week. I would start by looking in the morning, and peek on them during the day until you’ve figured out the rhythm of your chickens. The New Hampshire chicken is an offshoot from the Rhode Island Red creators. After just 18 to 21 weeks of life, a hen starts laying her 200 eggs per year. You can prevent this bad habit from forming if you try your best to gather the eggs soon after they are laid. You haven’t said anything about culling. How to Clean and Disinfect a Chicken Coop, Save time & money as you build your homestead with my, you can read more about raising meat chickens here, more science details on this egg coloring here, this suet cake recipe for my chickens in the winter, here’s a video of how I recently cleaned up our chicken coop, How to Make Non-Stick Eggs in a Cast Iron Pan, https://www.theprairiehomestead.com/2015/05/wild-birds-out-of-a-chicken-coop.html, Their age (optimal egg production is between 6 months and 2 years old), They are molting (losing old feathers and growing new ones), Your laying hens have a health issue or insufficient nutrition. When thinking about getting chickens for your backyard there Read More →, Just like people, chickens prefer to have some personal space. You will mainly find them in either white or partridge, however buff is available but it is very rare. She'll eventually grow a super large comb to help her stay cool as well. The Ancona has a "mottled" color pattern of black with white spots, and both Single Comb & Rose Comb varieties are accepted by the American Poultry Association. She has lots of loose feathering which keeps them warm in the colder months. Touring a garden can be magical. 8 Comments | Raise Your Own Chickens & Eggs, Cover crops are an incredibly underutilized, very affordable way to fertilize your soil, decrease erosion, and increase organic matter. Overall the Orpington is a lovely hen for the small flock holder. I was gathering eggs and got the mites on my hands and face ugh. They are outgoing, talkative and can be a bit pushy but they do have bags of personality. Many adult hens that you will find are often past their prime, so you’ll just be taking care of them in their old age without the reward of getting eggs. The Ameraucana chicken breed was developed by American scientists around 1970 in order to get the blue-colored eggs of the Araucana while eradicating the genetic issue that often caused Araucana chicks to die inside the egg. They are gentle and friendly chickens and they should not be combined with chicken breeds that are more aggressive because they can suffer from bullying (from being at the bottom of the pecking order). 1. These chickens are easy to raise in cold climates and can continue to lay well into the winter months. She is a gentle and calm bird that enjoys confinement or free ranging. The New Hampshire chicken is an offshoot from the Rhode Island Red creators. They are well suited to live with other gentle breeds. There are several more which could easily have fit the bill. Eggs: They produce approximately 200 large eggs each year, and they come in a variety of brown shade colors. Ancona chickens are another Italian export on our list of best white egg laying. The colors of chicken eggs depends on the genetics of the laying hens. Bred to be the first all-purpose chickens suited specifically to Canadian means, Chantecler chickens are well-known for being great egg-layers. Hatching Eggs Con: Hatching eggs in an incubator is a bit complex and you have to purchase additonal chicken equipment (the incubator and all the necessary gear for a successful hatch), so it can be overwhelming to newbie chicken owners. Most hens start laying eggs at about 20 weeks old and will lay the most eggs in that first year. These big birds are robust and are known to thrive in typical chicken coop environments. So you will need to watch the chickens closely as you provide them with nesting boxes. Choosing Pullets. However, since taking a trip through the mail can be stressful on live chicks, this option isn’t without occasional issues (including some deaths and weak health from trauma). Unfortunately, some towns or HOAs (homeowner’s associations) have strict ordinances that doesn’t allow chickens at all. Lifespan and Egg Laying Span. As the egg travels through the hen’s oviduct, it can pick up different pigments (more science details on this egg coloring here). Temperament: Sussex chickens are incredibly curious, to the point where they like to follow people around the farm to see what you’re up to. With chicks, you’ll be waiting about 6 months before you get eggs. They also happen to be very winter hardy as they were created to withstand the North American winters. 2. Try to keep a dish of crushed oyster shells in the chicken coop for your laying hens to seek out when they need a calcium boost, or feed eggshells back to them. Chickens such as Brahmas and Faverolles could be considered here but are not because of their feathered feet. There’s a common saying that goes something like “Chickens are the gateway livestock” and it’s most definitely true. Plymouth Rock is another dual purpose chicken breed. They also have a pea comb and slightly smaller than average wattles. This gives them exercise and access to fresh greens and bugs. I like to make this suet cake recipe for my chickens in the winter. Make sure they get plenty of fresh water. The Sussex chicken breed is an old breed that gained popularity in the mid-19th century in England. If you want eggs ASAP, then pullets might be the better choice. Bonus: they are really good foragers, so you might have to feed them less in the summer. I have never figured out how to do this. Their rose comb and dense plumage helps them shake off the cold easily. The breed then lost popularity for a while, but heritage chicken breeders have helped Sussex chickens make a bit a recent comeback. We’ve had RIRs for years, and I absolutely adore them. Grab the full-color cover crop PDF here (it includes my weekly Homestead Toolbox Newsletter, which gets rave reviews from busy homesteaders!)-->. Most laying hens will provide consistent eggs for the first 2 or 3 years. Jill actually wrote a whole post on this topic here: https://www.theprairiehomestead.com/2015/05/wild-birds-out-of-a-chicken-coop.html So sorry to hear that you lost one of your hens! Purchasing Adult Laying Hens. The Chantecler is perhaps the quintessential winter chicken. We are excited and planners by nature so we have all of the equipment we need for them to be happy little egg layers. Best chicken breeds for eggs 1. Polish and Silkie chickens don’t have water-resistant feathers. Ducks are probably the next logical step up from chickens and have become tremendously popular over the last few years. Some chickens are better at laying all year round, although most will take some time off during the winter when there are less hours of daylight. There are several color varieties but the buff is the most popular. Welsummers are low maintenance and do not need much in the way of maintenance except for the usual chicken things. However you will still find her out roaming even on the coldest days to peck through the snow for any tasty little treats she can find. Another dual-purpose breed (as you can see, most of these are dual-purpose!) ©2005-2020 MY PET CHICKEN, LLC. What are Those Spots in my Farm-Fresh Eggs? The Wyandotte was a dual-purpose breed developed by Americans in the 19th century and the most common variety of this breed is called the Silver Laced Wyandotte. They have lots of dense feathering which makes them cold hardy. Best Egg Laying Chickens for Producing the Most Eggs in a Year. They prefer to free range as this lets them forage for food. They originated in America in the 19th century but became very popular during World War II. Their plumage is dense with lots of fluff underneath for warmth. However, there are a few things you should NOT feed your chickens, including the foods: avocado, rhubarb, garlic, sweets, and heavily processed food. You’re a wealth of knowledge and I appreciate your posts immensely! Let’s take a closer look. For now we are home all day (thanks Covid-19) but what happens if they lay their eggs after we leave for work? (These are my #1 favorite- don’t tell the others….). Let’s take a closer look at what you need to consider before getting chickens, the best laying hen breeds for optimal eggs, the different colored eggs you can get, how to help your chickens give you more eggs, and much more. The best thing about this chicken is feed intake, which is very less compared to other breeds. The cheapest chicken feed at the store costs $12-$16/bag, and making your own chicken feed is still an investment (here’s my chicken feed recipe if you want to try making your own). In general, most hens lay their eggs in the early morning, usually within the first 6 hours of sunrise. So cold-hardy that they are known to lay through the winter when other breeds stop laying. The New Hampshire Red is a cold hardy chicken breed that does well for both egg-laying and providing me​at. These breeds were picked based on their ability to tolerate cold weather and how well suited they are to a cold climate. Temperament: Wyandottes are normally docile and friendly, however, they do have a dominant and confidant personality, which can lead to fights with other breeds to be the top of the pecking order. Look for mites during the night when they are the most active. Environment: They are quite hardy and can handle the cold very well, but they need shade and constant access to water in the summer to escape the heat. Whichever you choose I do not think any will disappoint you. Australorp chickens lay medium sized light brown eggs. On top of good chicken feed, you should give your chickens mealworms, vegetable food scraps, and other healthy treats that give them a nutritional boost. While chickens actually do better in colder climates than hot, there are definitely some breeds that do much better in the depths of winter than others. This means they can be raised for either eggs or meat. I have used Diatomaceous Earth for mites with great success. Temperament: This is an active and skittish breed. After your chicks are too big for the brooder, you will need a chicken coop to for them live in. Ameraucana: Also known as Easter Eggers, these backyard chickens lay eggs in various shades of blue, blue-green, green and cream. My question is this: we both still work outside of the home. Lohmann Brown is one of the best egg laying chicken breeds, which lays about 300 large brown color eggs per year. The Rhode Island Red chicken breed is one of the most popular breeds of laying hens and was developed in Rhode Island. They enjoy being able to move around freely and do what they want without having to wade through a crowded coop or run. You can get a pre-made chicken coop if you want, but frankly, I’ve always found them to be pretty flimsy. Most brown egg layer pullets will consume 9-10 kgs of feed by the onset of egg production. She will lay 3-4 light brown eggs a week and is prone to broodiness. They are very cold hardy and robust, laying throughout the winter. My husband said the space between the pubic bones tells if they are laying, but once they quit laying, does that space decrease so you know they’re not laying anymore? Information provided is general purpose only and not meant to replace professional and medical advice. We just discovered our hens have mites. Temperament: Plymouth Rock chickens are known for being quite mellow and docile. A brown egg breed combined with a blue egg breed will get you green eggs. Average Eggs per Year: 200 plus Egg Color and Size: Medium brown, sometimes with speckles Personality: Calm, quiet, docile Average Hen’s Weight: 6.5 pounds A team of Australorp hens set the current world record for the most eggs laid in a single year — an … One of the most annoying habits of chickens is egg eating. They are quick to feather out and mature with hens weighing up to 6.5lb. Remember art class, when you learned how red and yellow gets your orange? Top 15 Cold Hardy Chicken Breeds. Anything else we should do? They originated in America in the 19th century but became very popular during World War II. Each year following their egg production will gradually decline to about year 7 when they will typically stop laying altogether. I will describe you, what chickens are best for laying eggs, which ones are best for meat purposes, the chickens that are best for eggs and meat, show poultry, and Bantam. Provide a clean, well-ventilated chicken coop. They are excellent foragers and just love being outside exploring. List of 15 Best Egg Laying Chicken Breeds 1. Temperament: They are usually an easy-going chicken breed, however, Rhode Island Red’s have a tendency to be a noisy breed. If some eggs taste different than others, it has to do with what the hen was eating, not the color of the eggshell (more details below on what to feed your laying hens). I’m so glad I found you! Cheaper chicken feed might not have the best nutritional benefits for optimal egg laying (or for your hens’ health). In theory, by giving the chicken coop certain lighting, it can increase their egg productivity. Environment: Rhode Island Red’s are laid back and happy-go-lucky in any weather or climate. These are fertilized eggs that you need to incubate. They might be dealing with lower egg production due to these reasons: While some of these reasons are naturally occurring and cannot be fixed, there is plenty you CAN do to increase their egg productivity: 1. 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