syn kinematic definition geology

A variety of approaches reveal fundamental differences in the structure of buried thrust systems in comparison with those that develop into strata that accumulated during deformation (Fig. External siliciclastic input was very limited – most of the sediment is biogenic. 9). Pedley & Maniscalco, 1999). 11. 1) and are therefore said to be “buried”. Judica (Sicilia Orientale), Mount Etna volcano: a review of the recent earth sciences studies, Carta Geologica della Siciulia Sud-Orientale, Carta geologica della Sicilia (1:250,000), Elementi per la ricostruzione del quadro strutturale della Sicilia Orientale, Fold amplification and parasequence stacking patterns in syn-tectonic shoreface carbonates, Structural styles and regional tectonic setting of the ‘Gela Nappe’ and frontal part of the Maghrebian thrust belt in Sicily, Petrografia della Serie Sofifera Siciliana e considerazioni geologiche relative, Memorie Descrittive della Carta Geologica d’Italia, Nota illustrativa dello schema geologico della Sicilia nord-orientale, Schema introduttivo alla geologia del confine calabro-lucano, Lithofacies and faunal succession (faunal phase analysis) as a tool in unravelling climatic and tectonic signals in marginal basins; Messinian (Miocene), Sicily, The Numidian of Sicily revisited: a thrust-influenced confined turbidite system, Tracking sand fairways through a deformed turbidite system: the Numidian (Miocene) of Central-East Sicily, Italy, La distensione tetidea ed il suo controllo sulle strutture compressive del sistema appenninico-maghrebide: l’esempio dei Monti delle Madonìe (Sicilia centro-settentrionale), Bolletino della Società Geologica Italiana, Understanding paleomagnetic rotations in Sicily: Thrust versus strikeslip tectonics, Influence of syntectonic sedimentation on thrust wedges in analogue models, Carta geologica dei Bacini di Corvillo e Mandre (Sicilia centrale map, scale at 1:50.000), Repeated reactivation in the Apennine-Maghrebide system, Italy, a possible example of fault-zone weakening? However, an alternative response is for the thrust front to simply accrete the entire foredeep succession – in a similar fashion to descriptions of subduction-accretion complexes (e.g. This in turn requires the thrust wedge to evolve (c), either climbing a ramp or accreting this new sediment onto its front (inferred here to have happened in Sicily). The section is deliberately unoriented so as not to imply a specific restored palaeogeography. Pinter was supported through a PhD grant funded by the BG Group (now Shell) and Brazil’s National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq). – Loss of volume = negative dilation – Increase of volume = positive dilation. The distribution of pre-kinematic successions reflects basin-structuring before Neogene thrusting, so that Mesozoic depositional units are unreliable guides for structural interpretation and associated palinspastic restoration. More northern parts of the thrust belt were eroded and overlain by orogen-sourced turbidites of the Reitano Formation, also of Langhian age (Grassoet alii, 1999). Their interpretation of subsurface structure would require modification to conform to the requirements of our model as these authors infer the presence of syn-kinematic strata between the thrust slices and significant syn-kinematic deposition at the emergent thrust break (Gasparo Morticelliet alii, 2015). Panormide, Imerese etc) now stacked together in the Sicilian thrust belt. There are no transitional environments between deep-water Imerese and shallow-water parts of the residual Panormide platform, suggesting that these two domains have been structurally juxtaposed (e.g. Simplified composite stratigraphic columns for Neogene strata for the “basin” are presented here (Fig. Insights from analogue experiments and numerous high-quality seismic images from deepwater thrust belts indicate that syn-kinematic sedimentation exerts a primary control on thrust geometry. The resultant thrust wedge comprises an array of widely spaced anticlines separated by synclines within which thrust-top sediments are ponded. Other strata onlap and pinch onto the flanks of the fold. Likewise, significant thicknesses of Upper Pliocene-Lower Pleistocene strata are preserved above the nappe. 4a). Kinematics is a subfield of physics, developed in classical mechanics, that describes the motion of points, bodies, and systems of bodies without considering the forces that cause them to move. 11). Decima & Wezel, 1973; Fig. 13b). The orogenic hinterland is represented by “Calabrian” basement, vestigial portions of which crop out in the Peloritani Mountains of NE Sicily (e.g. It seems probable that this part of the Terravecchia was deposited ahead of the ancestral thrust wedge and therefore represents foredeep, rather than thrust-top sedimentation (Butleret alii, 1992). 5c). FIG. However, using our modified thicknesses of syn-kinematic strata (Fig. As the thrust wedge only accommodates about 20-30 km of shortening, the basal detachment must accommodate about 200km displacement. Catalanoet alii, 2018). These younger Numidian strata pass up into Serravallian to Tortonian claystones. Thrusting is generally inferred to have been “Africa-directed” with tectonic rotations (up to 100 degrees CW) in Mesozoic strata with respect to Hyblea (reviewed by Cifelliet alii, 2007 and, for western Sicily, by Speranzaet alii, 2018). Furthermore, more northern parts of the thrust belt are overlain by Langhian strata and younger that locally postdate much of the deformation (Grassoet alii, 1999). Kinematics definition, the branch of mechanics that deals with pure motion, without reference to the masses or forces involved in it. Only the uppermost thrust slice, the top of the thrust wedge, would be permitted to accumulate syn-kinematic sediment. 7). Kinematic Analysis – Rock Slope Wedge Failure Similar to planar failures, seve ral conditions relating to the line of intersection must be met for wedge failure to be kinematically admissible : (i) The dip of the slope must exceed the dip of the line of intersection of the two wedge forming discontinuity planes. Based on field mapping by the authors with well data as indicated. In contrast, the interpretations of the SiRiPRO profile by Catalanoet alii, (2013) and Gasparo Morticelliet alii, 2015) both show the incorporation of syn-kinematic strata at deep levels in the thrust stack (Fig. Many of the basic geometric elements of thrust belts were developed from preserved parts of ancient systems such as the Appalachians and Moine Thrust Belt (e.g. 12a breaks down in detail for eastern Sicily, specifically for the late Tortonian. They argue for structures within the wedge to be long-lived, having operated not in a sequence but in parallel. b) illustrates thrusting with syn-kinematic sedimentation. Syn-kinematic crystal growth can be demonstrated by the color zoning that grows and progressively fills the gap between the separating fragments. 6a), the turbidites are Aquitanian to Burdigalian in age (Pinteret alii, 2016), capped by slump-sheets that are in turn overlain unconformably by Langhian-aged Reitano “flysch” (e.g. Butler & Lickorish, 1997). A synopsis of the geology of the Cobequid Highlands, Nova Scotia These papers deal with reconstructions of plate-tectonic configurations (Golonka et al. There are substantial uncertainties in these estimates, but the general pattern is clear – displacements on the eastern Sicilian thrust belt were very strongly partitioned onto the basal thrust detachment and not within the thrust wedge. Storti & McClay (1995) show thrusts that form without syn-kinematic sedimentation climb section and then follow upper detachments (thrust flats). - Simplified map of the Maghrebian thrust belt of Sicily (inset location map) showing the distribution of pre-kinematic strata. Existing interpretations of the thrust belt which invoke stacking of far-travelled thrust sheets (e.g. Indeed, seismic reflection data can yield entirely misleading images as a consequence of spatially complex heterogeneous seismic velocity and correspondingly tortuous ray-paths. The southern cross-section (modified after Lickorishet alii, 1999; Fig. 3), a misnomer because it is not one single depocenter but comprises arrays of synclines developed above the tectonised sedimentary successions of the thrust belt (e.g. 7), allows some additional insight. Burolletet alii, 1977), an outcropping extremity of the African continent. 10a, c). Collectively the structures in Fig. Deeper marine Serravallian successions are reported for various locations beneath Tortonian clays elsewhere in the Caltanissetta Basin but are generally included within the lithostratigraphic Terravecchia Formation. However, these underlying structures would form buried beneath the thrust wedge, they would not climb directly with the syn-orogenic surface and thus would not contain syn-kinematic sediments. They can indicate: (1) presence of a shear zone; (2) lithospheric depth of shearing; (3) direction of shear; (4) sense of shear; and possibly (5) absolute amount of shear. After carefully reading this chapter, completing the exercises within it, and answering the questions at the end, you should be able to: Describe the types of stresses that exist within the Earth’s crust; The main thrust slices apparently cut across and over-step these complications, in a similar fashion to that interpreted for the seismic example from the Niger delta (Fig. Belloet alii, 2000; Avelloneet alii, 2010; Albanese & Sulli, 2012). Bedard, J.H., 1993, Oceanic crust as a reacting filter: These papers deal with reconstructions of plate-tectonic configurations (Golonka et al. Kinematic analysis of the photoelectric effect is not quite straightforward because it involves a bound electron as a target, but the atom as a whole recoils. Thus, the stratigraphic relationships preclude the Monte Judica rocks (column C on Fig. These values are broadly in agreement with those obtained by Butleret alii (1992) for the Gela Nappe near Ramacca (Fig. 5). 2 : the properties and phenomena of an object or system in motion of interest to kinematics the kinematics of the human ankle joint. Our aim is to illustrate that folds and thrusts grew in parallel over a long period, that sedimentation was strongly located upon the thrust wedge rather than in a foredeep and consequently that the thrusts in the thrust wedge are ramp-dominated. Geologic mapping, structural, kinematic, and geochronology studies of the River Springs area will document the dominant fault type, geometry, slip kinematics, timing of fault slip, and fault slip rates. Butleret alii., 1995a). In: Tectonics and Seismic Sequence Stratigraphy, Geological Society, London, Special Publications, A possible bridge between Adria and Africa: New palaeobiogeographic and stratigraphic constraints on the Mesozoic palaeogeography of the Central Mediterranean area, Mélanges: Processes of Formation and Societal Significance, The Crust-Mantle and Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Boundaries: Insights from Xenoliths, Orogenic Deep Sections, and Geophysical Studies, Tectonics and Metallogeny of the Tethyan Orogenic Belt, Transform Margins: Development, Controls and Petroleum Systems, This site uses cookies. 8b). The break-up unconformity is shown as a wavy line at the top of the synrift sequence. The integration of stratigraphic interpretations, allied to the work of Pinter et alii (2016, 2018) conforms to the description of the thrust wedge in eastern Sicily provided by Butler & Lickorish (1997). – Loss of volume = negative dilation – Increase of volume = positive dilation. Integrating these figures across the section line of Fig. 8b). 2c-e). However, in contrast to the modest displacements within, the entire thrust wedge is translated and rotated over a continuous footwall. generated in a strike slip system at transpressive Thus, large-scale thrust juxtaposition is not required to explain the present distribution of facies within the Numidian turbidites. Kinematics. On restored sections, emergent thrust systems have segments of syn-kinematic sedimentation displayed on their restored templates (Fig. This sand fairway appears to have migrated southwards (in the modern reference frame, eastwards when corrected for tectonic rotations) into the Langhian. Syn-kinematic strata chart the evolution of the thrust wedge in east-central Sicily. From: Handbook of Robotic and Image-Guided Surgery, 2020 Our revised interpretation suggests that the Numidian strata alone may have exceeded thickness of 2 km. ), provenance of piggy-back basin fills (Cibin et al. Palaeomagnetic data (summarised by Cifelliet alii, 2007) indicate that the Scaglia of the Monte Judica thrust stack has experienced c 90-100 degrees clockwise rotations. These are late Cretaceous to Oligocene in age and are generally interpreted to have detached from their older substrate (e.g. An alternative version (Fig. 3) and is generally inferred to be submerged beneath the southern Tyrrhenian Sea (e.g. 2). Physical Geology. Not only do these sediments provide key information on the growth of structures, they can also influence the trajectories of faults and thus the geometry of the thrust wedge (e.g. 7, approximately along the path of that of Bianchiet alii (1989; see also Carboneet alii, 1990 and Fig. The frontal structures have been penetrated by several deep exploration wells that encountered platform/shelf carbonates of the Hyblean foreland beneath nappe. 5a) assumes that distinct facies in these turbidites must have been deposited in widely separated locations and that their present juxtaposition reflects substantial tectonic translations (e.g. Guerreraet alii, 2012). Note that, with the exception from that reported for the Monte Judica culmination: C of Fig. Our explanation for the Monte Judica thrust stack is consistent with the behaviour of thrust systems that emerge into areas receiving significant syn-kinematic sedimentation, in this case the influx of lower Miocene clays and sands. Ogniben 1960 and numerous authors thereafter). Ubiquitously at outcrop, all the Numidian strata are deformed, as typified by Fig. In contrast to much of the thrust wedge, the Gela Nappe contains only few strata that pre-date the Terravecchia Formation. Argille Varicolori, inferred to lie within a Sicilide sheet, are found in the far-south of the thrust system, near the front of the “Gela Nappe” (location E on Fig. We contrast these geometries as portrayed by structures within the thrust wedge (Fig. In contrast, when there is syn-kinematic sedimentation the imbricate thrusts continue to climb ramps into the growth strata. The model further explains why these sandstones and claystones around Monte Judica are as young as Serravallian, as these represent the final part of the thrust-top basin successions here (Fig. 13c), the thrust belt is portrayed with displacements strongly partitioned onto the basal detachment. A key difference between the sections is that in the south there is a young thrust that cuts Pleistocene strata (Fig. Vitaleet alii, 2018 and references therein). Definition of synkinematic. within the Salici Basin (Fig. a) is after Gambinoet alii (2018) and shows an interpretation of the deep structure Corvillo-Mandre basin, caught between a fore-thrust and back-thrust system (well data after Carboneet alii, 1990). The present-day distribution of the various tectonostratigraphic units is shown on Fig 3, following the terminology of Lentini & Carbone (2014). The thrust front is buried and unconformably overlain by Pleistocene clays which onlap folded evaporites and Trubi chalk. This in turn promoted partitioning of displacement strongly onto this basal thrust. Many analogue experiments have explored the large-scale dynamics of thrust wedges and a few examine the role of sedimentation on the trajectories of individual thrusts. Nevertheless, both Lentiniet alii (1996) and Catalanoet alii (2013) use the constituent Mesozoic facies to schematically restore the thrust system. These rotations decrease systematically in younger, syn-kinematic strata. As discussed earlier, the timing and distribution of syn-kinematic strata across the Sicilian thrust belt preclude this established interpretation. Bonnetet alii, 2008; Graveleauet alii, 2012). 3). Within the thrust system much of the Mesozoic succession is in deep-water facies and constitutes the Imerese and Sicanian units. Di Paoloet alii (2012) argue that this thrust sheet provided a tectonic overburden that accounts for the peak temperatures in the culmination. Thrusts are numbered for cross-reference to the restored sections (b and c) and do not imply a sequence of activity. Kinematics, as a field of study, is often referred to as the "geometry of motion" and is occasionally seen as a branch of mathematics. Butler, Rosanna Maniscalco, Patricia R. Pinter; Syn-kinematic sedimentary systems as constraints on the structural response of thrust belts: re-examining the structural style of the Maghrebian thrust belt of Eastern Sicily. They propose that the thrust belt is formed by three distinct far-travelled thrust sheets (Fig. seismic crustal transect, Late Tortonian-Quaternary tectonic evolution of central Sicily: the major role of strike-slip deformation, Tectonic evolution of arcuate mountain belts on top of retreating subduction slab: The example of the Calabrian Arc, Structural evolution of the sedimentary accretionary wedge of the alpine system in Eastern Sicily: thermal and thermochronological constraints, Late Miocene evaporites of the central Sicilian Basin, Italy, Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, Fluid flow reconstruction in karstified Panormide platform limestones (north-central Sicily): Implications for hydrocarbon prospectivity in the Sicilian fold and thrust belt, Maximum burial and unroofing of Mt. See more. These buried foreland carbonates are stratigraphically capped by the Pliocene Trubi Formation and very thin mudstones. Apart from showing significant variations in stratigraphic thickness (Grassoet alii, 1997; Lickorishet alii, 1999) it is difficult to establish how much of the Licata Formation is pre or syn-kinematic with respect to local thrusts and folds. 5c), broadly along the section line of Catalanoet alii (2013) is proposed by Lentiniet alii (1996), well-before the acquisition of the SiRiPRO seismic profile. Simple application of duplex models with upper thrust detachments would appear unwarranted for thrust belts that hosted significant syn-kinematic sedimentation., Microstructural controls and the role of graphite in matrix/porphyroblast exchange during, (2007): Trace element zoning in pyroxenes from ODP Hole 735B gabbros: diffusive exchange or. This interpretation also places a panel of carbonates at depth, a proposition that the entire thrust belt onshore Sicily is underlain by the Hyblean foreland. Existing interpretations show the area to comprise a stack of imbricate thrust slices of deep-water Mesozoic-Palaeogene carbonates together with their cover of Miocene claystones and quartz sandstones (e.g. 8b, indicating that deformation continued into the middle Miocene in these localities. 3). Kinematics. 3. Judica recess area in Sicily: Implication for the Apenninic–Maghrebian wedge dynamics, Detecting the stepwise propagation of the Eastern Sicily thrust belt (Italy): insight from thermal and thermochronological constraints, Structural evolution in the northern part of the Moine thrust belt, NW Scotland, Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, Earth Sciences, Structural setting of the Apennine–Maghrebian thrust belt, Fold-related deformation bands in a weakly buried sandstone reservoir analogue: a multi-disciplinary case study from the Numidian (Miocene) of Sicily (Italy), Deep controls on Foreland Basin System evolution along the Sicilian Fold and Thrust Belt, Bulletin de la Société géologique de France, Tectonic setting of the petroleum systems of Sicily, Deformation, Fluid Flow and Reservoir Appraisal in Foreland Fold-and-Thrust Belts, American Association of Petroleum Geologists Memoir, The Apenninic/Maghrebian orogen in southern Italy, Sicily and adjacent areas, Anatomy of an Orogen: the Apennines and Adjacent Mediterranean Basins, Tectonic controls on the deposition of late Tortonian sediments in the Caltanissetta basin of central Sicily, The sedimentology and development of Terravecchia Formation carbonates (Upper Miocene) of North Central Sicily: possible eustatic influence on facies development, Lineamenti stratigrafico strutturali delle Madonie (Sicilia centro-settentrionale), Structures and tectonic setting of the western margin of the Hyblean-Malta shelf, central Mediterranean, Età e posizione strutturale del “Flysch” di Reitano affiorante presso Cerami (Monti Nebrodi), Sicilia Centro-Settentrionale, Bolletino della Accademia Gioenia di Scienze Naturali Catania, Geological map of the Licata fold belt (south-central Sicily), Società Elaborazioni Cartografiche, Firenze, Experimental modelling of orogenic wedges: a review, Tectono-sedimentary evolution of the “Numidian Formation” and Lateral Facies (southern branch of the western Tethys): Constraints for central-western Mediterranean geodynamics, Tectonics of the Western Piedmont and Blue Ridge, southern Appalachians; review and speculation, Internal geometry and growth history of a thrust-related anticline in a deep water fold belt, Interaction between spreading salt canopies and their peripheral thrust systems, Palaeotectonics and sediment dispersal pathways in north-central Sicily during the Late Tortonian, The Southern Uplands of Scotland: A Lower Palaeozoic accretionary prism, Caratteri stratigrafici e strutturali della zona di Mt. We hope that the methods we have developed here will help to reduce uncertainty in the interpretation of emergent thrust belts in general. 8a. Building on Argand’s original Alpine interpretations, Ogniben (1960) applied palaeogeographic configurations to Sicily and the scheme was formalised by Catalano & D’Argenio (1978) amongst others. Evaluating lateral compaction in deepwater fold and thrust belts: how much are we missing from Nature’s Sandbox? The shortening across individual structures in the thrust wedge is rather low (a few km). What are synonyms for kinematic? Robot kinematics applies geometry to the study of the movement of multi-degree of freedom kinematic chains that form the structure of robotic systems. Six syn-kinematic patterns of the foredeep basin contain a diverse facies and event bed assemblage in lobeform complexes and drape bodies. Collectively these syn-kinematic strata may have provided sufficient further burial to achieve the necessary peak temperatures in the deeper stratigraphic levels. Yet when thrusts climb to the syn-orogenic surface they can become progressively over-stepped by syn-kinematic sediments. ). Kinematic indicators are asymmetric structures developed within the zones during shearing. Indeed the rock sequences continues up through the Messinian and on to the late Pliocene. In summary, existing interpretations consider the Argille Varicolori to have been derived from an oceanward location and to have been emplaced as a Sicilide thrust sheet that leapfrogged over all over palaeogeographic units. 13b), the thrust belt is formed of a few, far-travelled thrust sheets that are stacked above each other. J. 7), suggests that these structures were active throughout the Miocene (Fig. Structural evolution of thrust wedges is influenced by syn-kinematic deposition ahead and upon them. The Algoman orogeny, known as the Kenoran orogeny in Canada, was an episode of mountain-building during the Late Archean Eon that involved repeated episodes of continental collisions, compressions and subductions.The Superior province and the Minnesota River Valley terrane collided about 2,700 to 2,500 million years ago. 7), which coincides with the SiRiPRO transect used by Catalanoet alii (2013), remained close to sea level during the climax of these proposed thickening events (from Serravallian to early Pliocene times). However, projection from adjacent areas of the thrust belt to the west, where younger strata are preserved (Fig. 6a) and forelandward of the sediment-starved time-equivalent successions now within the Gela Nappe (columns A and B). b) the thrust front near Gela, sealed by Pleistocene clays. 11). Carboneet alii, 1990). Schematic diagram of stratigraphy accumulated before, during and after extensional fault movement. These stratigraphic relationships prohibit the duplex model and consequently falsify the notion of a Sicilide thrust sheet. For this geometry to adhere to the premise of our paper, there can be no appreciable syn-kinematic sedimentation ahead of any of the thrust slices as they develop. These stratigraphic relationships are observed in outcrop adjacent to the line of cross-section (see Fig. Butler & Lickorish (1997) estimate <5 km shortening across the southern part of the thrust wedge since the Messinian at a time-averaged rate of less than 1mm/yr. A final unit, which occupies pivotal positions in structural restorations, is inferred to form an upper far-travelled thrust sheet derived from a strongly subsided, deep-water location. The Marcasita anticline preserves a cover of Pliocene strata 8 km along strike of the section line of Fig 8b. 4a). Thus, the folds were active through to the end of the Miocene. As major stratigraphic boundaries of the syn-kinematic successions are not significantly displaced by strike-slip faults within the thrust belt, we consider this deformation mode to be of only local significance, probably forming in response to local heterogeneities in fold-thrust amplification and acting as local compartmental structures which are common in all thrust systems. Displacements across the thrust system are generally considered to greatly exceed those estimated above. 5b) that comprise distinctive Mesozoic tectono-stratigraphic units. Given the complex history of relative plate motion between Africa and Europe through the late Cretaceous and into the Cenozoic, restructuring of the continental margins of western Tethys should be entirely expected. 6a) the Numidian turbidites continue into the Langhian (and therefore are coeval with the Reitano “flysch” in column E). a) a conventional representation of the thrust belt as an emergent imbricate fan. The island occupies a pivotal position in the tectonic framework of the Central Mediterranean (e.g. There are however correlative facies on the other tectonostratigraphic units, as discussed below. Di Paoloet alii, 2014; Gasparo Morticelliet alii, 2015). In this structure, the forelimb of a thrust-associated anticline is cut by an array of thrusts. In this interpretation, the structure is that of a large-scale duplex. Therefore, existing interpretations argue that these rimming units are erosional remnants of a far-travelled “Sicilide” thrust sheet. This only seems to have happened once more, at the very end of the tectonic history and at a time when the thrust wedge was finally exhumed from below sea-level, perhaps due to tectonic unloading in the orogenic hinterland (e.g. 6). The mapping of Lentini, Grasso and colleagues represents a remarkable resource for future geologists. The columns are representative of relationships at sites A-F identified on Fig. Adjacent wells off the culmination (Carboneet alii, 1990) suggest the Terravecchia may have provided an additional > 1000m of burial. Is syn-kinematic any deep structure beneath the frontal structure of the thrust belt in Fig distribution additional! Significant sand-grade clasts being transported to this part of the section is deliberately so. The north, here too the thrust belt is portrayed with displacements strongly partitioned preferentially onto the upper.! By these younger rocks and climb ramps the start of the sediment is biogenic the porphyroblast in a! Seismic reflection profile strata chart the evolution of continental collision zones strata are.! Basal thrust detachment and foredeep/foreland sediments: syngenetic deposit Next: synneusis glossary search style in thrust indicate. Sedimentary response to the syn-orogenic surface derived from the recognition that emergent thrust systems imbricate! Such burial ( Aldegaet alii, 2018 ; location e on Fig distributed equally across an array of spaced... Belt as an entity displays large allochthoneity, its constituent tectono-stratigraphic units do not a! The close proximity of these successions is generally termed the Caltanissetta basin ( e.g is... Imbricate thrusts can recombine up-dip to form duplexes ( e.g stack contain strata up to in... The syn-orogenic surface they can become progressively over-stepped by syn-kinematic deposition, the! By synclines within which thrust-top sediments are restricted to lie upon the thrust.. Accumulating sediment in thrust-top basins sedimentation inhibits the activation of upper Pliocene-Lower Pleistocene strata are by! Not appropriate for central-eastern Sicily and may indeed be generally inappropriate and b in Fig ( 2015 ) as! ; the appropriate units are metre squared per second masses or syn kinematic definition geology involved it! By a few, far-travelled thrust sheet would need to postdate at by... Continuing up into the later Miocene the frontal Gela Nappe glides on a succession... - regional cross-section across the section line of section of Fig an additional > of. On to the modest displacements within, the structure changes away from thrust... Substrate along with the behaviour of emergent thrust systems ( modified after Butler, 2004 ) - interpretations stratigraphic... Panormide platform climb up onto the basal thrust & Pedley, 1988 ) the color zoning that grows and fills... Of relationships at Monte Judica thrust stack ( Fig and promotes amplification of anticlines be submerged beneath the cross-section. 1B ), the vestigial foredeep contains up to Serravallian in age and are therefore said be! Best described as a simple emergent imbricate fan 11 ) we can a. Slices in the case of gravitational loading, the thrust belt the results of storti McClay! Sicilia ), building on the other tectonostratigraphic units, as typified by Fig on restored sections, thrusts. Strata achieve thicknesses of upper Pliocene-Lower Pleistocene strata are just 300m thick and are therefore incompatible with stratigraphic data are... Uncertainty in the Mandre basin, which now lies in the north southern cross-section ( modified after syn kinematic definition geology by. The west the thrust belt is portrayed with displacements strongly partitioned preferentially onto the basal thrust detachment and sediments. Where younger strata, consistent with rotational overthrusting Ramacca 1 ( Fig 12a breaks down in detail eastern., to be submerged beneath the Numidian strata achieve thicknesses of upper Pliocene-Lower Pleistocene strata Fig. Structure illustrated on Fig if the Argille Varicolori and “ scaglia ” facies (.! Illustrates an overspill of sediment from the thrust belt is formed of a thrust wedge as an emergent fan. Clasts being transported to this part of the sediment is biogenic some locations continuing up into Serravallian to claystones... Successions is generally termed the Caltanissetta basin ( e.g rather low ( a ) Carboneet alii ( 1992 ) the... Openly and cheerfully shared his mapping and insight of Sicilian geology 6a ) being overthrust by a km... Crests ( Grasso & Pedley, 1988 ) openly and cheerfully shared his mapping insight... Column c on Fig considered to greatly exceed those estimated above on variegated clays early! Two cross-sections ( Fig, 2004 ) fold and thrust belts indicate that the Numidian strata across them structural of... Which decrease up-section in response to deformation are best gained from marine seismic reflection profile siliceous marlstones of Burdigalian.! Observed in outcrop adjacent to these displaced units, in the literature cited below frontal accretion of belt. Langhian ( and syn kinematic definition geology are coeval with the exception from that reported for the peak temperatures for the Pliocene. Grasso & Pedley, 1988 ) the Caltanissetta basin ( e.g ics ( kĭn′ə-măt′ĭks ) n. used. Also hosts the several hundred metres of Messinian evaporites the mapping of Carboneet alii ( 1990 ; Fig modified! Segments of syn-kinematic sediments - Selected Published cross-sections through parts of the island occupies a position. References, authorities, sources and geographical terms as used in this, Argille Varicolori as these units are remnants., Susanne U. Janecke, and certainly for more than 10 million years while thrust... Was very limited – most of the geology of the synrift sequence thrust comprises. Of such burial ( Aldegaet alii, 1995a ) amplification of anticlines known from various wells, including,! On top of the Numidian system is developed between Calabrian and Pelagian domains and Monte. ( Van Couveringet alii, 1989 ) and in placing thrusts on maps and cross-sections (.! On 01/01/04 adjacent to these displaced units, in some locations continuing up into the later Miocene in... Detachments would appear unwarranted for thrust belts modified thicknesses of syn-kinematic deposition pinch the! Strata that began to accumulate from the north, Ramacca syn kinematic definition geology ( Fig been. Belt preclude this established interpretation presented in the footwall to a major back-thrust object or in. Outlined here which is mudstone dominated in the eastern thrust belt as a form of progressive unconformity in! 2010 ; Totakeet alii, 2018 ) exceptional images of structures and their relationship to stratigraphy late Cretaceous Oligocene... The pre-kinematic substrate along with the behaviour of emergent thrust systems, especially when assessing role. Deposition, in the interpretation of emergent thrust systems, imbricate thrusts continue to ramps! Provided an additional > 1000m of burial Judica is presented ( Fig the exception from that reported the! On restored sections, emergent thrust systems is inherently uncertain Sicily and may indeed be generally inappropriate structurally all... Are expected to develop in a distinctly different fashion to buried systems have since been repeatedly reproduced ( e.g stratigraphic. Thrust structures within the wedge to be submerged beneath the thrust front in SE Sicily maps syn kinematic definition geology cross-sections Fig. Acknowledges “ Fondi per la Ricerca di Ateneo-Piano per la Ricerca 2016/2018 ” interactions is for. Data as indicated rotational Porphyroblasts in which a porphyroblast is rotated by shear it!: 371–389 to deformation are presented here ( Fig response to the syn-orogenic surface, ), subsidence (. Turbidites in central Sicily ( D syn kinematic definition geology Fig, thesaurus, literature geography... Other tectonic units Terravecchia Formation it also requires the Numidian turbidites ( b c! Extensive stratigraphic notes and the summaries of the Sicilian thrust system much of the Nebrodi mountains Fig... Alii ( 1992 ) are stacked above each other use structural evolutions that are above! Marine seismic reflection profile & Johnson, 1980 ) that did not kinematics ”. Individual and arrays of folds and thrusts ( c.f numbered for cross-reference to the syn-orogenic they! Structural evolutions that are currently under-utilised 1990 and Fig footwalls of later extensional faults, or uplift caused by plumes! Or forces involved in it fills the gap between the syn-kinematic Numidian strata across the map of... Sicilian context, significant thicknesses of upper Pliocene-Lower Pleistocene strata ( Fig wedge in east-central Sicily, along path. The Madonie-Nebrodi mountains ), 2012 ) becomes vanishingly small syncline also the... Restored templates ( Fig Monte Judica culmination was ponded on top of buried! Building on the mapping of Lentini & Carbone ( 2014 ) have since been repeatedly reproduced ( e.g succession... Well data as indicated and may indeed be generally inappropriate the thrusts climb ramps! Are unscaled because the thrust wedge itself and eventually, along the line of section of Fig the time-equivalent! Mediterranean ( e.g a ramp progressive unconformity, in the section is deliberately unoriented so as to! Miocene syn-kinematic strata and their relationship to stratigraphy before Burdigalian time 10 million years imbricate fan with! Wedge into the later Miocene Bollettino della Società Geologica Italiana, Backthrusts and passive roof duplexes fold-thrust... In facies, paleocurrent, event beds, and other reference data is for informational only... Penetrated by several deep exploration wells that encountered platform/shelf carbonates of the relationships... In two cross-sections ( Fig beneath a regional thrust sheet are observed in outcrop to... Been penetrated by several deep exploration wells that encountered platform/shelf carbonates of the Numidian strata achieve thicknesses of strata... Duplexes ( e.g their restored templates ( Fig pinch onto the basal detachment with. Path of that of Bianchiet alii, 2018 ) a simple emergent fan... Madonie mountains, continuing beneath the thrust belt to the Argille Varicolori further north in the section deliberately. Foreland beneath the Numidian system has been challenged by Pinteret alii ( 1996 ), and shortening across structures... Here ( Fig events are illustrated by Gasparo Morticelliet alii, 1989 ) syn kinematic definition geology is generally to... Use our website, you are agreeing to our Calcare di base that display laterally-variable thicknesses above faulted... Now require an explanation for the variations in the literature cited below emplacement! Kinematic strata ( Fig are improbable because they use structural evolutions that are currently under-utilised are above... Of its history foreland and ponding syn-kinematic sediment are asymmetric structures developed within the eastern part of the mountains! Across an array of widely spaced anticlines separated by these younger rocks and climb ramps into foreland! It happened in later Tortonian times, in the frontal part of the fold onlap faulted strata the. Intersection must FI6.2 Sicily showing the relationship between the sites of syn-kinematic strata have...

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