brief history of papua new guinea

The rebellion ended in 1998. In 2001, a peace agreement was signed between the government and former rebels, with a United Nations Observer Mission and Regional Peace Monitoring Force tasked to monitor the government and provincial leaders in the country. This was something that locals had never experienced from their colonial overlords. There are no longer headhunters in the Highlands, the mountainous region west of Madang. Around 9000 years ago, Papua New Guineans began cultivating local crops, becoming some of the world’s earliest farmers. Somare was the first prime minister in the country’s history to avoid the familiar no-confidence motion and then be re-elected in July 2007 as an incumbent prime minister. The written history began when European navigators first sighted New Guinea in the early part of the 17th century. The area around Tuno in the No-Go Zone is also where Noah Musingku maintains his own fiefdom. In WWII the region formed the backdrop to horrific battles on sea and land, particularly when Australian forces repelled the Japanese advance along the tortuous Kokoda Track. Over the next 16 months, Australian and US forces battled their way towards the Japanese strongholds along the north coast at a cost of thousands of lives. Famously, the corner post of that first bush chapel took root and grew into the Modawa Tree which is still there today, symbolising the growth of the Anglican Church in Papua New Guinea. Between AD 1200 and AD 1600 some Polynesians started heading westward again and, finding most of the islands of New Guinea already inhabited, settled some of the remaining isolated islands and atolls. 1768  Louis-Antoine de Bougainville sails through the Solomon Islands and names Bougainville after himself; Choiseul after French diplomat Étienne-François duc de Choiseul; and Buka after an Islander word. Elsewhere in the world, the development of agriculture resulted in the establishment of cities and an elite class, but this did not happen in New Guinea or the Solomon Islands. The Highlanders, who had only known a barter economy, were quick to adapt to cash. 1884  Germany hoists the flag on the north coast of the New Guinea mainland and establishes the German Neuguinea Kompanie at Finschhafen. What became known as the Sandline Affair was a disaster, but ironically the fall-out brought world attention to the conflict and forced the protagonists to find peaceful solutions. In 1894, The Rt Rev’d Montague Stone-Wigg became the first Bishop of New Guinea, and established mission stations along the northern Milne Bay and Oro coast. Coastal people built canoes, and feasting and dancing were regular activities. The Head of State is HM Queen Elizabeth II, represented in Papua New Guinea by a Governor-General, currently His Excellency Sir Robert Dadae. There were violent and unpredictable attacks on foreigners, and several savage massacres. Sudden changes, where the world seems to be tipped upside down, happen more often than we think. A series of British ‘claims’ followed, which were repudiated each time by Queen Victoria’s government. Germany occupied parts of Papua New Guinea in 1884 and ruled over the region for a few decades. Law and order became a more serious issue in the 1990s, when mineral-rich PNG began to develop large-scale mining operations. The country gained its independence from Australia in 1975 and is growing and gradually taking its place in the family of nations. When Mick Leahy ventured inland in 1930 he was looking for gold. The discovery of gold brought a rush of settlers to the north coast in the 1920s. The Dutch East India Company took control of the western half of the island in 1828, which was then split between the British and Germans in the 1880s until after World War 1 when it was transferred to the sole control of Australia before being occupied by the Japanese during World War 2. * Do not hesitate to comment and share the video. Michael Somare, who helped lead the nation towards self-government, becomes the first prime minister. The protectorate, called British New Guinea, was annexed outright on September 4, 1888. Papua New Guinea is an independent Commonwealth nation that achieved independence on 16 September 1975 from the Australian-administered United Nations trusteeship. The Business Council of Papua New Guinea said tourism, manufacturing, retail and agriculture should be the … The first inhabitants of the island New Guinea were Papuan, Melanesian, and Negrito tribes, who altogether spoke more than 700 distinct languages. From the 1980s onward, developers exploited Papua New Guinea’s huge gold and copper deposits. because of this diversity they have different expressive forms of art, songs, dances, costumes and many more to give each group th eir cultural identity. 1699  Swashbuckling Englishman William Dampier charts the southeastern coasts of New Britain and New Ireland and discovers the Dampier Strait between the New Britain and the New Guinea mainland. ‘Grand Chief’ Sir Michael Somare, PNG’s ‘father of independence’, returned in 2002 for a third stint as prime minister and introduced electoral reforms to create a more stable political climate, and in turn to help the economy. Sandalwood and bêche-de-mer (sea cucumber) traders brought iron and steel tools, calico and fish hooks, but ultimately it was treachery and resentment that they left. Papua New Guinea has changed since Bro. The word papua is derived from an old local term of uncertain origin. " 1000 BC  The second great wave of migration in the Pacific associated with proto-Polynesian ‘Lapita people’ colonises islands east of the Solomons. It is estimated that almost a third of Tolais from northern New Britain were killed. A Brief History of Papua New Guinea. Archaeological evidence suggests humans first reached New Guinea, and then Australia and the Solomon Islands, by island-hopping across the Indonesian archipelago from Asia at least 60,000 years ago. It is a parliamentary democracy with a governor general representing the British Crown, a prime minister and cabinet, and a 109-member unicameral, popularly elected parliament. In 1885 Germany annexed the northern coast 'New Guinea' and Britain annexed the southern regions 'Papua'. At Kuk (or Kup) Swamp in the Wahgi Valley in Western Highlands Province, archaeologists have found evidence of human habitation going back 20,000 years and there is evidence of gardening beginning 9000 years ago. The first humans in the area arrived from Asia some 60,000 years ago, settling the coasts and lower elevations of the Highlands. Many British, French and American explorers followed and from 1798 whalers sailed through the islands. Australia enacted legislation aimed at restricting the commercial exploitation of Eastern New Guinea to British nationals and, more particularly, Australians. Around this time steel axe-heads were traded into the Highlands from the coast. The Autonomous Bougainville Government was sworn into office on 15 June 2005 with Joseph Kabui as its president. The Germans eventually decamped to New Britain, where German-initiated plantations still operate today. Papua New Guinea : History Papua New Guinea is an island country that lies in the south-western Pacific. From 1977 when the national election was held, leadership changed hands continuously through votes of confidence, culminating in a nine-year rebellion by secessionist rebels that claimed the lives of 20,000 from both sides. You have a great deal of respect for the old British Empire and what it once stood for and your values … Papua New Guinea’s constitution was adopted in 1975 and has been amended frequently since then. Most Melanesians were initially militarily neutral in the conflict, although they were used extensively on both sides as labourers, guides, carriers and informers – sometimes press-ganged by the Japanese and Australians. The name New Guinea was given by Spaniard Yñigo Ortiz de Petez in 1545 because of the striking similarity in appearance between the inhabitants of the African Guinea coast and those of the island. Around 9000 years ago, Papua New Guineans began cultivating local crops, becoming some of the world’s earliest farmers. It took until 1945 to regain all the mainland from the Japanese but New Ireland, New Britain and Bougainville were not relieved until the official Japanese surrender. PAPUA NEW GUINEA’S EARLY HISTORY Our ancient inhabitants are believed to have arrived in Papua New Guinea about 50-60,000 years ago from Southeast Asia during an Ice Age period when the sea was lower and distances between islands was shorter. In early June 2012, Australia and New Zealand sent troops to Papua New Guinea to help keep order in general elections. Papua New Guinea was originally known as Papua, a Malay word given by Portuguese explorer Jorge de Menezes, which means tightly curled hair characteristic of most of its inhabitants. And so it remained for more than a century. March 2005  A diplomatic spat between PNG and Australia erupts after Prime Minister Michael Somare is asked to remove his shoes at a routine security screening in Brisbane airport. An influx of expatriates to Papua and New Guinea, mainly Australians, fuelled rapid economic growth. The 1980s and ’90s saw PNG face a series of challenges: a volcanic eruption in 1994 buried much of Rabaul; ongoing border problems involving the Organisasi Papua Merdeka (Free West Papua Movement) strained relations with Indonesia and saw thousands moved to refugee camps in PNG; and a growing level of corruption and government misspending sucked money away from where it was needed most – education and health. Spanish and Portuguese explorers came to know of the existence of the New Guinea island as early as the 16th century. History. Known as ‘blackbirding’, men were carted off to provide plantation labour in northern Australia and Fiji. Humans probably climbed up to settle in the Highlands about 30,000 years ago. Francis Ona, leader of the BRA and staunch opponent of the BPA, died of malaria barely a month later on 24 July 2005. The culture of Papua new guinea is very complex, it is estimated to have more 1000 cultural groups. In November 2006 there was armed confrontation between the Fijian ex-soldiers and their trainees on one side, and pro-government Bougainville Freedom Fighters on the other. A pearl hidden in the South Pacific, Madang is a totally unexpected montage of immense physical beauty, tribal cultures, friendly people and pristine diving. Musingku hired eight Fijian mercenaries as bodyguards and to train his private army, offering them US$1 million each. When WWI broke out in 1914, Australian troops quickly overran the German headquarters at Rabaul and for the next seven years German New Guinea was run by the Australian military. This led to the annexation of the protectorate in 1902 with the Commonwealth of Australia exercising authority over it. New Guinea was now divided into three sections: a Dutch half protecting the eastern edge of the Dutch East Indies; a British quarter to keep the Germans (and everybody else) away from Australia; and a German quarter that would ultimately become a highly profitable outpost of German plantation agriculture. The power struggle continues. A Short History of Papua New Guinea is a concise book describing the quick and steady growth of the many small, isolated and self-sufficient societies that made up the fledgeling British Papua and German New Guinea colonies towards the end of the last century. The expat population grew from about 6000 to more than 50,000 in 1971. They were wise and able Papua New Guineans. It is the third topic dealing with the. In 1870, Russian anthropologist Nicholai Miklukho-Maklai wrote a treatise on the life of the inhabitants after he had made expeditions to the island and lived with some of the native tribes for many years. It’s also the anniversary of the 1942 battle between the Papuan Infantry Battalion and the Japanese invaders that took place near the Kumusi River in Oro Province. 1989  The first PNG Defence Force (PNGDF) soldiers are killed as civil war breaks out in Bougainville; the following year PNGDF troops are withdrawn from Bougainville and the island is blockaded. The U.S. Instead, on that and nine subsequent expeditions over the next five years, Leahy, his brother Dan and Jim Taylor ‘discovered’ about a million people living in the secluded valleys of the New Guinea Highlands. (Today it’s around 20,000.). A History of Papua New Guinea and its Neighbours is the first term's work of the Grade 9 Provincial High School Social Science Course. Sir Michael Somare retained power for a third term as prime minister of PNG, promising electoral reform. Despite being in decline elsewhere, slavery was thriving in New Guinea during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Papua New Guinea was originally known as Papua, a Malay word given by Portuguese explorer Jorge de Menezes, which means tightly curled hair characteristic of most of its inhabitants. Human occupation of the island of New Guinea happened around 42,000 years back when people from Africa migrated here. These bizarre circumstances aside, the UN regards the negotiated peace agreement on Bougainville as one of the most successful anywhere in the world in modern times. The country's geography is diverse. The islands quickly became notorious as the most dangerous place in the Pacific, inhabited by head-hunters and cannibals. All this served as a backdrop to the revolving door of prime ministers and no-confidence motions that characterised politics in PNG. In 1997 the government of Sir Julius Chan hired mercenaries to try to crush the separatists. However, it wasn’t until 1526 that another Portuguese, Jorge de Menezes, became the first European to set foot on the main island – he named it Ilha dos Papuas. The Melanesian experience of WWII caused a sharp resurgence in cargo cultism. Bilateral Representation. It’s not known when pigs and more productive starch crops (Asian yams, taro and bananas) were introduced, but New Guineans have had domesticated pigs for at least 10,000 years. October 2011  Following discoveries of enormous gas fields, work commences on an 850km-long pipeline – part of the US$15 billion LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas) project, which could potentially double the country’s GDP. A Brief History of Papua New Guinea 1526 = a Portuguese explorer becomes the first European to reach the island of New Guinea , and names it Papua. Each settlement comprised just one extended family as well as the captives from raiding neighbouring settlements – ritual head-hunting, slave-raiding and cannibalism were common. Masses of abandoned war equipment were put to use in developing New Guinea. Portuguese traders introduced the sweet potato to New Guinea in the 18th century. 1914  Australia seizes German New Guinea at the outbreak of WWI and is officially given German New Guinea in 1920 as a mandated territory by the League of Nations. Welcome in Papua New Guinea. In 1526 the first European Jorge de Meneses sighted the mainland and named it Ilhas dos Papuas, land of frizzy haired people. 1660  The Dutch East India Company claims Dutch sovereignty over still-unexplored New Guinea in order to protect its profitable business interests in modern-day Indonesia. In a flanking move, the Japanese landed at Milne Bay but were repulsed after a bloody 10-day battle with Australian troops. US soldiers – many of them black – treated locals as equals and shared food with them. As surprising as it is, history tends to work this way. An arbitrary line divides German and British New Guinea. First the giant Ok Tedi gold-and-copper mine poisoned much of the Ok Tedi and Fly Rivers, and then conflict over profits from the Panguna copper mine in Bougainville led to war. In 1768 Louis-Antoine de Bougainville discovered Buka, Bougainville and Choiseul islands. The dawn of the Lutheran Christian Faith in Papua New Guinea came on July 12 1886 through Johann Flierl when he sailed into the quiet beaches of Simbang, Finschhafen. June 2005  Peace at last returns to troubled Bougainville. 1545 = a Spanish explorer names the island of New Guinea, he chose the name because he thought the island natives were similar in appearance to the natives of Guinea in West Africa. During the First World … However, after years of Somare rule New Guineans seemed ready for a change, and parliament voted to remove him following a five-month absence from the country in 2011. The following decade, expeditions to the interior led to the jaw-dropping discovery of more than a million Highlanders living unknown to the outside world. however there are 20 provinces in Papua new guinea and each province has its own traditional dress and custom songs. 1526 = a Portuguese explorer becomes the first European to reach the island of New Guinea, and names it Papua. New Guinea" (Nueva Guinea) was the name coined by the Spanish explorer Yñigo Ortiz de Retez.In 1545, he noted the resemblance of the people to those he had earlier seen along the Guinea coast of Africa. 1942  The invading Japanese establish a base in Rabaul in January, by April they’ve taken most of New Guinea and the Solomons and by September they’ve begun their retreat along the Kokoda Track. Rebel leader Francis Ona and the Bougainville Revolutionary Army (BRA) fought for independence from PNG. New Guinea is the second largest island in the world after Greenland. People worshipped ancestors, not gods. These developments saw huge rises in population, and an increase in war, slave-trading and head-hunting. It grows to become one of the largest and best-known singsings in the country, attracting scores of participating tribes. A Brief History of Papua New Guinea The first humans in the area arrived from Asia some 60,000 years ago, settling the coasts and lower elevations of the Highlands. They cultivated breadfruit, sago, coconuts, yams and sugar cane (which originated in New Guinea). A year later, Papua and New Guinea were combined in an administrative union, which was confirmed by the Papua and New Guinea Act to make it as the Territory of Papua and New Guinea. Papua New Guinea: Introduction Papua New Guinea is a country in Oceania, occupying the eastern half of the island New Guinea and numerous offshore islands. 1790s  The British explore the western part of the New Guinea mainland, while sandalwood and bêche-de-mer (sea cucumber) traders and whalers sail through the islands of New Guinea and the Solomons. It includes the eastern half of New Guinea and many small offshore islands. After 1945, the renamed Papua New Guine… In an age of aeroplanes, radio and international telecommunications, the discovery was stunning. Having raced south through Asia and the Pacific, the Japanese occupied Rabaul in New Guinea in January 1942. These fast became the greatest contributors to the economy, but also social, environmental and political burdens that, in the 1980s and ’90s, took a heavy toll. The last isolated atolls remain unsettled for another 2000 years. Meanwhile, the 1990s also saw tragic natural disasters, including a volcanic eruption that buried Rabaul. A number of Papua New Guineans were decorated for their bravery. Progressive Sir Hubert Murray is governor from 1907 until 1940. Eager to protect incursions into the eastern end of their fabulously profitable Dutch East Indies Empire (modern-day Indonesia), the Dutch East Indies Company claimed sovereignty over unexplored New Guinea in 1660. The eastern half of New Guinea was first explored by Spanish and Portuguese explorers in the 16th century. But some were heavily involved with the Allies, operating behind enemy lines as ‘coastwatchers’. The descendants of these people speak non-Austronesian (or Papuan) languages and are today called Melanesians. To date, all but one have either returned to Fiji or turned themselves over to the PNG police – none received the money promised to them. But New Guinea was regarded as a large, daunting place with no obvious wealth to exploit and very hostile natives, so it was largely left alone while European colonists plundered the Americas. 1930  The Leahy brothers walk into and ‘discover’ the Highlands – and about one million people living completely unaware of the outside world. By September 1942 the previously undefeated Japanese were in a slow and bloody retreat. Larry first arrived. 1994  Two of Rabaul’s volcanoes – Vulcan and Tavurvur – erupt, burying the prettiest town in the Pacific in volcanic ash; nearby Kokopo becomes the new capital of East New Britain. People lived in small villages on well-established tribal lands practising shifting cultivation, fishing and hunting. However, Japanese successes in New Guinea were short-lived. People have inhabited the area for thousands of years and even today the country has over 850 different languages and cultures. The 21st century began with promise: the brokering of a state treaty with the newly formed Autonomous Bougainville Government finally brought peace (and the future possibility of self-rule) to the island. The Japanese refused to surrender. The discovery of large deposits of gold at Edie Creek and the Bulolo Valley in the 1920s brought men and wealth to the north coast. European diseases were devastating in New Guinea, and the guns the traders brought resulted in an explosion of warfare and head-hunting. The British East India Company explored parts of western New Guinea in 1793 and even made a tentative claim on the island but in 1824 Britain and the Netherlands agreed the latter’s colonial claim to the western half of the New Guinea island should stand (and it did until 1963). Due to hostile territory and fierce natives, Europeans weren’t very interested in the region, though in 1660 the Dutch claimed sovereignty over unexplored parts to help protect its Dutch East Indies Empire. The southern half of eastern New Guinea was annexed by the Colony of Queensland in 1883 before the before the British New Guinea, a British protectorate, was proclaimed over the southern coast and nearby islands. 1545 = a Spanish explorer names the island of New Guinea, he chose the name because he thought the island natives were similar in appearance to the natives of Guinea in West Africa. After an election in 1972, a ministry was formed under a Chief Minister before the country turned self-governing in 1973, and finally gained its independence on September 16, 1975. Papua New Guinea borders the Coral Sea, the Southern Pacific Ocean, and Indonesia. In March 2002 the PNG government passed legislation that brought into effect autonomy arrangements of the Bougainville Peace Agreement (BPA), which guarantees a referendum for Bougainvillean independence by 2020. Papua and New Guinea used to be separate entities, influenced and colonized over 250 years by the Sultanate of Tidore, Holland, Germany, Britain and Japan. It remains Dutch-owned for the next century. New Guinea has been inhabited for some 10,000 years, but its recorded history began with the visits of Portuguese explorers in the early 16th century, followed by Dutch traders. A History of Papua New Guinea and Its Neighbours , , 1990, Oceania, 60 pages. The Autonomous Bougainville Government is sworn into office on 15 June 2005 with Joseph Kabui as its president. For Papua New Guinea it was dramatic and brief conflation of events that changed its future forever. Tok Pisin (New Guinea Pidgin) English Bilingual Dictionary & Encyclopedia of Papua New Guinea. 1957  Kiaps (Australian patrol officers) organise the first Goroka Show. Johann Flierl. 1999  Australian mining giant BHP admits to causing major environmental damage in the operation of the gold-and-copper Ok Tedi mine. The migrations were made easier by a fall in the sea level during the Pleistocene period, or Great Ice Age, and by a land bridge that linked PNG with northern Australia. 1906  British New Guinea becomes the Territory of Papua and its administration is taken over by newly independent Australia. Every year, 23 July is commemorated as Remembrance Day for the Papua New Guineans who died in WWII. 2014 March - Papua New Guinea's Supreme Court begins a human rights inquiry into Australia's immigration detention centre on Manus Island. New Guinea’s white colonialists had thought the area uninhabited, but it was the most densely populated part of the country. The Bougainville war drained resources and divided PNG along tribal lines for years, it also strained relations with the Solomons. Graphium weiskei goodenovii Rothschild, 1915 (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae) has been known for over a century only from two male specimens: one in the Natural History Museum, London; the other in the Oxford University Museum of Natural History (OUMNH). Brief History of the Central Bank The Bank of Papua New Guinea is a corporate entity which was first established under the Central Banking Act, Chapter 138 (repealed) in 1973. Papua New Guinea’s magnificent and varied scenery reflects a generally recent geologic history in which movements of the Earth ’s crust resulted in the collision of the northward-moving Australian Plate with the westward-moving Pacific Plate. In 1964 a House of Assembly with 64 members was formed. The war’s sudden arrival and its massive impact could not have been more profound. In the launching of Papua New Guinea [s first ever national vision, on behalf of the people of Papua New Guinea, I acknowledge and express our deepest appreciation to our founding fathers, who had the foresight to chart the course of our nation [s history. In September 1884, when the British announced that they intended to claim part of New Guinea, the Germans quickly raised the flag on the north coast. The first Europeans arrived in the 16th century; Portugal named the area, while Spain started several colonies that ended in disaster. A Brief History European sea captains and navigators were the first travellers to record their meetings with the people of Papua New Guinea. A compromise was reached – an arbitrary line was drawn east–west through the ‘uninhabited’ Highlands between German and British New Guinea. They travelled vast distances in small canoes. The low-lying plains of southern New Guinea are geologically part of the Australian Plate. In 1906 the Australians took over colonial administration and later cemented their power by driving out Germany during WWI. Mick Leahy’s meticulous recording of events – in his diary, several hours of 16mm film and more than 5000 photographs – can be seen in the 1983 documentary First Contact. Musingku operated an illegal pyramid fast-money scheme called U-Vastrict that left investors all over PNG empty-handed. Upon its invasion by Japan during the Pacific War in 1941, the country’s civil administration was suspended but was restored upon Japan’s surrender to United States forces in 1945. Australia’s policy of reinforcing literacy and education was part of a concerted effort to create an educated social group that could run government. Long ago, an earthquake greeted Bro. The Japanese came within 50km of Port Moresby, but an unsustainably extended supply line and heroic resistance by Australian soldiers with local help turned the course of the whole Pacific war. The prehistory of Papua New Guinea can be traced to about 60,000 years ago, when people first migrated towards the Australian continent. Under the Australian administration, kiaps (patrol officers) were usually the first Europeans to venture into previously ‘uncontacted’ areas, and were also responsible for making the government’s presence felt on a regular basis. The traders brought resulted in an explosion of warfare and head-hunting first by! Sworn into office on 15 June 2005 with Joseph Kabui as its president Germany the. Prime minister is head of state, and Indonesia conflation of events that changed its future forever sworn. Today called Melanesians help keep order in general elections speak non-Austronesian ( or Papuan ) languages and cultures rapid growth. Spending months away on medical leave, prime minister Michael Somare, who helped lead nation... Of them black – treated locals as equals and shared food with them been profound... 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